47 Examples of Heterogeneous Mixtures & Characteristics of Heterogeneous Mixtures

47 Examples of Heterogeneous Mixtures & Characteristics of Heterogeneous Mixtures – Are Sinaumed’s friends studying the types of mixtures in science? Exactly, we will find material about the types of mixtures of several substances, one of which is a heterogeneous mixture. If Sinaumed’s is still in school, he must be familiar with mixed substances because this material is taught in high school/MA/SMK chemistry subjects or the equivalent.

Sinaumed’s needs to know that we are actually very close to science, especially in this case chemistry that can be found in our environment. In fact, we can find examples of heterogeneous mixtures in everyday life, for example when eating green bean porridge, making bread dough, and so on. Heterogeneous mixtures are a type of mixture in chemistry that have their own properties and characteristics.

So what exactly is a heterogeneous mixture? What are some examples of heterogeneous mixtures and their characteristics? The following is an explanation of heterogeneous mixtures that Sinaumed’s needs to know in order to accurately identify examples of heterogeneous mixtures in everyday life:


A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture of two or more substances, but the constituent substances can still be distinguished easily and clearly. So a heterogeneous mixture can be defined as an imperfect mixture because it does not dissolve into one phase but the original properties of the constituent substances are still visible. The level of mixing of substances in this type of mixture can be said to be imperfect because the original properties of each particle are still visible.

A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the constituent particles do not interact in a variety of ways. That is why we can still see clearly what particles are arranged in the mixture. This mixture does not require a fixed composition, such as a compound that can be mixed with two or more materials, a mixture will occur.

Having different components and compositions, heterogeneous mixtures can be formed naturally or artificially because mixing is done on purpose. In the mixing process, a single substance can produce a certain level of mixed substance based on the following determinants:

1. Temperature

Temperature is very influential in the process of mixing a substance where the higher the temperature, the easier it is for the substance to mix. This shows that the arrangement of particles in a substance with a high temperature can move faster to melt so that it will allow for more effective particle collisions or complete dissolution. So temperature can make a mixture of substances more soluble.

2. Size of Solute

The concept of chemistry shows that a larger surface area will make a substance easier to mix. so the greater the surface area of ​​a substance, the more particles that will collide and speed up the process of mixing the substance in one solution.

3. Volume In Solvent

Sinaumed’s needs to know that the volume of the solvent can have a big effect on the mixing process of a substance. The more volume of the solvent used in the arrangement of the particles, the faster the process of mixing the solution will be. The volume will then create a composition of which particle arrangement is more dominant to dissolve the opposing substance, so that one single substance dominates and seems to eliminate it.

4.  Stirring

The next thing that also affects the process of mixing substances is stirring. Stirring then becomes a method or way to mix several substances into a mixture. That is why the stirring process will affect the results of the mixture itself.

The matters that affect the mixture above will determine the results of the mixture whether the mixture is heterogeneous or homogeneous. In addition to the above, actually there are original properties that distinguish heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures, namely the original properties of the single substance that is the component composition of the mixture. That is why the level of mixing that occurs in examples of heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures is different.

The difference in the level of miscibility can also be seen from the success of the separation process in the mixed substance. The more difficult the mixture is to separate, the higher the degree of miscibility. The process of separating the mixed substances is then grouped into classifications of physical properties and chemical properties. In practice, we may be able to carry out the separation process with methods or methods with materials and tools that can be found in everyday life.

The types of separation of mixed substances both physically and chemically can be done by means of distillation, reflux, extraction, crystallization, centrifugation, adsorption, sublimation and filtration. Meanwhile, based on differences in solvent propagation rates, mixed substances can be separated by means of chromatography.

