23 Examples of Applying the 1st Precepts of Pancasila in Everyday Life

Meaning and Examples of Attitudes in Accordance with the 1st Precepts of Pancasila – In the life of a nation, of course, Sinaumed’s already knows that in general a country can be ascertained to have at least one way of life which functions as the way of life of the citizens of that country. Likewise with state life in the State of Indonesia. The life guidelines that belong to the people of this country that was formerly known as the Archipelago are in the form of the basis of their own state which is none other than Pancasila.

Pancasila, which was officially put forward by Indonesia’s first president Soekarno on June 1, 1945, is known as the foundation of the Indonesian state. In general, it also has another function as a guide for Indonesian citizens in living in this country that has a variety of cultures. Pancasila contains five basic procedures for the life of the nation and state in Indonesia for the citizens of this country.

These basics have five cores in various aspects and are made into a sequence so that citizens can actually implement these guidelines in sequence, the first five aspects are about religion, the second aspect is about humanity, the third aspect is about unity and oneness, the fourth aspect is about togetherness, and finally the fifth aspect about justice.

Sinaumed’s needs to know, the basics contained in Pancasila are usually referred to as “precepts”. These precepts contain a broad description of the five main aspects above. Referring to the order of the five aspects which are the mainstay of the foundation of the Indonesian state, the aspect of religion ranks first, this indicates that as a citizen of Indonesia one must obey and carry out the first precepts so that the life of the nation and state of a citizen becomes more directed.

Then how to carry out the first precepts? What is the reflection of the attitude of the first Pancasila precepts in everyday life? As well as what is the reflection of the attitude of the first Pancasila precepts in various environments?

So, on this occasion we will present all the information about the first precepts, especially examples of attitudes that reflect the practice of the first precepts from the basis of the Indonesian state, namely Pancasila, to Sinaumed’s. However, before heading to our main topic, it’s better if Sinaumed’s knows and deepens knowledge about the foundation of our country first, yes! In the following we will present the meaning, function, content of the precepts, an explanation of the meaning of the five precepts, as well as the meaning of the symbols of the five precepts. Check it out!

Basic Understanding of the State of Indonesia (Pancasila)

As Sinaumed’s knows, Pancasila has an official position that has been determined by the state as the state foundation of the Indonesian state. This makes Pancasila have a lot of understanding both in general, language, and the opinions of the leaders.

Definition of Pancasila in General

In general, the Indonesian people and Sinaumed’s know Pancasila with the definition or understanding that Pancasila is the only basic ideology created not only for the Indonesian people but for all Indonesian citizens, both ordinary citizens, officials and state leaders. Pancasila has very many roles for the Indonesian state and Pancasila is also a manifestation of the formulation and guidelines and views for living the life of the nation and state for all Indonesian people.

Understanding Pancasila in Language

In terms of language, Sinaumed’s can tell that Pancasila originally consisted of two vocabularies derived from Sanskrit. These two vocabularies of course also have different meanings for each word, for the word “five” itself has five meanings. Yep! The word “panca” is one of the numeric vocabulary words in Sanskrit. Whereas the word “sila” has a basic meaning in Indonesian, the word “sila” can also be interpreted as a rule or guideline that can form the basis of what a person or nation is like and how it behaves; behavior, behavior, actions or deeds according to adab (politeness); character and morals; adab.

With this meaning, Sinaumed’s can combine the two meanings because the words “panca” and “precepts” are combined into one term, namely Pancasila which means Five Principles in Indonesian.

Understanding of Pancasila According to the Figures

The nation’s founding figures also participated in expressing their opinion regarding the understanding of the foundation of our country.

1. Definition of Pancasila According to Ir. Sukarno

Ir. Soekarno expressed his opinion regarding the understanding of Pancasila that, Pancasila is the content and identity of the soul that has been owned by the Indonesian people for generations for centuries and was only silent and did not move because of the western culture that colonized Indonesia at that time. Based on this understanding, Pancasila is not only a teaching on how to have a state and nation for the country, but in fact Pancasila is even broader, namely as a teaching for the Indonesian people.

