4 Principles of Waste Treatment and Types of Waste

Principles of Waste Treatment – Talking about waste, maybe until now in every country they are also having the same problem. Waste itself is the remaining material produced from factories or from human activities that have no benefit.

Waste is also divided into several types. In addition, currently there are also several principles of waste management properly and correctly.

Even so, it cannot be denied that many irresponsible people dispose of waste carelessly. This is the problem for all of us, how can we minimize the occurrence of indiscriminate waste disposal.

Because careless waste disposal activities can have a detrimental impact on human life and the environment.

There are still many things that we can learn together related to waste, especially the principles of waste management. Get a complete explanation of everything related to waste in the review provided in this article.

Before discussing more about the principles of waste management. It would be better if we also know the meaning of waste.

Waste is unused residual material resulting from a production process, both industrial and domestic. When viewed from the main ingredient, waste can be divided into three types. Starting from solid waste, liquid waste and gas waste.

Some types of waste have the possibility of containing toxic materials that can harm the surrounding environment. In addition, waste can also endanger humans and other living things if it is not good at managing it. It should also be noted that each type of waste has its own way of managing it.



Principles of Waste Treatment

After we know the meaning of waste. The next thing that we will learn together is about the principles of waste management. There are four types of personal waste management.

Starting from reduce, reuse, recycle and also replace. The four principles of waste management are also known as the 4R. Simply put, the existence of this waste management principle is an action to utilize waste that is no longer used.

Each waste management principle always has different meanings and uses. Now, for more details, here is a more detailed explanation of the principles of waste management.

1. Reduce

The first principle of waste management is reduce. Basically reduce is an action to reduce the use of goods. This is because when we as humans use more and more materials in life.

Of course, more and more waste will be generated. An example of the existence of reduce activities is replacing the use of disposable plastic bags with environmentally friendly shopping bags.

Currently, several regions in Indonesia have supported programs to reduce the use of single-use plastics by replacing them with environmentally friendly shopping bags.

If this program can run with a long duration of time and on target. Of course, the condition of the earth will also be better.

2. Reuse

Next is the principle of reuse waste management. Basically, reuse is an action to use items that can still be used again. To maximize the reuse principle, we can start avoiding the use of single-use items such as single-use plastic bags.

An example is when we have a drinking bottle with a triangular label. We better not immediately throw away the drinking bottle. This is because we still use it again, at least in the maximum three times usage.

By doing this action regularly. Of course, the plastic waste generated by used drinking bottles will not be as much as in the past.

Besides that, we can also use eco-friendly shopping bags or tote bags that can be used many times. This action will make us minimize the use of plastic.

3. Recycle

The next waste management principle is recycling. Recycle is an act of recycling useless items into more useful items.

As an example, there are garbage banks in every village. The purpose of having a waste bank is to serve as a place to collect useless waste to be converted back into more useful items.

In simple terms, the procedure in the waste bank is that the community will collect waste that has been separated, such as organic waste and inorganic waste. Later they will exchange the waste and get appreciation from the waste bank (depending on the applicable policies).

After the garbage bank receives garbage from the community. Next, the waste bank will manage the waste, such as unused coffee packaging which can be turned into bags, carpets, wallets and others.

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Currently the existence of goods from used materials has been in great demand. The government even provides support by holding an expo or certain events that the public can use to market processed waste products.

4. Replace

Finally, there is the principle of replacing waste management. Where replace is an action to replace disposable items with items that are more durable or more environmentally friendly.

An example is switching to using a private vehicle by using a bicycle or public transportation. Then you can also replace Styrofoam with banana leaves to wrap food.

That is an explanation of the principle of waste treatment. As explained above, every principle of waste treatment always has different meanings and principles. Currently the movement for the principles of waste management is still being voiced so that the survival of creatures on earth can be better and healthier.

Types of Waste

After knowing how the existing waste treatment principles. Next is an explanation of the types of waste.

The types of waste will be grouped into three, namely waste seen from its compounds, waste seen from its form and waste seen from its source.

Then in each group the type of waste is still divided into several sections. So, for more details, you can read the explanation below.

1. Types of Waste Based on Their Compounds

The first type of waste is based on the waste compound. Where this type of waste is still divided into three more groups, namely organic waste, inorganic waste and also B3 waste.

Each group of waste has a different meaning. The following is a complete explanation of the waste groups seen based on their compounds.

a. Organic Waste

Organic waste is waste that comes from living things. Where later organic waste is a type of waste that has the properties of being easily decomposed naturally and more easily decomposed.

Around us there is a lot of organic waste such as leaves that fall to the ground, food scraps, vegetable skins, human waste, animal waste and also animal bones. In general, organic waste comes from households, hotels, restaurants and also agriculture.

b. Inorganic Waste

Next there are types of inorganic waste. Which inorganic waste is waste that comes from the rest of human activity. In addition, inorganic waste is difficult to experience natural decomposition and natural decomposition. Because this is what makes inorganic waste can endanger human life.

