difference between a narcissist and sociopath

The Characteristics of Narcissists and Sociopaths

Understanding the difference between a narcissist and a sociopath can be challenging, but it is important to differentiate between these personality disorders. Both of these conditions share some characteristics, but there are significant differences that distinguish them from one another.


Narcissism is a personality disorder that is characterized by an intense preoccupation with oneself, arrogance, and a lack of empathy for others. Narcissists have an inflated sense of importance, and they crave admiration and attention from others. They are likely to exaggerate their abilities and achievements and sometimes may take credit for accomplishments that are not theirs. Narcissists can be charming, charismatic and may use their charm to manipulate others to meet their own needs.

Some common traits of a narcissist are self-centeredness, lack of empathy, entitlement, arrogance, and a need for constant admiration. They have unrealistic expectations of others and often lack the ability to see things from other people’s perspectives. Narcissists can be very sensitive to criticism or any perceived slight and respond with rage or anger.


Sociopathy is a personality disorder characterized by a disregard for the rights and feelings of others, a lack of empathy and remorse, and a tendency towards manipulative or criminal behavior. Sociopaths may have a superficial charm, but they also exhibit a lack of empathy or conscience. They may be impulsive, aggressive, and take risks that put themselves and others in danger. Sociopaths often engage in criminal activities and may have a history of deception and manipulation in romantic or work relationships.

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Some common traits of sociopaths are manipulative behavior, impulsivity, deceitfulness, lack of remorse, and emotional detachment. They may have difficulty forming intimate relationships and may be unable to maintain long term friendships. Sociopaths often have a lack of self-control and be prone to outbursts of anger, which can make them behave unpredictably.

The key differences between narcissists and sociopaths

While narcissists and sociopaths share some traits like a lack of empathy, manipulative behavior, and a sense of entitlement, there are differences between the two conditions.

One key difference is that while narcissists are very preoccupied with themselves, they still have a conscience and some level of empathy for others. Sociopaths, on the other hand, do not have a conscience and lack empathy entirely.

Another significant difference is that a narcissist’s behavior is often driven by an intense need for validation and attention, while a sociopath tends to act based on a lack of impulse control and the desire to achieve a goal, regardless of consequences.

In conclusion, while it can be difficult to differentiate between a narcissist and a sociopath, understanding the key differences between the two can help individuals know what to look for and how to interact with individuals who exhibit these personality traits. By recognising these differences, one can decide whether to create boundaries or avoid toxic interactions with individuals demonstrating Narcissistic and/or sociopathic traits.

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Table difference between a narcissist and sociopath

Feature Narcissist Sociopath
Emotional Connection Desires admiration and attention from others, but may feel empathy and form emotional connections with others. Lacks empathy, manipulates others for personal gain without remorse or guilt.
Self-Image Has an inflated sense of self-importance, may feel entitled to special treatment. May have an inflated self-image, but is more likely to engage in criminal or antisocial behavior.
Relationships May have difficulty maintaining relationships due to excessive demand for attention and admiration. May engage in exploitative and abusive relationships without regard for the feelings and well-being of others.
Motives Wants to be recognized as special or superior to others. Wants to meet personal needs, often at the expense of others.
Treatment May benefit from therapy to address underlying emotional issues and develop more healthy relationships. May require intensive therapy and/or medication to address criminal or antisocial behavior.