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2. Definition of Pancasila According to Muhammad Yamin

Muhammad Yamin argued that, the term Pancasila comes from the words “Panca” and “Sila” which have the meaning of five and the base, joints, top, basis, views or regulations governing behavior or behaviors that are important and in accordance with national personality and adab ( politeness). Based on these meanings, the real meaning of Pancasila is as five principles which contain guidelines and views or rules on how to shape behavior or behavior that is important and in accordance with national personality and manners.

3. Definition of Pancasila according to Notonegoro

Notonegoro expressed his opinion regarding the understanding of Pancasila that, Pancasila is the basic teachings for the nation and state for the Indonesian state. In this way, we can draw a conclusion that Pancasila is the basis of the teachings and ideology of the state which is expected to play a role in becoming the outlook on life and the direction of life for the Indonesian nation which in essence serves as the unifying basis of the Indonesian nation, as a symbol symbolizing unity and oneness and as a thing which can strengthen the nation and state of Indonesia.

4. The definition of Pancasila according to Ruslan Abdul Ghani

Ruslan Abdul Ghani expressed his opinion regarding the notion of Pancasila that, Pancasila is defined as the only state philosophy that was formed with the aim of becoming a collective ideology that is useful for improving the welfare of the people and the Indonesian nation itself.

The Function of Pancasila for the State of Indonesia

Not only as the basis of the state because of its position, but Pancasila also has many other functions for the Indonesian state. Following are the other functions of Pancasila for the Indonesian nation:

1. The basis of the state and the ideology of the Indonesian nation
2. Guidelines and views on life as a nation and state
3. The form of the soul of the Indonesian nation
4. Being the source of all sources of law made and applicable in Indonesia
5. The realization of the aspirations, hopes and goals of the Indonesian nation
6 . Teachings in various aspects for the Indonesian nation
7. A reflection of the identity of the Indonesian nation
8. Forms of a noble agreement between the cultures of the Indonesian nation

Fill Pancasila

As we said earlier, Pancasila contains five very important foundations. These five foundations have a role to become state ideology and become a guideline for the life of the nation and state for the Indonesian state. The five principles are:

1. Belief in the One and Only God.
2. Just and Civilized Humanity.
3. Indonesian Unity.
4. Democracy led by wisdom in Representative Deliberations.
5. Social Justice for All Indonesian People.

The Meaning of the First Precepts

The first precepts of Pancasila explain about some of the good, noble or noble qualities that must be owned by all Indonesian people. The first precept of Pancasila provides teaching and advice to adherents of their respective religions to always obey the norms of religious life and actively carry out the worship of their religion. The basic principle contained in this first precept is the principle of divinity. Indirectly, the first precept of Pancasila conveys the meaning that the principle of divinity is one or can also be the main thing that has the potential to build unity and oneness within the Indonesian state.

In addition, in the first precepts of Pancasila there is a meaning that in social life there must be differences in belief and religion, it is expected that we can live together peacefully and even help each other. The first precept of Pancasila also contains the meaning value that the state is also obliged to guarantee the independence of every citizen without discrimination for all religions in worship and celebrating holidays according to that religion and belief. In the first precepts of Pancasila, the meaning is also contained which is an attitude of tolerance where it is not permissible to impose one’s beliefs on others, even to the point of changing their beliefs, in this case it has the context of forcibly changing one’s beliefs.

Citizens must comply with the first precept and realize the state’s obligations contained in the first precept. One of the manifestations of the first precepts of Pancasila is to create a good atmosphere, increase tolerance in religion and harmony in religion, and not forgetting to carry out tasks that are useful to encourage the level of welfare between religious communities is also a responsibility.

The Meaning of the Symbol of the First Precepts

The first precept of Pancasila has a symbol depicting a star numbering one or a single star colored golden yellow. The golden yellow star is a symbol of a star which has a significant meaning like a speck of light, this light is the light emitted by God Almighty to mankind in the world.

Meanwhile, the background is colored black right behind the golden star symbol. This black background gives a picture of the color of nature, which, as we know, is a blessing from God and is the source of everything on this earth for human life.

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Points of Practice of the First Precepts According to the Decree of the MPR

The points on the practice of the first Pancasila precepts are taken directly from the MPR decree or TAP MPR. According to the information we received, the TAP MPR, which contains Pancasila points, has undergone several amendments. The MPR TAP that we present to Sinaumed’s is the 2003 MPR TAP.

