6 Professional Choices for Those of You Who Are Interested in the World of Law

Choice of Professions in the Field of Law – Currently, professions related to law in Indonesia are increasingly in demand, especially by young people. No wonder law schools are targeted in the hope of getting a decent job after graduation.

The Department of Law is a branch of science that is centered on legal practice covering very broad fields such as human rights (HAM), property law to commercial law. Here are some professions that you can pursue if you want a career in law. What are they? Check these out!

6 Most Favorite Professions in Law

1. Judge

The judge is closely related to the court and outside the court. The judge serves as a neutral position that has the authority to try, advise, decide, and regulate justice in the process of legal trials.

The judge is also tasked with giving a verdict against the Defendant in a case based on government law or statutory guidelines. It is the main duty of the judge to resolve legal disputes in a final and open manner.

Judges as state officials have significant authority in government. They oversee the trial procedures followed, with the goal of ensuring consistency, impartiality and abuse of power.

In addition, judges can also give orders to the military, police or court officials so that the investigation process can run smoothly. Orders can be search, arrest, imprisonment, disturbance, confiscation, deportation, and other non-criminal acts.

To become a Judge, you have to take a school related to law, besides that you also have to go through several stages of tests held by the state.

The judge’s duties include:

  • To lead and be responsible for the orderliness and smooth running of the case trial led
  • Responsible for the implementation of justice that is free, independent, fast, fair and low cost
  • Receive case files and record them in the Court Calendar provided
  • Set a trial day
  • Distribute the case files to be examined to the Alternate Registrar
  • Make notes in the margin on the official report and decisions of the Religious Courts regarding laws that are considered important
  • In the event that the Religious Courts conduct additional examinations to hear the parties and witnesses themselves, the judge is responsible for preparing and correcting the trial minutes and signing them.
  • Discuss and consult with Member Judges when determining the contents of a decision or deciding a case
  • Make a draft decision and review the minutes as deemed necessary
  • Prepare and initial the complete text of the decision for the reading of the decision
  • Sign the decision that has been read out in court with the Member Judge and Alternate Registrar
  • Carry out the decision anonymization process as the embodiment of KMA No.144/2007 jo. 1-144/2011 concerning Disclosure of Information in Courts
  • Periodically study and discuss legal literature received from the Supreme Court and the Directorate General of the Religious Courts of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Record the results of work every day into the workbook and report to the direct supervisor periodically.

2. Prosecutor

Prosecutor profession based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2004 concerning the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Indonesia is a Functional Officer who is authorized by law to act as a public prosecutor and implement court decisions that have permanent legal force and other powers based on law.

The duties and powers of the prosecutor are as the public prosecutor and executor of court decisions (with permanent legal force) in criminal cases, while for civil cases, executors of court decisions that have permanent legal force are bailiffs and clerks led by the head of the court.

A Prosecutor can play a role in civil cases if the State or government becomes one of the parties and the Prosecutor is given the power to represent. Thus, the role of the prosecutor is different in the criminal and civil domains.

In criminal cases, the prosecutor acts as a public prosecutor and executor of court decisions that have permanent force. Meanwhile, in civil cases, the prosecutor acts as the power of attorney from the State or government inside or outside the court regarding civil cases.

The Attorney’s Own Responsibilities include:

  • Conduct prosecution
  • Carry out the determination of judges and court decisions that have obtained permanent legal force
  • Supervise the implementation of conditional criminal decisions, supervisory criminal decisions, and parole decisions
  • Conducting investigations into certain criminal acts based on the law
  • Completing certain case files and for that can carry out additional examinations before being transferred to the court which in its implementation is coordinated with investigators
  • Prosecutors with special powers, can act both inside and outside the court for and on behalf of the state or government
  • Increasing public legal awareness
  • Safeguard law enforcement policies
  • Supervision of beliefs that can harm society and the state;
  • Prevention of abuse and or defamation of religion
  • Legal research and development and criminal statistics.
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3. Lawyers

The profession of a lawyer is a legal expert whose job is to provide legal assistance so that a client can get their rights during the legal process.

In practice, a lawyer is free to issue statements or opinions while defending client cases in court as long as they adhere to the professional code of ethics and statutory regulations.

In addition, every lawyer also has the obligation to keep all information from his client confidential, unless there are other provisions stipulated by law.

Lawyers are also prohibited from discriminating in the treatment of their clients based on religion, politics, gender, race, or social and cultural background.

In Indonesia, to be able to become a lawyer, a scholar with a law university background must attend special education and pass the professional exam, Sinaumed’s. The attorney’s duties include:

  • The duty of an advocate is to provide legal assistance, defend and ensure that a client gets his rights
  • As a guardian of the constitution and human rights
  • Fighting for human rights in an Indonesian legal state
  • Implement the advocate’s code of ethics, provide legal advice, legal consultation and legal opinion  to clients
  • Drawing up a contract. Write legal documents and prepare written defenses for civil cases
  • Providing legal information
  • Representing clients before the court (legal representation)
  • Providing free legal aid to people who are very weak and unable (legal aid)
  • Never give up, Perseverance that a lawyer must have. Because great lawyers are those who are willing to fight to the end to win the rights of their clients
  • Become a communication liaison media between clients and other lawyers.

4. Court Clerk

The Registrar is a court official whose job is to assist the judge in preparing the minutes of examination in the trial process. Registrars are also called court secretariat office officials who are in charge of court administration, making trial minutes, and various other administrative actions.