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In practice, heterogeneous mixtures have 2 types of mixtures, namely suspensions and colloids. These two types are distinguished based on the composition of the components and the degree of mixing in a particular mixed substance. Simply put, heterogeneous mixtures consist of a coarse mixture or low mixing level and a fine mixture or high mixing level. Following is an explanation of the types of heterogeneous mixtures that Sinaumed’s needs to know in order to be able to distinguish between these two types of mixtures:

1. Suspension

Suppression is a form of a coarse heterogeneous mixture that occurs between the dispersed phases in the dispersion medium. This type of heterogeneous mixture is dispersed with a solid and the dispersing medium is a liquid. That is why the suspension system is divided into dispersed substances and dispersing medium which are easily distinguished in composition in the mixture.

The dispersed phase in solid form is then dispersed in the liquid medium with a large size, so that the liquid phase is unable to hold it. Well, that is why heterogeneous mixed substances can precipitate naturally because there is a different composition between the two substances being mixed, whether the size is larger or smaller.

Because the size of the coarse suspension particles causes the constituents to be filtered. From the stability level, the heterogeneous suspension mixture is unstable and easily separated. One example of a suspension heterogeneous mixture is a mixture of sand and water that Sinaumed’s might encounter in the process of building houses or roads. If you pay close attention to the mixture of sand and water, you can still see the difference in the particles of sand and water which cannot be mixed completely.

2. Colloids

Colloid is a form of heterogeneous mixture formed between two or more substances whose constituent particles are colloidal or very small in size. The size of the colloid in question is that the particles in the mixture are in the dispersed phase or spread evenly in the dispersing or dispersing medium. Usually the size of colloidal particles ranges from 1 to 100 nm which can be in the form of diameter, length, width, or thickness of the size of a particle.

As with other types of suspension heterogeneous mixtures, colloids also have a dispersed phase and a dispersing medium, although they are finer than suspensions or look at their constituent components. The dispensing medium is a form of matter for the colloidal particles to be distributed. The mixing process in colloids occurs when the gas sol which is a solid aerosol is distributed in the gas medium which is then called the dispersed phase.

In addition to solid, actually the dispersed phase and dispersion medium in heterogeneous colloidal mixtures can be either liquid or gas. So based on the dispersed phase, colloids can be classified into emulsions, foams, and sol. This classification will then be re-classified based on the dispersing medium. This type of classification for colloids varies because of the heterogeneous nature of the substance in which the constituent particles are easily separated into single substances or other mixed substances.

Sinaumed’s friends can find examples of colloid heterogeneous mixtures in everyday life, ranging from solid, liquid and gas. One example is flour dough if we want to make a certain dish. Colloidal mixtures are similar in nature to homogeneous mixtures because in certain cases the components of a colloidal mixture are difficult to distinguish. That is why there are still many people who have difficulty distinguishing colloidal mixtures from homogeneous mixtures. In fact, colloids are a type of heterogeneous mixture, which has a very high level of mixing, so that it is close to a homogeneous mixture.






After knowing the meaning and types of heterogeneous mixtures, Sinaumed’s was able to identify examples of heterogeneous mixtures in everyday life. This type of mixture seems to be close to our environment, ranging from liquid, solid, to gas. The following are examples of heterogeneous mixtures that Sinaumed’s needs to know about:

1. Suspension

An example of a suspension heterogeneous mixture is very visible, the arrangement of the particles is as follows:

  • A mixture of oil and water where the component particles can still be seen clearly. This means that the water and oil particles are not completely mixed, so we can still see the boundary between the two particles
  • A mixture of sand and water where we can still see the sand and water particles separately
  • Red blood cells and white plasma in human body blood plasma
  • Green bean porridge dish
  • Vegetable soup dish
  • Salad food dishes from fruits or vegetables
  • Pizza food dish
  • Cement dough mixed with gravel and water
  • Breakfast food dishes are a mixture of cereal and milk
  • Gasoline mixed with water
  • Kerosene mixed with water
  • Oil mixed with water
  • lime mixed with sand
  • Ink mixed with water
  • Toothpaste mixed with water
  • Eucalyptus oil mixed with water
  • Drinks or water mixed with ice cubes
  • Soil components consisting of sand, plants, and other substances
  • Beach sand consisting of rock components and other marine animals or organisms such as coral fragments
  • Vinegar mixed with oil
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2. Colloids

