Forms of International Cooperation & Benefits for the Country

Forms of International Cooperation & Benefits for Countries – Every country certainly needs other countries. This is so that the country can make its people live in prosperity. And there has never been a country that has been able to work and develop its country independently without needing the slightest assistance from other countries.

Therefore, every country has a relationship or even cooperates with other countries. International cooperation is cooperation between two or more countries.

International cooperation has the main goal of mutual benefit and mutual benefit between the two countries, but also adheres to the political-economic guidelines of the countries that are cooperating.

In order for a country to increase its economic potential, it also includes the objectives of international cooperation. To be clearer, you can see the explanation below.

Definition of International Cooperation

International cooperation is defined in general, namely as cooperation involving most of the countries in the world or also countries throughout the world.

This international economic cooperation is intended to provide benefits to their respective countries. International cooperation can also be interpreted as a cooperative relationship between two or more countries in order to achieve certain goals.

International cooperation is generally carried out between countries in order to meet the needs of the people and other interests as well.

At a glance, that is the meaning of international cooperation. Some experts express opinions regarding the understanding of international cooperation. The definition of international cooperation according to experts is as follows.

1. Perwita and Yani

According to Perwita and Yani, international cooperation is a system of relations that is based on international life and is divided into various fields. Examples include the economic, ideological, political, socio-cultural, health, environmental, security and defense sectors.

2. Dougherty and Pfaltzgraff

International cooperation according to Dougherty and Pfaltzgraff is a relationship between countries that is being forged and does not have an element of coercion or violence. And also ratified by international law in an effort to give freedom to build the country itself.

3. Holsty

According to Holsti, international cooperation is collaboration that every country does when it sees a national problem that is happening in that country. This problem must be handled properly. Because it can also threaten the unity and integrity of a country, therefore the country will immediately try to solve the problem by establishing cooperation with other countries.

4. Charles Armor McCleland

The definition of international cooperation according to Charles was put forward through his book entitled Theory and the International System in 1966. In his writings Charles, he had the opinion that international cooperation is all forms of interaction that occur between people and countries and are carried out by the government or citizens. the.

5. Koesnadi Kartasasmita

According to Koesnadi, international cooperation is the result of international relations and also the result of increasing complexity in human life in today’s international society.

6. William D. Coplin

William D Colpin also expressed his opinion regarding international cooperation through an article entitled Introduction to International Politics: A Theoretical Overview in 1971. According to William international cooperation is cooperation that originates from a form for one reason, namely the state has a desire to carry out routine interactions and new. And also good in order to achieve common goals.

7. Theodore A Couloumbis and also James H Wolfe

Wolfe and Couloumbis also expressed the opinion that international cooperation is international relations in the form of interactions that occur between citizens of one country and another. Couloumbis and Wolfe expressed their opinion through their writing entitled Introduction to International Relations in 1986.

That was the meaning of international cooperation in general and also according to some experts. And from the understanding of some experts reveal that international cooperation is carried out in order to achieve a goal. Then what is the intended purpose of the notion of cooperation? Here’s an explanation.

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International Cooperation Objectives

As has been explained by several experts regarding the notion of international cooperation. This international cooperation can be carried out by several countries that want to achieve common goals and want to prosper their countries. The main goal is, of course, for mutual benefit. But there are several other objectives of this international cooperation. Some of the objectives of the existence of international cooperation are as follows:

1. Strengthen Friendship Relations

The most basic purpose of this international cooperation is to strengthen friendship between one country and another country that is cooperating. By strengthening friendship between countries, it will prevent these countries from feeling hostile and prevent war.

2. Creating World Peace

While strengthening friendly relations, this cooperation can also create a sense of peace. Good friendship between countries that cooperate can create world peace.

World peace is something that everyone wants. Because when peace is created, a much better situation will also be created.

3. Can Increase Economic Growth

The next goal is the goal that every country generally wants to achieve. One of the goals of countries in establishing international cooperation is to support the economy and increase the economic growth of a country.

An example is the State of Indonesia which is a developing country. Because Indonesia is still a developing country, Indonesia wants to achieve its goal of becoming a developed country. Therefore, a country carries out various international cooperation, such as export and import activities.

4. Expanding the Workforce

With this international cooperation, a country can exchange students from one country to another, so that students will have experience and will form new experts.

The birth of these new experts will have a good impact on the country. In addition, citizens who have become experts can create new jobs and expand existing jobs in the country.

5. Improving Progress in Various Fields

Countries that are establishing international cooperation with other countries, it is
hoped that this cooperation can increase the progress of a country in various fields.

With international cooperation, it is hoped that the country will bring prosperity and progress in various fields.

6. To Complement State Needs

Generally, conditions in a country are different, and these climatic conditions make it difficult for several countries to fulfill the country’s needs, such as harvesting food from agricultural and marine products.

Therefore, with this international cooperation, the aim is to complement the needs of the country.

