50 Examples of Figurative Sentences and Their Meanings

Figurative Sentences – Figurative sentences are one of the language styles that are often used in everyday life. Generally, figurative words are used to describe something, starting from an object, the nature of a person, to a physical form. This language style is often used in everyday conversation or used in written form.

In general, the meaning of figurative words is the use of words in a way that distorts meaning to convey or explain complex meanings so that they are easier to understand. Often, these figurative words use analogies or comparisons so that the meaning or description of something can be conveyed properly.

In this case, there are several types of figurative words that are still often used today. Starting from figurative words which include parables, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, synecdoche, and also onomatopoeia. These various types of figurative words can help Sinaumed’s to express messages in a more different and interesting way.

What’s more, when Sinaumed’s is involved in the world of writing, these various types of figurative words can be used to produce writing that is unique and interesting for readers. By using various figurative words to describe something, Sinaumed’s’ writing will also have unique characteristics that make it different from the works of other writers.

Examples of Figurative Sentences and Their Meanings

  1. Loan sharks (loan sharks)
    • Dealing with loan sharks is troublesome
  2. Stubborn (stubborn).
    • Ajeng does not want to listen to what I have to say. What a stone head.
  3. Cold head (calm/patient)
    • Rendi solved the problem with a cool head.
  4. Two heads (early 20 years old)
    • Congratulations on passing life as a human with two heads.
  5. Head of household (person responsible for the family)
    • Rini is the head of the household in her family.
  6. Shrimp brain (stupid)
    • I don’t understand what’s in his head, but what is clear is that Septi really has a shrimp head.
  7. Stubborn (don’t want to follow people’s advice)
    • Henry is very stubborn. Rendi had said that the route to post 4 was to take the road to the right, so he turned left instead. Let it be if later he gets lost.
  8. Iron horse (motorcycle)
    • Rendi had just sold his old iron horse, because he wanted to buy a new model.
  9. Dark horse (participant in a race whose victory does not count)
    • To my surprise, Veranda is a dark horse in this competition.
  10. Bookworm (a person who likes to read)
    • Erisa is a famous geek in her area.
  11. Red rooster (fire)
    • The house in the Merdeka street area was completely devoured by the red rooster.
  12. Jump fleas (people who like to move from one group to another)
    • Bondan is a jumping flea, that’s because he is not a loyal person.
  13. Black Sheep (error target)
    • Actually it was Ara who was at fault, but they made Chika a scapegoat.
  14. Souvenirs (souvenirs)
    • Mas Adam brought me a souvenir when I came home from watching a concert in Jogja.
  15. Golden child (favorite child)
    • Lidya became her teacher’s golden child because she was disciplined and polite.
  16. resourceful (smart)
    • Heru and Gundul were very resourceful children, they quickly resolved any problems.
  17. big head (arrogant)
    • Don’t be a long-handed person, sin. After all, you will not be liked by other people.
  18. Star of the field (best player)
    • Lionel Messi was once a field star when he was still an active soccer player.
  19. Old date (month end)
    • As a boarding house kid, Indah usually only eats fried foods and noodles on old dates like this.
  20. Fixed price (price is not negotiable)
    • The computer seller has given a set price for the goods he sells.
  21. Hotel Prodeo (prison)
    • Listen, Mr. Ruben committed immoral acts. Definitely will enter the free hotel.
  22. Masher (man who likes to play with women)
    • Look for a man who can make one woman special, don’t look for a philanderer.
  23. Four eyes (only two talk)
    • Kintan asked me to talk privately with him.
  24. Studio fever (nervous)
    • One way to avoid studio fever is to practice hard.
  25. Minions (minions)
    • During the colonial era, many people were willing to betray their own people and chose to become accomplices of the colonialists.
  26. Lips (become the talk of many people)
    • This unfortunate event has more or less become a byword on social media to this day.
  27. Thick face (have no shame)
    • Doni is a thick-faced person, he doesn’t care about what other people think of him, which could be bad.
  28. Cold-blooded (has no mercy)
    • I’m not willing to see him being tortured by his own parents, but I’m also very surprised why there is a father who is so cold-blooded to his own child.
  29. Flirt (glance)
    • If you look around, Mark often tears his eyes when he meets Yeri.
  30. discouraged (coward)
    • Don’t be discouraged if your grades are bad later, keep studying until you realize that you don’t understand much about anything.
  31. Straight hearted (honest)
    • An upright person will be liked by many people and people will respond well to him.
  32. Eating hands (something to think about or burden of life)
    • His life will continue to eat heart after entering the office.
  33. Hands up (give up)
    • All residents have raised their hands when facing problems that cannot be resolved.
  34. Green table (court)
    • This murder case has reached court.
  35. get mad (angry)
    • The action of the thief in the village made all the residents furious.
  36. Big mouth (likes to lie)
    • Huda was too big of a mouth, so the people around him stopped responding after he was caught lying.
  37. Sour face (frowning)
    • My sister made a sour face when she heard that the Sunday Market discount had ended this morning at 9.
  38. Money money (materialistic)
    • As a human being, being a mercenary is natural because life certainly requires a lot of money.
  39. Eat salt (a lot of experience)
    • Dad has eaten more salt than us, so Dad can give wise advice.
  40. Sleep flower (dream)
    • Granny restlessly remembers her sleep last night.
  41. hearsay (gossip)
    • It was rumored that the new neighbor was self-interested and arrogant.
  42. Alone (living alone)
    • He lives a miserable life in this city alone.
  43. Beard fire (angry)
    • Pakde fires beard after knowing that his men stole all the company’s money.
  44. Trash of society (useless people)
    • Community waste must be fostered so that they have skills.
  45. Country flower (the most beautiful woman)
    • Sari is the village flower in this village, it’s no wonder that many young people want to get to know her better.
  46. Close age (died)
    • My grandmother died at the age of 79 years.
  47. Fire of anger (emotion)
    • The mayor was fired with anger
  48. Seeking face (seeking attention)
    • The new employee often looks up to the boss
  49. Warehouse of knowledge (source of knowledge)
    • The library is a source of knowledge
  50. Clouds cry (rain)
    • That evening, the clouds were crying
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Meaning of Figurative Sentences

As explained earlier, the meaning of figurative words refers to the use of words that deviate from their original meaning to convey or explain a more complicated meaning. Generally, figurative words use comparative figurative language in order to give a clearer description of the nature or physical form of something.

