4 Functions of the Glomerulus in the Kidneys for the Human Body, Check It Out Here!

Glomerular function – Organs in the human body have their own duties and roles for human survival. Sinaumed’s must have realized that if one or two of the body’s organs were not functioning, then it was very likely that these humans would experience difficulties in carrying out their lives.

Basic information regarding the types and functions of human organs should have been learned by Sinaumed’s when he was still in elementary school (SD). Meanwhile, other in-depth and detailed information will usually be studied by school students

Senior High School (SMA) or students majoring in Biology and other similar majors.
Among the organs in this body, the one that plays a large enough role is the kidney. The existence of the kidneys helps a person in filtering blood and detoxifying the body, which basically eliminates toxins in the human body.

The kidney itself has its own structure like other organs in the body. Each structure also has its own role regarding the filtering or detoxification system. In this article, Sinaumed’s will study the function of the glomerulus, a part of the kidney.

Know the Glomerulus and Glomerulus Function

However, before we discuss the function of the glomerulus, it would be nice if we first learned about the glomerulus. This is quite important, as the glomerulus is considered the most important part of the kidney. Glomerulus that is not functioning properly can inhibit the work of the kidneys.

Then, what exactly is meant by ” glomerulus “? So, basically the glomerulus is the main filtering unit in the kidney. Glomerulus is formed by a network of small blood vessels or also known as “capillaries”.

It should be noted that in the kidney, there are hundreds of thousands to millions of glomeruli, so if we discuss glomeruli, this should also apply to other glomeruli unless there is a problem in the glomerulus. The plural form of glomerulus is also known as “glomeruli”.

The location of the glomerulus is in a closed location in a sac called Bowman’s capsule. The space within the capsule surrounding the glomeruli is known as Bowman’s space. Each glomerulus is located at the start of a nephron, which is also the smallest cell or unit within the kidney.

The blood supply that flows to the glomerulus is channeled through a group of blood vessels in the kidney called afferent arterioles. Blood then flows through a network of capillaries to be filtered, and then leaves the glomerulus via the efferent arterioles.

The results of ultrafiltration, which is basically a filtering process that occurred in the previous glomerulus, will later collect in Bowman’s space. Once collected, the results of this filter will flow directly into the proximal tubule which is in the nephron.

Basically, the glomerulus consists of three different cells, namely endothelial cells, muscle cells such as smooth muscle cells and specialized muscle cells, and epithelial cells. It is the existence of these three cells that moves the glomeruli so that they can carry out their functions properly.

It should also be noted that the glomerulus is permeable, which means that substances or fluids can penetrate its cell walls. Several types of substances such as sodium and potassium can easily penetrate the glomerular cell wall. Meanwhile, substances such as hemoglobin or albumin cannot penetrate the glomerular cell walls.

Based on the explanation above, Sinaumed’s can conclude that there are at least four glomerular functions. These four functions are to regulate kidney blood flow, regulate the rate of filtration in the cells themselves, regulate systemic blood pressure, and regulate sodium levels in the body.

Sinaumed’s can generally find lessons about the glomerulus, kidneys, and other organs in the body in class XI of senior high school. You can learn this on the internet, or through textbooks such as the book “SMK/MAK Class 11 Biology 2 Field of Health Curriculum 2013”.

Kidney illness

An explanation of the glomerulus, starting from the cells that form it, its location, to the function of the glomerulus itself, should have made Sinaumed’s aware of how important the role of the kidney is for our body. For that, we have to take care of our kidneys so they can function properly.
Unfortunately, it is undeniable that we may be exposed to diseases that we could not suspect and thought before. This disease can come to any of our organs without us knowing it. Do not rule out the disease afflict our kidneys.

It is true that the organs in the human body eventually age and cannot function as before. However, sometimes the daily activities that we do can cause disease in organs in the body such as the kidneys.

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Below, there will be an explanation of kidney disease that has the potential to attack if we don’t take good care of our kidneys. Hopefully, after reading this article, Sinaumed’s’ awareness of protecting your kidneys will increase and you will always be protected from these diseases.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are actually mineral deposits such as calcium and oxalate, as well as salt compounds that form in the kidneys. There are various reasons for the formation of kidney stones, so it is rather difficult to determine the main factor for the formation of these kidney stones.

These kidney stones have several symptoms that are commonly felt by sufferers. However, some of the symptoms that you should be aware of are severe pain in the side, back, and under the ribs. This pain can also radiate to the lower abdomen and groin, and can come with high intensity, even when urinating.

Kidney stones themselves are a disease that can be cured simply by taking medication, drinking enough water, and resting. Over time, they will be excreted in the urine. However, there are times when a person has to go to the hospital for surgery to remove kidney stones if there are more severe symptoms.

Kidney Cyst

Kidney cyst is a disease that causes round, fluid-filled sacs that form on or in the kidneys. Kidney cysts can occur with disorders that can impair kidney function. Luckily, kidney cysts rarely cause complex kidney problems.

Until now, doctors have not been able to find out clearly what causes kidney cysts. Generally, there is only one cyst that occurs on the surface of the kidney. However, there are times when an inj cyst may appear on one or both kidneys in humans.

Although it rarely causes chronic disease, it’s a good idea to see a doctor if you already feel symptoms such as pain in the back and stomach and fever. At worst, kidney cysts can cause complications such as blocking the urinary tract or the sac bursting and causing pain.


Glomerulonephritis is the inflammation of the glomeruli that we discussed earlier. The sign, this disease affects the whole not just one glomerulus, but all glomeruli. Basically, this disease makes the fluid and waste that the glomeruli secrete from the bloodstream out of the body as urine.