Examples of inorganic waste are leftover soap or dishes, plastic bags, cans, paper, cloth. Used drink bottles and many others.

c. B3 waste

Then there is also B3 waste which stands for Hazardous and Toxic Materials. In terms of its name alone, the existence of this B3 waste can pose a dangerous threat to the environment and even to human health.

This is none other than because B3 waste contains compounds that are difficult to decompose and are toxic. Some of the compounds that are usually found in B3 waste are Al, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mn, Hg, and Zn. Usually this compound can be found in a chemical substance such as cyanide, pesticides, phenol, sulfide and others.



2. Types of Waste Based on Their Shape

The next type of waste group is seen based on its form. This limah group is still divided into three namely solid waste, liquid waste and gas waste. Same as the previous waste group. Each type of waste that is seen based on its form also has an explanation, the following is the explanation.

a. Solid waste

Solid waste is waste that has a solid form and comes from the rest of the results of domestic activities. Or it could also be interpreted as waste in solid form that comes from remnants of industrial activities.

Examples of solid waste are paper, iron filings, cloth, plastic and wood. Solid waste can also be grouped into six sections.

The six sections of solid waste are organic waste that easily decomposes or garbage, inorganic and non-decomposing organic waste or rubbish, ashes or ashes, animal carcasses or dead animals, street sweeping waste and also industrial waste.

b. Liquid waste

Liquid waste is a waste that has a liquid form. The existence of liquid waste usually comes from the remaining waste products of domestic activities or production processes.

The liquid waste can be like water that has been mixed or suspended with the waste material resulting from the rest of the production. This liquid waste can be classified into four groups such as domestic liquid waste or wastewater.

Then there is also industrial wastewater, seepage and overflow or infiltration and inflow and rainwater or stormwater.

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c. Gas Waste

Gas waste is a waste that uses air as its medium. The more waste gas that rises into the air, the air quality will also decrease.

Even when the presence of more and more waste gases in the air will be able to make the health of humans and other living things very disturbed. The gaseous waste can usually be caused by motor vehicle fumes, forest fire smoke, factory smoke and others.

Examples of waste gases are Carbon Monoxide or CO, Ammonia (NH3), Nitrogen Oxide (NOX), Hydrochloric Acid (HCI), Methane (CH4), Nitrogen Sulfide (NS), Sulfur Oxide (SOX), Hydrogen Fluoride (HF), and Chlorine (Cl2).

3. Waste Based on Source

Next there are types of waste which are seen based on their source. In terms of type of waste, based on the source, it is still divided into six more types. Starting from household waste, industrial waste, agricultural waste, medical waste, mining waste and tourism waste.

As with other types of waste, the types of waste in this group which are seen based on their sources also have their respective explanations. Now for more details, here is a review of the types of waste based on their sources.

a. Household waste

Just as the name suggests, household waste comes from human activities in the house or in the environment. Because of this, household waste can also be called domestic waste.

For example, water left over from washing clothes, washing dishes, washing vehicles, soapy water after bathing, unused plastic, plastic bottles and cans, human waste and so on.

b. Industrial waste

Industrial waste is waste generated by the rest of the production process of an industry. Because the industry in this world has various forms. Therefore industrial waste also has various forms depending on what type of industry is being run.

An example is the clothing industry, the waste that is produced is leftover clothing that cannot be reused. The dye from these clothes can also pollute the environment if not managed properly.

Then there is also an industry engaged in the production of electrical cables. Leftover cables that are no longer used but are still buried in the ground can also cause environmental damage.

c. Agricultural Waste

Agricultural waste is a waste produced by various kinds of agricultural activities. In general, agricultural waste is produced from the application of fertilizers and pest control using chemical drugs.

This is because these two materials can contain a lot of chemical substances. Where basically these chemicals can damage the condition of the soil ecosystem such as a decrease in soil quality.

Not only that, the use of pesticides for vegetables and fruit will also affect the finished product which is so unfavorable when consumed. Especially when excessive use of pesticides.

d. Medical Waste

Then there is also medical waste generated from medical facilities and devices. Medical waste will be easier to find in hospitals, clinics and health centers. This type of waste if allowed to continue will cause a fairly high level of danger.

This is because every medical device used contains body fluids such as blood or other contaminants. An example is medical waste such as expired medicines, leftover chemotherapy, leftover body tissues such as autopsy activities and surgical processes, used nursing equipment and others.



e. Mining Waste

Mining waste is waste that usually comes from mining activities. The polluted environment from mining waste can be seen from the presence of large amounts of metal and also mercury that comes from the rest of the mining process.

An example is mining waste, namely arsenic, smoke, lead, sulfuric acid, mercury, mercury and various other types.

f. Tourism Waste

Finally, there is tourism waste that comes from human activities when doing tourism or traveling. In general, this tourism waste is more commonly found in locations that are often visited by people when traveling.

That is a summary of the principles of waste treatment and the types of waste. After you know how the principles of waste treatment continue to be voiced to be implemented until now and so on.

Of course, we as humans must also be aware of how important it is to preserve the environment around us. Starting from yourself first to carry out waste management activities properly and correctly.

As time goes by, not only yourself will carry out these activities. But all humans on this earth can apply it to get better environmental and living conditions.

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