This comparative language style is also effective for referring to a certain meaning without the need to state it directly. By using figurative words, Sinaumed’s can convey meaning in a way that is more unique and interesting than usual. This figurative word is often used by fiction writers to make stories more creative.

Types of Figurative Sentences

After understanding the meaning of figurative sentences, then there are several types of figurative words that are often used in everyday life.

1. Metaphor

Metaphor is a comparison of two different things. Unlike similes, metaphors do not use the words “like” or “as”. Meanwhile, metaphorical figures of speech generally make sense and are easy to understand when the reader understands the relationship between the two things being compared.

An example of a popular metaphor is “Time is money.” The statement compares time to money, and it doesn’t literally mean that the amount of time Sinaumed’s has is equal to the amount of money Sinaumed’s has. On the contrary, it means that time is a valuable resource, and must be used effectively to earn money. Any wasted time means that one will also miss opportunities to earn more money.

Examples of using other metaphors:

  • The king is stone hearted.
  • Love is a battlefield.
  • Darling, you are my sun.
  • I am drowning in a sea of ​​sorrow.
  • My roommate is going through a roller coaster of emotions .

2. Parables

Parables are figures of speech that compare two different things by using the words “as” or “as” and they are commonly used for everyday communication.

Here are some examples of the use of figures of speech:

  • The boy was as brave as a lion in the forest.
  • The man had been as busy as a bee as he prepared the podium for the presidential address.
  • The new teacher was as tall as a coconut tree.
  • The new neighbor is as curious as the cat; nothing escapes his attention.
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3. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is exaggerated words made to emphasize a point or create a sense of humor. This figurative word is often used in everyday conversation.

An example of hyperbole is, “I would die for you.” The sentence does not necessarily mean that one person is literally willing to die for the one he loves, but it is used to exaggerate the amount of love one person has for another. Death is only used to show the extent of compassion one has.

Another example of hyperbole:

  • Daddy has told you a million times to do the laundry.
  • You are so thin that the wind could carry you away.
  • The afternoon is so bright that the sun needs to wear sunglasses.
  • Gilang snored like an old train.

4. Personification

Apart from knowing the meaning of figurative words, there are several other types of figurative words that are often used in everyday conversation. The next type of figurative word is personification. Personification is to label human characteristics on inanimate objects. Using personification influences how the reader imagines something, and it sparks interest in the subject.

Other examples of personification are:

  • April is the cruelest month of the year.
  • The radio stares at me.
  • Car brakes screamed all the way.
  • The car stopped with groaning complaints.

5. Synecdoche

Synecdoche is a type of figurative language that uses one part to refer to the whole, or the whole to refer to the part. For example, a set of wheels can be used to refer to a vehicle. In this example, when referring to the car as a set of wheels, the wheels are only part of the car and not the whole.

Other examples of synecdoche include:

  • Bread can be used to refer to food in general or money.
  • Head can refer to the counting of livestock or people.
  • Hired hand can be used to refer to workers.

6. Onomatopoeia

Finally, onomatopoeia is language that names things or actions by imitating the sounds associated with them. They add some reality to the text. Examples of onomatopoeia include:

  • The fireplace heater hissed and cracked.
  • The truck engine roars as it climbs the hill.
  • The alarm clock rang as I was about to go to the bathroom.

Figurative Sentences in Figurative Form

In addition to the types of figurative words as mentioned in the previous points, there are also figurative words in the form of figures of speech. Figure of speech is a form of figurative language to get an atmosphere in a sentence to make it livelier. We can easily understand that a figure of speech can be an expression that can animate a sentence. Figure of speech creates a deviation from the meaning of a word that is generally used.

  1. Irony: irony is a satirical figure of speech which usually uses a figurative word with a meaning that is contrary to the actual situation.
  2. Cynicism: cynicism also includes satire which is used to give satire directly to other people.
  3. Sarcasm: a style of sarcasm is a style of satire by using words with harsh connotations to give satire to other people, but not with the real meaning.
  4. Litotes: litotes is a figure of speech of contradiction which generally uses expressions to demean oneself when in fact the opposite is true.
  5. Paradox: paradox is a figure of speech of contradiction which usually compares the actual situation with the opposite situation which is contradictory.
  6. Antithesis: antithesis, also includes a figure of speech of contradiction. Antithesis figure of speech usually combines pairs of words that have contradictory meanings.
  7. Interminus Contradiction: this figure of speech is used to refute the previously stated statement. Usually the use of this figure of speech is accompanied by a conjunction, such as only or except.
  8. Hyperbole: hyperbole is also included as a figure of speech for comparison. Hyperbole is used to express something in an exaggerated way, often even making no sense.
  9. Euphemism: Euphemism is a figurative language used to replace bad words with more refined words.
  10. Metanomia: a figure of speech for the comparison of metanomia in the form of figurative language that juxtaposes the term something to refer to general objects. When thirsty, drink Aqua. The word Aqua here is known as a trademark of mineral water which is quite well known.
  11. Simile: This one comparative figure of speech generally juxtaposes an activity with an expression.
  12. Allegory: allegory is used to compare an object with a figurative word.