In carrying out their duties, the Registrar is usually assisted by several Junior Registrars and Substitute Registrars. Registrars work in the environmental courts of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court.

Normatively, the functional position of clerks in the environmental courts of the Supreme Court is regulated by law according to the type of court. For example, in the Law on General Courts, the Law on State Administrative Courts, the Law on the Religious Courts which regulates the process of appointing and dismissing clerk positions.

The law stipulates in more detail the duties and functions of clerks, junior clerks and substitute clerks at courts of first instance, appellate or cassation. The duties and functions of the clerk’s office at the Constitutional Court are also briefly alluded to in Law no. 24 of 2003 concerning MK.

The Registrar’s Office of the Judiciary is a state administrative apparatus which, in carrying out its duties and functions, is under and responsible to the Head of the Court. Registrars of District Courts are classified into 4 (four) classes, consisting of Special Registrars of Class IA District Courts, Registrars of Class IA District Courts, Class IB Registrars of District Courts; and Class II District Court Registrar Office.

  • Registrars and Bailiffs are obliged to assist the panel of judges, both in accompanying the trial, carrying out summons and notifications as well as providing assistance with trial facilities and infrastructure
  • The Registrar is obliged to make minutes of the trial carefully and thoroughly in accordance with the implementation of the examination in the trial
  • The bailiff is obligated to carry out summons and notifications and include them in the official report or release
  • The Registrar is obliged to make a trial schedule and make a report on the results of the trial and submit it to the register officer
  • Registrars and Bailiffs as Employees of the Republic of Indonesia play a role in realizing the enforcement of Law, Justice and Truth as set forth in the 1945 Constitution
  • The Registrar prepares the examination room, checks the presence of the parties and reports the presence of the parties to the Chief Judge of the Panel
  • Assisting the Chief Justice in preparing short and long term work programs, their implementation and organization
  • Assist the Registrar in carrying out case administration and processing or preparation of reports according to their respective units
  • Assist judges in civil and criminal trial proceedings and report the trial activities to the relevant Junior Registrar.

5. Diplomats

Diplomat Profession is someone appointed by a country to carry out diplomacy with several countries as well as in an international organization.

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The definition of a diplomat is someone who is involved in the affairs of organizing official relations between a country and other countries. The word ‘diplomat’ comes from the Greek which means bearer of documents and means legalization of his position as a messenger from the government.

Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Ambassadors and other diplomatic officials are included in the Diplomat. Negotiation and persuasion techniques certainly need to be mastered by a diplomat so that the negotiation process between countries can run well and produce decisions that are beneficial to the countries represented.

The negotiations themselves did not only stop at multilateral fora, diplomats also discussed regional and bilateral relations.

For those of you who just want to pursue this profession, there are five main focuses of young diplomat education, namely representing (representing the country) promoting (promoting the Red and White), protecting (protecting citizens and the interests of Indonesia), negotiating (negotiating the interests of the country) and reporting (reporting the situation in accredited countries, including sessions – sessions of days – the length of the report into a dense content of 2-3 pages). Diplomat duties include:

  • Promoting, promoting the economy, tourism and culture in Indonesia. The goal is to increase trade relations, attract investment from foreign countries, and attract more tourists
  • Representing, the main task of diplomats in representing the country and its government. Not only in official meetings, on a daily basis, he will be the spokesperson, even the official face of the country he represents.
  • Protecting Diplomats must protect the interests of their home country. Each country’s government has outlined its national priorities and diplomats will try their best so that these policies can run optimally
  • Negotiating, negotiating to resolve bilateral and non-bilateral issues until an agreement is reached, signing an agreement, or agreement
  • Reporting, After all the above tasks are completed, the diplomat still has to report it to the home government, he will provide recommendations and observations on events in the country of accreditation

6. Politicians

The profession of a politician is someone who is involved in politics, and sometimes includes political experts. Politicians also include political figures who participate in government. In Western democracies, the term is usually limited to those in office or seeking to obtain it rather than referring to the experts employed by the persons mentioned above.

Such a difference is not so clear if you are guided by a non-democratic government. Within a country, politicians form the executive branch of a government and the office of the head of state as well as the legislature, and government at the regional and local levels.

Basically, political policy itself is very inclusive. Therefore, if the political policies made are good and correct, the positive consequences will be felt by all citizens.

Likewise if it’s the other way around. Based on that, if the good and bad caused by political policies are converted into merits and sins, then it can be said that there is no reward as big as the reward of politicians if it is true. Politicians duties include:

  • Connecting information from the people to the government and vice versa.
  • Determine and carry out public policies aimed at the welfare of the people.
  • Formulate and decide on laws and regulations at meetings of members of parliament (provincial, city and district).
  • Solicit and articulate public policy priorities, civic needs and issues identified by members and supporters.
  • Socializing and educating voters and citizens in the functioning of the political system, elections and general political values ​​in society.
  • As a guardian of the constitution and human rights and fighting for human rights in an Indonesian legal state
  • Prove it with performance – You need to show proof of performance to anyone, to show the quality of the action you have. However, it must be based on honesty, sincerity, and have a strong ideology.

Has Sinaumed’s understood the 6 Professional Choices for Those of You Interested in the World of Law? Also read the following other articles:

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sinaumedia will always be #Friends Without Limits by always providing quality and easily accessible books for all of you.

1. Legal Theory, Work of Abintoro Prakoso

2. Hierarchy of Legal Norms Theory, by Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, SH

3. Basic Concepts of Sociology of Law, by HAMZARIEF SANTARIA

Source: from various sources