Glomerulonephritis can have a variety of symptoms, because this disease can also indicate complications with other diseases. The most common symptoms found are urinating less often, muscle cramps, often feeling tired so often feeling nauseous and even vomiting.

There are several things that cause glomerulonephritis, namely bacterial infections, inflammation of blood vessels or, worst of all, due to autoimmune diseases such as lupus or Goodpasture’s syndrome. The last factor can be regarded as the most dangerous, because it can cause complications such as kidney failure and hypertension.

Kidney failure

Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are suddenly unable to filter waste products from the blood. When the kidneys lose their ability to filter, there is a possibility that harmful toxins can accumulate there, thus throwing the chemical makeup of the blood out of balance.

Kidney failure has quite a number of symptoms that sufferers can experience. Some of the most dangerous symptoms include swelling of the feet, cold sweat, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, and the potential for chronic seizures.

Kidney failure can be caused by two important factors, namely the obstruction of blood flow to the kidneys or the blockage of the urinary tract, so that dirt accumulates in the kidneys. Healthy people have a fairly high chance of recovering from kidney failure. However, for people who have experienced various illnesses, they must be prepared to spend their time in the hospital to recover.

Diseases that attack the kidneys are very dangerous for the survival of the body, which is one of the reasons why this organ in the body must be cared for and looked after properly, of course alongside other organs in the body.

Studying the kidneys as we discuss in this article can be one of the steps to prevent kidney disease. Sinaumed’s can study the kidney slowly and enjoyably by reading the book ” Human Organ Biology Series – Kidney & Bladder “.

How to Take Care of Kidneys

From earlier we have discussed how important it is to protect the kidneys so that we do not contract unwanted diseases. However, maybe there are still Sinaumed’s who don’t really understand how to take care of the kidneys properly and correctly.

Basically, what you need to do is as simple as carrying out a healthy lifestyle like taking care of other organs in the body. If Sinaumed’s has taken good care of other organs in the body, your kidneys should also be taken care of.

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If Sinaumed’s wants more concrete and specific steps related to protecting the kidneys, below you can find four of the many ways to protect the kidneys. You might try to apply some of these methods first until you can be consistent.

1. Drink Enough Mineral Water

The first way is a way that can be said to be the most effective not only for protecting the kidneys, but also for protecting other organs in the body. Especially for the kidneys, there are several benefits that a person can experience if they consistently drink enough mineral water.

Mineral water is the best detoxification tool that can facilitate kidney performance. In addition, salt levels and sugar levels in the body can also be controlled with mineral water. Finally, mineral water can help people with kidney stones to remove the remnants of kidney stones from the body.

2. Reduce Sugar Consumption

Sinaumed’s needs to know that excess sugar levels in the body will make it difficult for the kidneys to filter blood and detoxify. This is because sugar cannot be used by the body, so the kidneys have to do extra work to filter blood that is heavily contaminated with sugar.

The simplest solution of this is to reduce sugar consumption. Foods or drinks that contain a lot of sugar, such as pastries, soda, candy or bottled coffee, besides being able to make the kidneys work harder, can also cause other diseases such as diabetes or cavities, so they should not be consumed regularly.

3. Control Body Fat Levels

Diseases caused by excess body fat such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease, will affect the work of the kidneys. Again, the kidneys will be made to work harder in filtering blood. This is exacerbated by other body parts that are not functioning optimally due to the influence of fat.

If possible, cutting consumption of fatty foods such as fried foods can be a good solution for Sinaumed’s in maintaining the kidneys. In addition, active exercise and outdoor activities can also reduce levels of fat in the body if done regularly.

4. Avoid Consumption of Alcohol and Drugs

Just like the first method, the last way to protect the kidneys is also very important to do. Kidney diseases can be caused because the kidneys are unable to filter out toxins in the body. These toxins are often found in cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

Don’t let Sinaumed’s’ kidneys be damaged permanently by doing this unhealthy activity too often. There are many other activities that are more useful and also healthy and you can do to fill your free time instead of smoking or drinking alcohol.

Taking care of your kidneys is simpler than you think. Its application should not be that difficult either. Because as previously mentioned, living a healthy lifestyle can definitely protect your kidneys from unwanted diseases.

By maintaining the health of your kidneys, Sinaumed’s also indirectly maintains the health of other organs in the body. If Sinaumed’s is interested in reading other books related to body health, the book “My First Encyclopedia: Come on, Live Healthy” can be your reference.


With this, the article that discusses the function of the glomerulus and the kidneys as a whole ends. Sinaumed’s has studied various things about the glomerulus starting from the cells that form it, the location, and the function of the glomerulus itself.

Not only that, you also get information about the kidneys, especially regarding what diseases can attack the kidneys and how to treat them. Hopefully the explanation above can increase Sinaumed’s’ awareness of the importance of kidney organs and want to take good care of them.

We won’t get tired of reminding you, as long as Sinaumed’s always applies a healthy lifestyle in your daily life, you don’t have to worry about getting diseases in your internal organs. Remember Sinaumed’s, that pain is expensive. It is better to prevent illnesses before they come than to treat them when they arrive.

Lastly, I hope Sinaumed’s can find the information you need, whether it’s related to glomeruli or kidney organs. If you feel that the information you got is not enough, Sinaumed’s can try reading some of our recommended books above.

You can find recommended books from sinaumedia, #SahabatUnlimits , on our website, sinaumedia.com . You can also find books and various other articles according to your interests, which can certainly get you information and knowledge #MoreWithReading .

Author: M. Adrianto S.

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