An example of a colloid heterogeneous mixture consisting of various dispersed phases and a dispersion medium which is quite difficult to distinguish between the composition of the components. However, colloids are still included in heterogeneous mixtures because the nature of the mixed substances is still not perfect into one particular phase to become a solution. The following are examples of colloidal heterogeneous mixtures that Sinaumed’s needs to know:

a. Solid Dispersing Medium

The following colloidal heterogeneous mixed substance medium comprising a solid sol, solid emulsion (gel) and solid froth composition has the following examples:

  • Metal alloy
  • Colorful glass shapes
  • Black diamond jewelry
  • Jelly snacks
  • Processed cheese ingredients
  • Rice that turns into rice that we can consume every day
  • Pumice which is usually used as a filter material so that the water is cleaner and clearer
  • Processed ingredients from marshmallows
  • Stereoform material
  • Foam rubber which is the raw material for several household appliances

b. Liquid Dispersing Medium

The following colloidal heterogeneous mixed substance mediums consist of liquid sol, liquid emulsion and liquid foam compositions having the following examples:

  • Different types of paint
  • Ink material
  • flour dough with water
  • Clay material
  • Milk liquid
  • Water mixed with coconut milk
  • River water mixed with sea water
  • Ingredients for mayonnaise
  • Hand cream
  • Whisked egg whites
  • Foam on soap

c. Gas Dispersing Medium

The following colloidal heterogeneous admixture mediums consist of a gas sol (solid aerosol), gas emulsion (liquid aerosol) composition, having the following examples:

  • Airborne dust particles
  • Air pollution is a mixture of air, dust, smoke and other gaseous substances
  • Smoke arising from fire
  • Particles that make up clouds
  • Particles that form fog
  • Spray materials such as hairspray, mosquito spray, and so on


Based on the definitions, types, and examples of heterogeneous mixtures above, Sinaumed’s can identify these mixtures based on their characteristics. Heterogeneous mixtures have clear characteristics and can be seen with the naked eye even without the aid of a magnifying device or other substance separator. Following are the characteristics of a heterogeneous mixture that Sinaumed’s needs to know to make it easier to identify or find out whether it is a heterogeneous mixture or not:

  1. The shape of the mixing of the constituent particles is not uniform
  2. The size of the constituent particles is larger than the molecules
  3. The shape of each substance that is mixed can still be distinguished easily using human vision and its properties can be easily recognized
  4. The particle shape of the solvent (water) and the solute are separated
  5. Usually cloudy and impermeable
  6. Heterogeneous mixed solutions will precipitate if left standing because the solvent and solute particles can separate naturally
  7. Heterogeneous mixtures tend to be cloudy and impermeable to light
  8. Separation process, especially filtering, can be carried out which is not so difficult
  9. The resulting mixture can be solid, liquid, and gas
  10. The components that are mixed have unequal ratios in one mixed substance
  11. Has a level of concentration of the original nature of the substance that is not the same
  12. It has a different color so it is difficult to degrade

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So, that’s an explanation of examples of heterogeneous mixtures that Sinaumed’s needs to know based on the explanation of his chemical theory. Previously, Sinaumed’s friends might not have realized that in fact goods or events that occur around our environment are complex and complicated chemical processes. One of these mixed substances, of which there are even many substances or compounds that we use today, is the process of mixing or separating these mixed substances and single substances.

Studying chemistry is certainly not an easy thing. Sinaumed’s needs a lot of references both online and in book form. sinaumedia friends can visit sinaumedia’s book collection at  https://sinaumedia.com to find references on examples of heterogeneous mixtures or other chemistry. If some of the Sinaumed’s Friends are still in high school/MA/SMK or equivalent, then you don’t need to be confused anymore looking for references to chemistry textbooks that are easy to learn and use in the latest 2013 curriculum. The following is a recommendation for chemistry textbooks for SMA/MA/SMK students or the equivalent that Sinaumed’s can read: Happy learning. #Friends Without Limits