difference between community and society

Understanding the Difference between Community and Society


When discussing social organizations, it is common to hear the words “community” and “society” used interchangeably. While both terms refer to a group of people sharing similar interests, beliefs, and ideologies, there is a significant difference between the two.

The Definition of Community

A community is a group of individuals who share a common history or experience. The members of a community are typically centralized in a specific geographic region, and as such, share a sense of belonging to that particular locality.

The Definition of Society

On the other hand, society is a broader concept that encompasses multiple communities. A society is composed of diverse groups and individuals with varying backgrounds, religion, ethnicity, and cultures, united not by geography, but by a shared set of social values, norms, and institutions.

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The Nature of Relationships

Another essential difference between communities and societies is the nature of their relationship dynamics. In a community, individuals interact based on their interests, shared history or experience, and their proximity to one another. In contrast, societies are characterized by complex social structures and institutional frameworks that prescribe specific roles, behaviors, and expectations from the individuals who form them.

The Role of Identity and Belonging

In a community, the sense of identity and belonging arises naturally from the shared history and experience of its members. Individuals in a community easily identify with one another and are quick to understand each other’s experiences. In contrast, identity and belonging are far more complex in a society comprised of diverse groups and individuals.


In summary, while communities and societies share certain similarities, they differ in terms of scope, relationship dynamics, and the role of identity and belonging. Understanding these differences is essential for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of the social world.

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Table difference between community and society

Aspect Community Society
Definition A group of people who share a common interest or characteristic and live in the same area. A larger group of people who share a common culture, values, and institutions and interact with each other.
Size Usually small and localized. Can be large and diverse.
Interactions Intimate and close-knit. Varied and may include impersonal interactions.
Goal Shared interests and mutual support. Maintaining social order and providing basic necessities.
Membership Based on common characteristics or interests. Socially-defined and may be based on factors such as race, religion, or class.