43 Examples of Homogeneous Mixtures & Differences of Heterogeneous Mixtures

Examples of Homogeneous Mixtures – Have your Sinaumed’s friends ever noticed a mixture of syrupy water or sugar solution in tea and coffee drinks? Sinaumed’s needs to know that this is an example of a homogeneous mixture that we learned about in chemistry lessons when we were in school. If Sinaumed’s’ friends are still in school, they must be familiar with the term mixed substance. In practice, we will often encounter this science of mixed substances in everyday life. 

A mixture is a single form of substance or matter and consists of two or more types. The mixed substance then has original properties that will still be visible or visible even though it has been tried to be put together. Based on how it works, the mixture is then divided into 2 types, namely homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures. 

Both types of substances have their own symptoms, solution processes, and characteristics. Grames needs to understand the difference well so as not to misunderstand the example of a mixture and everyday life. That is why Sinaumed’s needs to understand this type of mixture one by one. 

This article will explain examples of homogeneous mixtures that we find a lot in our daily lives. The following is an explanation of homogeneous mixtures, starting from the definition, examples, characteristics to the differences with heterogeneous mixtures. 


Homogeneous mixtures are substances that are composed or mixed perfectly.

This mixed substance has a composition of substances that are single in nature with an indistinguishable physical form. This is due to the smelting process between the constituent substances which are then mixed and finally it is difficult to distinguish their existence. Homogeneous mixtures are then popularly called solutions, which you can also learn through the Basic Chemistry book, Jl 1 Ed 3.

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word homogeneous has the meaning as something that consists of the same type, type, character, nature and other things. So, homogeneous is a term that is often used to describe a mixture that has a uniform composition that cannot be distinguished from one another. The mixture of the two substances eventually forms a single phase between the solute and the solvent. 

Homogeneous mixtures have several parts that are almost the same in composition, such as shape, color and taste. In addition, the ratio of substances mixed in a homogeneous mixture also does not see the boundaries between one component and another. For example, in a sugar water solution, by mixing sugar with a glass of water, the two substances will mix and not change into other substances. 

The example of this solution shows the properties of sugar which still tastes sweet and water which is still in liquid form but has been mixed into one and the same solution. So when you drink the water, all the water becomes sweet. The sugar water solution proves that a homogeneous mixture has a very small particle size so it is very difficult to see the difference between the two substances that have been mixed. 

Even these differences are also difficult to see with an ordinary microscope. So a homogeneous mixed substance also cannot be separated with filter paper or an ordinary filter to separate the two substances that have been mixed. 

Homogeneous mixtures usually also undergo a natural mixing process or are deliberately mixed to produce a particular phase. That is why ordinary homogeneous mixtures are difficult to process for separating mixtures of chemical compounds. However, in practice the process of separating homogeneous mixtures can also produce compounds that are more useful for humans. For example, the separation process in petroleum, such as LPG, diesel, lubricants, aviation fuel, and asphalt. 

These samples then do not become a single substance but are still a homogeneous mixed substance but in a different form from the source due to the separation process. So a homogeneous mixture can still be separated into another homogeneous mixture by going through a mass transfer process both mechanically and chemically. The separation process used for homogeneous mixtures depends on the conditions encountered because the perfection of the solution of a homogeneous mixture is very perfect. In some cases we even need more than one separation process method that must be combined in order to produce the desired separation. 

The process of separating homogeneous mixtures in principle separates a phase into an easily separated heterogeneous mixture or other homogeneous mixtures. The process of separating homogeneous substances can be carried out by methods of absorption, adsorption, chromatography, crystallization, distillation, evaporation, electrophoresis, extraction (Leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, solid-liquid extraction), fractional freezing, precipitation, recrystallization, stripping, sublimation, and hydrocyclones. . The seven methods are used so that a new phase can occur so that a homogeneous mixture can be separated into either a heterogeneous mixture or other homogeneous mixtures that are reduced in composition. 

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The chemistry of this solution seems to be encountered a lot in everyday life, whether in the form of liquid, gas or solid. So don’t be surprised if many objects are the result of chemical work processes. The following are examples of homogeneous mixtures that we can encounter in everyday life, whether we can make them ourselves or use homogeneous mixed products:

  1. Water that has a lot of mixed minerals dissolved in it. The water will then remain in one phase because it is difficult to separate the minerals dissolved in it. So the water we drink every day is an example of a homogeneous mixture
  2. A glass of coffee that has been filtered so that it is in one phase because it is evenly mixed between coffee, water and sugar
  3. Milk is a colloid, but the lactose in milk will then mix evenly with water and other compounds so that they are in a single phase
  4. A sugar solution that mixes water with sugar
  5. Coconut milk which mixes some water with the substances contained in coconut milk
  6. A sweet tea drink that mixes hot water, tea and granulated sugar
  7. Syrup drink that mixes liquid syrup and water
  8. Carbonated drinks such as Coca-cola, Sprite, Pepsi, Fanta, and so on which are a mixture of water and carbon dioxide 
  9. A salt solution that mixes water and salt
  10. Cough syrup which is a mixture of medicinal compounds 
  11. Margarine is an example of a solid homogeneous mixture that is most easily encountered in everyday life. Margarine is a mixture of several chemical compounds which then forms a solid phase. Margarine comes from various mixtures which then mix and combine so that it is difficult to separate
  12. Agar-agar that mixes its particles macroscopically has these substances
  13. Jello gelatin is a special type of colloid which is a homogeneous mixture of microscopic particles dispersed through a substance, such as clouds of dust and honey, which are made by bees.
  14. Paraffin Wax which is a mixture of solid hydrocarbons from petroleum by drying light lubricating oil. These compounds are commonly used to make polishes, cosmetics, wax paper, candles, and electrical insulators
  15. Air in nature that can be breathed by humans, namely during the inhalation process which contains various gases, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor when it is cold
  16. Seawater or containing water or minerals and salt
  17. A glucose solution widely used in hospitals which is a mixture of glucose and a combination of water
  18. Iodine tincture for sterilizing wounds is a mixture of solids or iodine with liquid alcohol to form a homogeneous mixture
  19. Household tools made of bronze whose manufacturing structure is a mixture of copper and tin
  20. Steel that mixes iron and carbon
  21. Brass material that mixes copper and zinc
  22. Silver material that mixes copper and gold, which is a type of white gold
  23. Ruby material that mixes Al₂O₃ and Cr₂O₃
  24. Duralumin which is a mixture of aluminum, copper, magnesium, and magan to produce a type of steel that has high mechanical strength
  25. Gold amalgam which is a homogeneous mixture of mercury and gold, for example in cobra brown, brass and silver
  26. Naphthalene solution which is commonly used to repel moths
  27. Metal alloy materials or metal mixtures that are widely used as materials in industry. Metals that are widely used in industry are usually mixtures of two or more metals that have unique properties to produce certain materials
  28. Gasoline fuel which is a mixture of various hydrocarbons 
  29. Petroleum which is a mixture of hydrocarbons with natural organic compounds
  30. Stainless Steel which mixes metal, nickel and iron
  31. Jewelry that mixes gold and copper
  32. Gunpowder which is one of the explosives which is a mixture of homogeneous elements, such as sulfur, coal, and saltpeter or potassium nitrate
  33. Detergent which is a homogeneous mixture of soap and other chemicals to clean clothes and keep them smelling good
  34. Laundry detergent solution that mixes detergent and water
  35. Vinegar that mixes water and acetic acid
  36. A dilute hydrochloric acid solution that mixes various acidic compounds 
  37. Mouthwash containing a percentage of alcohol and various chemicals to clean in the mouth, namely teeth and gums
  38. Battery water which is a solution of sulfuric acid
  39. 70% alcohol which mixes pure alcohol and other compounds, for example Italian wine or scotch whiskey
  40. LPG which mixes propane and artificial gas
  41. Perfumes are a mixture of chemicals and dyes
  42. Inks that mix dyes, oils, solvents, and other ink ingredients
  43. Blood plasma which is a colorless liquid mixture containing blood cells in suspension. Blood plasma is half of the volume of human blood
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After knowing the definition and examples of homogeneous mixtures, Sinaumed’s can identify a substance whether it is a homogeneous mixture or not. From the examples above we can conclude that the characteristics of a homogeneous mixture are as follows: 

  1. The particles are arranged indistinguishable from one another
  2. Have the same color shape
  3. Has the same taste
  4. The two substances that are mixed have the same composition ratio
  5. The two substances mixed have the same concentration level
  6. It has solid, gas and liquid forms
  7. It consists of a solute and a solvent 
  8. Has no lining at all
  9. Has a solution particle size that is so small that the difference cannot be seen or with an ordinary microscope
  10. Homogeneous mixed solutions cannot be filtered 
  11. These mixtures cannot be separated by mechanical means. But it can still be separated using distillation which tends to be difficult to do 

To be able to understand more about homogeneous mixtures and various other chemical substances, the book Why – Chemistry is here which discusses everything you need to know about chemistry and is packaged through various attractive illustrations so that it is easier to understand.



Homogeneous mixtures have basic differences with other types of mixtures. Although sometimes many people still have difficulty distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures in examples of mixtures that we encounter everyday. Even though the two mixtures have very different properties, materials, components, and mixtures. The following are the differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures that Sinaumed’s needs to know so that they are not confused in identifying mixed paints:

1. Based on its nature

Homogeneous mixtures are equivalent in that each part of the mixture is always the same, both in terms of taste, color, and ratio. So to produce a perfect homogeneous mixture requires the same ratio for all the components that mix so it is difficult to distinguish the composition. Meanwhile, a heterogeneous mixture is a mixture of two or more substances with the properties of the constituent substances not being the same, or not being uniform.

So in heterogeneous mixtures, the particles mixed in it can still be distinguished. One example of a heterogeneous mixture is a mixture of soil and gravel, concrete, sand and water, and so on. In the example of a heterogeneous mixture, the constituent substances can still be easily distinguished by human vision without the aid of other magnifying devices. 

This difference in properties is the most striking difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. So Sinaumed’s friends can handle it directly without the need for laboratory equipment to distinguish heterogeneous solutions or mixtures. 

2. Based on the ingredients and the mixture

Materials and mixtures in homogeneous mixtures have the same or uniform composition and properties in all parts. Meanwhile, heterogeneous mixtures do not have the same composition between constituents. So homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures have fundamental differences in terms of the shape of the particles that are mixed, especially when the particles are mixed. Homogeneous mixtures visually look like a single substance because they are a solution in one phase, while heterogeneous mixtures still appear as their constituent substances. 

3. Based on the Components

Components that are composed in a heterogeneous mixture can still be seen by the naked eye. Meanwhile, homogeneous mixtures will find it difficult to distinguish the constituent components with the naked eye because they have dissolved into one phase. Components in homogeneous mixtures tend to change shape from their original properties, while heterogeneous mixtures usually retain the shape of their original properties, even though they are not too perfect.  

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So, that’s an explanation of homogeneous mixtures that Sinaumed’s can learn to find out the characteristics and examples of homogeneous mixtures in our daily lives. So now there is no longer any reason for difficulties in distinguishing between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures in practice in everyday life. Whether we realize it or not, in our daily activities there are many examples of chemical work that are close to our environment. So this knowledge is very useful for our survival.

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