The sound of the precepts: “Belief in the One and Only God”

1. The Indonesian people declare their belief in and piety to God Almighty.
2. Believe in and fear God Almighty in accordance with their respective religions and beliefs according to a just and civilized humanity basis.
3. Appreciate and cooperate with adherents of other religions with different beliefs about God Almighty.
4. Fostering harmony of life among fellow religious people towards God Almighty.
5. Religion and belief in God Almighty are issues that concern the relationship between the human person and God Almighty.
6. Develop an attitude of mutual respect for the freedom to practice worship according to each religion and belief.
7. Do not impose a religion and belief on others.

The description of the Points of the Practice of the First Pancasila Precepts

If Sinaumed’s still feels that he doesn’t quite understand the points of implementing this first Pancasila precept, don’t worry because we will provide some explanations regarding the points of practice of Pancasila. Let’s go!

We will describe the contents of the points on the practice of the first Pancasila precepts with reference to the points on the practice of Pancasila based on the TAP MPR of 2003.

  1. Indonesian citizens express that all Indonesian people have faith and will always fear God Almighty and their religion.
  2. Always have a sense of trust and always be pious by diligently carrying out worship activities aimed at God Almighty in accordance with the rules of their respective religions and beliefs based on the basis of just and civilized humanity.
  3. Always create a good and harmonious atmosphere and environment even though they have different beliefs. This is manifested by mutual respect and always helping and strengthening cooperation with followers of other religions who have different beliefs about God Almighty.
  4. Willing to build harmony among people of different religions towards God Almighty even though they have different beliefs and religions.
  5. Fellow humans are prohibited from criticizing humans because of their religion or worship because religion, belief in God Almighty, and how the person worships is a privacy that concerns the human relationship with God Almighty.
  6. Prioritize behavior and attitude of mutual respect and appreciate the freedom to carry out all worship according to each religion and belief.
  7. It is not even forbidden to take any action which is a form of coercion to change the religion and beliefs of other people.


Examples of Attitudes and Application of Pancasila in Various Environments

1. Application of the contents of the first precepts in the home environment

  • Always believe in the statement that God Almighty exists and always watches over all our actions at home.
  • Always be honest and speak frankly with parents.
  • Discipline and obedience when carrying out worship at home.
  • Do not forget to start all activities at home by praying to God Almighty.
  • Remind the family to worship if a family member forgets to pray.
  • Always create a peaceful and religious atmosphere at home and develop tolerance towards family members.

2. Application of the contents of the first precepts in the school environment

  • Always believe in the statement that God Almighty exists and always watches over all our actions at school.
  • Obediently perform all their respective religious obligations at school.
  • Always respect and appreciate when friends or teachers of different religions are worshiping at school.
  • Respect and not be a bully when friends of different religions are carrying out worship at school.
  • Make friends with all school members without having to discriminate against their religion.
  • Always instill the behavior of helping fellow friends or teachers even though they have different religions.
  • Obey all teachers in the school even though they have different religions and do not discriminate between teachers.
  • Become a student who doesn’t mind religious differences in association and always tries to create harmony in school.

3. Application of the contents of the first precepts in the community

  • Always believe in the statement that God Almighty exists and always watches over all our actions in public places.
  • Always respect other people’s beliefs and religions and remind others if someone criticizes other people’s religions or beliefs.
  • Don’t take any action that means discrimination anywhere, don’t forget to remind each other and leave something that has a negative value towards a religion.
  • Instill an attitude of not interfering in the affairs of other religions and focusing on one’s own religion.
  • Participate in maintaining the security of places of worship of other religions.
  • Always respect and uphold tolerance when neighbors of different religions celebrate their religious holidays.
  • Interact with all neighbors or the surrounding community without discriminating against their religion and beliefs.
  • Do not mention internal problems in other religions when in public places or in the community.
  • Respect and do not disturb when there are neighbors who are carrying out worship.

If Sinaumed’s asks what is the reason for the precepts of Belief in the One and Only God to be the first precepts in the fifth precept, that is because all the values ​​contained in the first precept have a relationship with the values ​​in the following precepts. Sinaumed’s needs to know that the contents of the second to fourth precepts are a form of elaboration of the first precept of Pancasila.

So, those are some explanations about Pancasila, especially the first Pancasila precepts along with examples of their attitudes which Sinaumed’s can certainly apply in various environments in Sinaumed’s’ daily life.

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