10 Nocturnal Animals That Are Active at Night

Animals that are active at night – When night comes, has Sinaumed’s ever met some animals that usually have glowing eyes? Or have you ever met animals that are busy doing their activities at night?

Well, animals that are active at night are called nocturnal animals . The common feature of these nocturnal animals is sleeping during the day, then doing all their activities at night.

Then, what are the animals that fall into this nocturnal category? Come on, see the following reviews!

Nocturnal Animals

Based on KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary), nocturnal is a condition in which animals have the nature or habit of being active at night. Nocturnal animals will generally sleep during the day, then do activities such as looking for food at night. This behavior is very opposite to most humans

Even though they have “different” behavior, their hearing, smell, and vision are very sharp, you know, so they can help them find prey in the dark of night.

If you are at the zoo, nocturnal animals will be placed in a special cage that is light-tight, so visitors can still visit during the day.

Then when night comes, what can these nocturnal animals do?

Of course there are many, they will generally look for food, carry out reproductive activities, to defend themselves from other predators. These activities can only be done at night by relying on their sharp hearing and smelling abilities. The eyes of these nocturnal animals also have special corneas so that they can still see even though the surrounding conditions are minimal.

Nocturnal Pet Food

Many people think that these nocturnal animals are predators or prey on other animals secretly at night. In fact, not all nocturnal animals are predators.

Generally, the food of these nocturnal animals is vegetables and fruits, but some prey on small insects such as mosquitoes and moths.

Nocturnal Animal Habitat

Nocturnal animals do not only live in the forest, they can even live in human settlements. For example, in city parks, farms, even your house can also become the habitat of nocturnal animals without you knowing it.

But did you know that desert areas are actually habitats that have many species of nocturnal animals? This is because the desert conditions during the day are very hot, in the end these animals are active at night which tends to be cooler.

Features of Nocturnal Animals

Previously, it was explained that nocturnal animals are always active at night? Therefore, these animals have “more” abilities than other animals, namely the ability to see even though the light around is very dim. This is because the eyes of nocturnal animals have larger corneas, lenses and pupils than most animals, which in turn can help them see in the dark.

Not only the ability to see, but also to the ability to hear and smell.

10 Animals That Are Active At Night

The nocturnal animals that we often know are bats. Though not only bats

Of course , you know , but there are still many nocturnal animals that we don’t realize are actually around us.

1. Bats

The most famous nocturnal animals are bats. This animal, which has become an icon for the Batman film, may at first glance look like a swallow. Did you know that the fictional depiction of a bat as a figure that drinks blood comes from its habit of often hiding in lonely castles, especially abroad.

Bats are mammals (breastfeeding) that belong to the Chiroptera nation. The term Chiroptera is a combination of two words, namely “cheir” which means hand, and “pteriga” which means wing. The term comes from the Greek.

Many think that bats are blind, but they are not! Their eyes are very sharp, even to see ultraviolet light can. This ability makes it easy for bats to find food at night.

Bats usually appear at night, especially when the fruit season comes. This is because bat food when hunting is fruit. Even though it looks detrimental, it turns out that these bats bring many benefits to human life, you know…

The Role of Bats for Human Life

  • Helps Pollination and Natural Seed Dispersal

Many people think that these animals are fruit plant pests, but in fact bats actually act as natural dispersers of fruit seeds so that later they will help protect forest diversity.

Not only fruits, but also help pollinate flowers, especially those of high value. Several types of bats are also flower eaters, including nectar and pollen. Well, the movement of bats between flowers and fruit trees is an important process of pollination until finally fertilization occurs.

Many trees can grow through pollination and dissemination with the help of bats, namely banana, guava, sapodilla, petai, rubber, sandalwood, sugar palm, and banyan trees.

  • Insect Control

Apart from eating fruits and flowers, bats also prey on insects at night. This is especially true for insectivorous bats which will prey on a large number of insects each night, around 600 mosquito-sized insects in an hour!

  • Guano Fertilizer Producer

Guano fertilizer is a type of organic fertilizer derived from the decomposition of bird or bat droppings. Guano can generally be found in caves, containing phosphorus (derived from water droplets on the ceiling of the cave), nitrogen and potassium (from bat droppings).

This type of fertilizer because it contains a lot of good elements, it is very useful as a soil fertilizer for plants. The price of guano fertilizer is usually cheap but the benefits are also great, so it is sought after by many people.

2. Owl

In fictional stories, owls are usually depicted as old and wise in life. But apparently, in several places in Indonesia, this bird is considered a herald of death.

Owls are a type of bird that belongs to the order Strigiformes. Even though it looks “cute”, it turns out that this bird is a wild bird and a carnivore (meat eater). The owl’s eyes are large and always face forward. In addition, owls are also known as nocturnal animals because they have sharp eyesight and hearing.

Then how do the eyes of an owl work so that it can be called a nocturnal animal?