For example, like Indonesia which is an agricultural country, Indonesia certainly has more reserves of the staple rice compared to countries that do not have land for farming, such as most countries in Europe. Therefore, several countries that have established international cooperative relations with Indonesia aim to meet the economic needs of their countries.

7. Prevent Conflict

International cooperation also has the goal of preventing conflict between countries. By establishing cooperation, a very close friendship is formed with the cooperating countries, so as to prevent conflict with countries that agree to work together.

That was the goal to be achieved by a country when establishing an international cooperation with other countries. Then, does this international cooperation have benefits that will be obtained by a country? the existence of international cooperation can enable countries to experience various benefits from this cooperation, what are the benefits of international cooperation? Give me an explanation.

Benefits of International Cooperation

International cooperation is a relationship that is established with other countries, having the same goals and hopes for prosperity and benefits for the country itself and its citizens.

From these advantages, of course citizens can feel the various benefits in it. The following are the benefits that citizens feel from international cooperation:

1. Promote and improve the country’s economy. this can be seen in terms of transactions and also the results of export and import by the country.

2. Get the opportunity to study and seek knowledge and technology from developed countries

3. From international cooperation, of course foreign capital will easily enter

4. Making demand for a product increase with import and export from one country to another. This will certainly improve the economic condition of a country

5. Opportunity to increase the price of imported goods

6. Participate in educating the workforce because workers are always required to be disciplined, good work results because they will be exported to other countries

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7. Countries that have cooperative ties with other countries will easily obtain inadequate production materials from their country of origin. which then from these raw materials will be produced into profitable finished materials

8. With this cooperation between countries, it will increasingly create wider employment opportunities, and decrease the unemployment rate in the country

9. Can speed up a plan/a business that requires sizable funds by borrowing from international banks

10. Preventing the fading of the culture of the country itself

The points above are various benefits that will be felt by citizens and the country itself when cooperating with other countries. How? very profitable right? after knowing the meaning and benefits, now we discuss the types and forms of international cooperation.

Forms of International Cooperation

Types of international cooperation is divided into. The following are various types of international cooperation that you need to know about. So that you can distinguish some of the cooperation carried out by several countries:

1. Bilateral International Cooperation

Bilateral international cooperation is cooperation that is established by two countries and is mutualism (mutual benefit). This cooperation can be achieved in terms of trade, food products and others.

Examples include, among other things, Indonesia cooperating with Asia Pacific which forms economic and trade agreements carried out by Asia Pacific in which other countries are involved.

Cooperation with Saudi Arabia related to the pilgrimage for Muslims is another example of bilateral international cooperation.

2. Multilateral Cooperation

This collaboration is a collaboration that is forged by many countries and there are no boundaries regarding regions or even regions.

This Multilateral Cooperation has 2 types of members, namely main members and active members. What is meant by prime member? Main members are members who have the power to act as intermediaries. While the active members are small countries whose movements are said to be quite limited, the strength they have is still below that of the main members.

Examples of multilateral international cooperation include:

  • North American Free Trade Agreement or (NAFTA)
  • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries or (OPEC)
  • United Nations (UN) or the United Nations (UN)
  • World Trade Center Organization (WTO)
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • World Bank Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
  • Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OKl) Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

3. Regional Cooperation

Regional cooperation is a form of cooperation carried out by a country in one region. The purpose of this cooperation is to create free trade in a certain area.

One example of regional cooperation is the commission relationship carried out by the United Nations in East Asia.

Some other examples of regional cooperation are as follows:

  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  • Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
  • European Union (EU) or European Union

Examples of International Cooperation

International cooperation is a cooperation carried out by countries around the world. In this case there are no regional or regional boundaries. So, all countries in the world can and have the right to cooperate with other countries. Examples of international cooperation are as follows.

1. World Trade Organization (WTO)

This collaboration has the goal of being able to discuss and also find solutions to problems regarding trade that exists between countries. The WTO has several principles, starting from the principles of trade liberation, stability of trade relations between countries, and non-discrimination.

2. International Monetary Fund (IMF)

This one collaboration is a collaboration in the form of an organization. The IMF is also included in the cooperation that can provide loans to countries that are in need of funds. Usually, countries that need loan funds are countries that have unstable currency values ​​and cannot pay off their debts. This cooperation has the goal of increasing international economic stability.

3. South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

This collaboration is a collaboration in the form of an organization. Where SEATO was founded with the aim of preventing the growth of communism in Southeast Asia. This cooperation is formed directly by the military pact.

Those are some explanations about international cooperation, examples, and some of the benefits for countries. This information will certainly be very useful, especially for those of you who are struggling in the field of marketing or marketing. Because, international cooperation has many benefits that can be profitable. Both for the country and for the people themselves. International cooperation can also increase employment opportunities that can reduce unemployment in a country. In addition, with cooperation, between countries can help other countries that are in need of assistance.

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