Amalgamation: Definition, Examples, Positive and Negative Impacts!

Amalgamation is – In sociology, there are many terms that represent or describe people’s lives. One of them is the term amalgamation. Amalgamation is a marriage process between different ethnicities or races.
Amalgamation also still sounds quite foreign to many people. However, we often find examples of actual amalgamation in everyday life.

Then, what is amalgamation and what are some examples? Check out a more complete explanation of amalgamation, starting from its meaning, examples to its positive and negative impacts, below.

Definition of Amalgamation

Terms in sociology are often used to show or describe something more easily, one of which is the term amalgamation. This term describes a social process that fuses a cultural group in the same area, so that something new emerges, but without leaving its basic culture.

In addition, amalgamation is also often referred to as the process of marriage between different ethnicities or races. The term was first used in the 20th century in the United States and is used elsewhere. There are many positive things to be gained from this amalgamation, one of which is being able to minimize the risk of conflict between two ethnicities or races in one region.

The term amalgamation itself has been around for a long time, namely starting in 1967, because of the distinction between the two racial camps, namely whites and blacks. It is in this compartmentalization or even the most ironic thing about the law regarding the prohibition of marriage between the United States and other countries.

The phenomenon of amalgamation is more specifically related to marriage which also often occurs in Indonesia. In Indonesia, many people marry with different races or ethnicities. Thus, this amalgamation can arise due to differences in diversity in society, such as differences in degrees, education, social, economic, skin color, race, facial shape, in height and so on.

With an amalgamation that combines two cultures, of course, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Because, the existence of these 2 merged cultures will produce a new culture. Meanwhile, on the other hand, it can also be a drawback because it eliminates the old culture that is the culture of origin.

Amalgamation Example

There are many examples of amalgamation itself, but generally examples of amalgamation are in marriages where the two prospective bride and groom come from different races. The following are some examples of amalgamations that often occur.

Javanese Ethnic Marriage with Sundanese Ethnicity

In the past, the Javanese and the Sundanese were not the two ethnic groups that got along with each other even though they both lived on the island of Java. With more and more ethnic Javanese marrying Sundanese and vice versa, the conflict between the two is gradually being forgotten.

In addition, marriages that took place between Javanese and Sundanese ethnic groups also gave rise to new traditions and cultural characteristics. For example, the Javanese ethnicity is known to have a tenacious and refined character. On the other hand, the Sundanese are known to have beautiful and white faces.

With the existence of marriage between these two ethnicities, it is not impossible that a new generation will be born who will inherit the beautiful and white face of the Sundanese ethnicity with a tenacious and refined character like the Javanese ethnicity.

Marriage between Negroes and Whites

Another marriage that occurs as an example of amalgamation is that of a negro and a white man. You will find many of these marriages in the United States of America, which has a large black and white population in that country. With the marriages taking place between negroes and whites, the United States slowly began to become a very tolerant country.

Previously, it was quite difficult for society to accept negroes, and often negroes were discriminated against by those around them. After the occurrence of amalgamation and many negroes and whites who married each other, this discrimination slowly faded away. In addition to reduced social discrimination, amalgamation in the United States has also brought many changes to people’s lives, ranging from increased tolerance, to ways of speaking and clothing styles that are more accepted by society.

Marriage between Indonesians and Foreigners

Every country certainly has different culture and values, starting from aspects of language, aspects of behavior patterns, aspects of lifestyle, aspects of speech styles, and much more in each country. Marriage to two different people in a country will of course present a new generation which will later have a new culture that is in accordance with the values ​​and culture of both parents. But of course, this is also closely related to how their parents pass on and educate their values ​​and culture.

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Interfaith Marriage

An example of an amalgamation that is very likely to occur in Indonesia is interfaith marriage. The existence of religious diversity raises the possibility of interfaith marriages. Even when compared to other marriages, interfaith marriages are quite rare.

Usually, every religion has a different wedding procession. When interfaith marriages take place, usually the bride and groom will agree on what kind of procession they will do without harming either party.

On the Process of Making Gold

In this gold amalgamation, for example, in the process of making or processing gold bars using traditional methods. With the addition of this material from mercury which will be used to extract gold in the rocks.

In this gold amalgamation there is still a way of mining using traditional systems. Because, with this fairly easy method, it only costs relatively cheap, does not require modern equipment or sophisticated technology.

On the BPJS Membership Card

BPJS Amalgamation is a way of combining the existing membership of BPJS members to become one. This could have happened because there were participants who often came in and out of different companies, so each company gave them a membership card.

The membership card is intended to facilitate the process of disbursing BPJS funds with a nominal value that has been combined with the previous company. In the BPJS amalgamation process it is often carried out to get maximum benefits, especially benefits in the health sector.

Positive Impact of Amalgamation

Amalgamation as a marriage between two different cultures will raise concerns for each social group. However, actually there are many positive impacts that will be obtained by doing amalgamation.

The Emergence of a New Culture

The most obvious impact of an amalgamation is the emergence of a new culture. When two people of different cultures marry each other, they will pass on the culture they previously had to the next generation or to their children. Marriage will make it easier for two ethnicities with different cultures to introduce their respective cultures through parenting.

With different parenting styles, parents will agree on the parenting styles they will apply to their children, so that a combined parenting style emerges that produces generations with different cultures.

Exchange Experience

Cultural differences will also be an interesting thing for couples to discuss after marriage. Starting from the life they live, education, beliefs, and many other things which of course will result in a different life experience than before. Talking to one another about past experiences will also bring up something new that is more akin to a merging of two cultures.

Producing a New Generation

Marriage between two ethnic groups will also produce a new generation that is different from their parents. Both in terms of the culture they hold, as well as in terms of genetics. For example, if an Indonesian with a short stature marries a foreigner with a tall body, they will have offspring with a stature that tends to be tall with a somewhat Caucasian face.

Negative Impact of Amalgamation

Although there are many positive impacts that can be brought about through amalgamation, this amalgamation is also inseparable from the negative impacts that may occur, including:

Fading Indigenous Values ​​and Cultures

Merger that occurs or even fusion between the two cultures will lead to the birth of a new culture. This new culture is not always good, and sometimes it will cause the loss of the original culture brought by their original parents.

The emergence of conflict

Conflict as something that is often unavoidable. In amalgamation, the possibility of conflict is caused by excessive dominance of one of the cultural holders. The cultural indoctrination that he has will cause the couple to feel the need to maintain the culture he has that he has been born with. Conditions like this will be increasingly tapered and can lead to conflict.

Unequal Population Distribution

Amalgamation perpetrators often have a tendency to make efforts for people around them to be able to enter into mixed marriages with their partner’s same ethnicity. With the desire to continue the dynasty like this, the risk of population distribution becomes uneven and will become a big problem in the future.

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From the explanation above, it can be said that amalgamation is a social process that fuses a cultural group in the same area, so that something new emerges, but without leaving its basic culture. This is an explanation of amalgamation, starting from understanding, examples, to negative and positive impacts. Hopefully all the discussion above can add insight to Sinaumed’s.

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