That is, when light enters the pupil of the eye, the light will later be captured by the receptors at the back of the eye. Well, at the back of the eye there is also a mirror-like organ, which is named the tapetum lucidum . When light passes through the rod and the tapetum lucidum, it will be reflected back on the part. So that the reflection of the light indirectly becomes its own ” irradiation ” for the owl to see. Therefore, if you see an owl whose eyes are shining, it means that its tapetum lucidum is ” walking “.

3. Cat

Surely Sinaumed’s is no stranger to this one animal. Yep, cats are one of the favorite pets and are always in any home.

Then, did you know that cats are also nocturnal animals?

Indeed, not all cats will be active at night like other nocturnal animals, but some cats behave that way. One of the reasons why cats are nocturnal animals that are active at night is their predatory instincts.

Have you ever seen a cat’s eyes glow when the lights in your house are turned off? Well, this vision ability allows cats to be active at night and detect light in the dark. However, it should also be noted that not all cats will carry out activities at night, there are also some who sleep soundly.

4. Koalas

This animal that has become an icon of Australia is also a nocturnal animal. Koalas will sleep during the day and be active at night. Koala sleep time is usually 18-20 hours each day.

Koala has the Latin name Phascolarctos Cinereus. Although they are often referred to as lazy animals because they are always sleeping, it turns out that they are good at swimming, you know at a speed of about 18 miles per hour.

Koalas can usually be found along the east coast of Australia, from the Adelaide region to the Cape York Peninsula. If you live in a forest, a forest that has an average rainfall is very suitable as a place to live for koalas.

Its cute appearance makes many people want to have it as a pet. Even though this is wrong, because koalas do not fit into the suburban environment. Even the Australian government has emphasized that it is against the law to keep koalas as pets.

5. Fox

The fox has many types, one of which is the Fennec Fox which is also known as a nocturnal animal. This type of fox has a special feature, namely its ears which are about 10-15 cm long. In fact, there are also those whose ears reach a third of their body length.

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The main food of the Fennec Fox is small animals and fruits, namely mice, lizards, snails, and various plants and fruits. Therefore, this type of fox is known as an omnivore as well as a nocturnal animal.

As a nocturnal animal that is active at night, the Fennec Fox is also the target of other predators, such as owls, hyenas, and even domestic dogs. Unfortunately, today the Fennec Fox is often hunted by humans because of its beautiful silky hair.

6. Frog

Frogs are different from toads. The most striking difference is that frogs live in humid areas and must be close to the presence of water. While frogs tend to live on land and do not have to be close to the presence of water.

Some frogs are nocturnal animals, but some are diurnal animals. As nocturnal animals, frogs will be active at night or around sunset. Generally, frogs have camouflage abilities so they can hide during the day. This camouflage ability is also used as the main defense to hide from predators and repel predators.

There are several reasons why the word tends to be active at night, one of which is to increase humidity at night.

7. Hedgehog

Porcupines are included in the Rodentia or rodent group. The main feature of this animal is that it has sharp spines around its back. As nocturnal animals, hedgehogs will behave actively by exploring their surroundings at night. Even when a threat comes, the hedgehog can immediately roll itself up like a ball.

Nocturnal animals are known to have special abilities, as well as hedgehogs who have a sense of smell on their long snout. To get food, porcupines will dig the ground using their curved claws.

Usually, hedgehogs can live in forests, savannas, teachers, and even home gardens. Their nest is hidden under the bushes. Almost the same as armadillo animals, porcupines can also roll their bodies into a ball shape to protect themselves from predators.

8. Mice

Mice are nocturnal animals that are often found around human settlements. This animal is part of the order Rodentia or rodents. Even though most of them are small, almost like hamsters, it turns out that mice often become plant pests and are detrimental to humans.

As nocturnal animals, of course rats will move “as pests” at night, that is, when humans are resting. However, nowadays there are many ways to control rat pests, for example, with rat poison and mouse traps.

9. Tarsiers

Tarsiers are a type of primate that has a small size, so it is called the smallest primate in the world. Tarsiers come from the island of Sulawesi and there are about eleven types of tarsier scattered in the jungle area.

During the day, tarsiers behave passively by sleeping in their hiding places. Interestingly, when sleeping, this animal can close only one eye and leave the other eye open.

However, unlike most nocturnal animals, tarsiers do not have a light-reflecting area or tapetum lucidum behind their eyes. Even so, his eyes remained sharp to see the surroundings at night. In fact, the size of the eye on the tarsier is actually the largest organ compared to other head organs.

Like the owl, the tarsier can turn its head 180 degrees to see its prey.

10. Weasel

One type of civet which is a nocturnal animal is the Pandan Weasel. It is called that because this type of weasel has a body odor like pandan leaves, but is more commonly referred to as Luwak.

As a nocturnal animal, weasels will be active at night and become the main predator for livestock. Therefore, most people are wary of the existence of this weasel.

But not only “losses” are provided by the civet, but also benefits. Call it civet coffee which is produced from the rest of the digestion of this weasel, it turns out that it has a fantastic price!

Well, that’s an explanation of nocturnal animals or animals that are active at night. Although some of them give harm to humans, it turns out that there are also benefits.