15 Reasons Why We Must Maintain the Conservation of Mangrove Plants

15 Reasons Why We Must Protect Mangrove Plants – Indonesia holds the status of having the largest mangrove forest in the world. Mangrove plants that live in land and sea transition areas have plant roots that are stagnant in the water. Indonesia is known to have mangrove forests or mangrove plants covering an area of ​​3.5 million hectares.

On the other hand, Indonesia also holds the title as the highest contributor to the destruction of mangrove forests in the world. This phenomenon attracts the attention of various groups because the problem of damage to mangrove plants never ends.

Mangrove plants or mangroves are one of the ecosystems that grow in river estuaries. Areas of silt deposits are often places for the growth of mangrove plants which are directly related to sea tides.

Mangrove plants are plants in the form of shrubs and trees that live in brackish water or sea water. Indonesia is one of the tropical areas that can make mangrove plants thrive.

Mangrove plants with the Latin name Rhizophora Muncronata can grow to a height of 35-40 meters. This plant has different names in each region, such as mangrove, early maturing, bare mangrove, and bangko.

Cylindrical stems, brown outer skin, and cracked outer skin are the characteristics of mangrove plants that grow in sandy areas. Mangrove plants or ‘mangrove’ have origins that are not known with certainty.

Some sources say that the term ‘mangrove’ is a combination of English and Portuguese. The English call mangrove plants with the term ‘grove’. Meanwhile, the Portuguese named the mangrove plant ‘mangue’.

Centers for the spread of world mangroves are in South Asia and Southeast Asia. The South Asian region represents 25% of the world’s mangrove area. Meanwhile, the Southeast Asian region represents 75% of the world’s mangrove area.

Indonesia is recognized as the largest area of ​​mangrove habitat in the world with the main distribution areas of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. There are at least 202 types of mangrove plants that grow in Indonesia.

Mangroves have a variety of environmental and socio-economic benefits. Mangrove plants are useful for protecting the coast from erosion and abrasion, as a place for aquatic animals to live, prevent seawater intrusion, have educational potential, and become a tourist spot.

As time goes by, the area of ​​mangrove plants is getting narrower. There are several factors that influence this condition, including the construction of houses, environmental pollution, logging of mangrove forests, clearing of ponds, and so on.

The narrowing of the mangrove area has a real impact on the surrounding community. Mangrove plants are one of the important ecosystems that are able to maintain the sustainability of life.

The unique characteristics of mangrove plants actually have important functions for life. For this reason, Sinaumed’s needs to preserve mangroves. Don’t let Indonesia lose its prestigious title as owner of the world’s largest mangrove forest.

So, why do we have to preserve mangroves? sinaumedia.com has compiled an explanation that will answer these questions. Check out the following reviews.

The Importance of Maintaining the Conservation of Mangrove Plants

1. Maintaining Water Quality

Mangrove plants are able to filter water and provide clean water for sensitive ecosystems. The sensitive ecosystems in question are coral reefs and seagrass beds.

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Quoted from the Smithsonian Ocean page, mangrove plants can absorb runoff nutrients to improve water quality. Mangrove plants that grow around the shore can make the water clear so that socialization of the benefits and efforts to preserve mangroves are encouraged.

2. Protecting the Coastline from Abrasion

The preservation of mangroves is important to maintain because they are able to prevent sea water erosion or abrasion due to waves. The roots of mangrove plants are able to collect sediment and silt carried by the tidal waves.

Therefore, mangrove plants can hold the soil in place to prevent sea water erosion or abrasion. If the mangroves disappear, the sea waves will erode the coastal soil.

3. Prevent Erosion

Mangrove plants that have cylindrical stems are able to protect the land from direct waves. Land and sea areas can be limited by mangrove forests. In addition to preventing abrasion, the preservation of mangrove plants is important to maintain in order to prevent erosion.

The community’s environment will be threatened because coastal erosion will continue to erode the earth’s surface. Mangrove plants are considered strong to bind the soil around coastal areas. Mangrove forests are important to be preserved in order to save the coastline from sea waters and natural disasters.

4. Soil Catalyst from Seawater

Mangrove plants which are often found in sandy areas can be a very clear solution to protect the soil around the sea. Why? Because the land is in direct contact with seawater and can enter the water continuously.

With the presence of mangroves, the soil layer will become denser. Then these conditions can save the land from scouring sea water.

5. Withstand the Power of the Waves

In addition to maintaining water quality, the roots of mangrove plants are believed to be able to withstand the force of the waves. Mangrove plants can dampen waves so that the waves become much calmer.

These conditions make mangroves a zone of shock absorbers or tsunamis that hit the coast. Then the cyclone storms that often hit the coast will be dampened by mangroves to reduce the loss of life and damage to infrastructure.

6. Absorbs Carbon Dioxide

Like other plants, mangrove plants carry out photosynthesis by absorbing carbon dioxide in the surrounding environment. Mangrove plants are considered capable of reducing carbon dioxide in motor vehicle emissions.

In addition, mangrove plants have an important role in reducing greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Global warming itself can be a big threat to nature and humans.

Developing mangrove areas or mangrove forests is an effective way to prevent and reduce the effects of global warming. Mangrove plants as estuary ecosystems are one of the supports for warming from sea waters.

7. Habitat of Living Creatures

Quoted from the Encyclopedia Britannica, mangrove plants ecologically provide a habitat for terrestrial and marine organisms. The mangrove area is home to several types of living creatures and organisms, such as fish, shrimp, crabs and turtles.

As a habitat for many animals, mangroves provide a place to breed, lay eggs and hatch. For example, mangrove forests are used as spawning grounds and breeding grounds for aquatic animals such as turtles.

Underwater roots and stems of mangrove plants provide the best shelter for newly hatched animals. In addition, humans need other living things for food and a good source of nutrition for health.

8. Human Resources

Mangrove plants are very beneficial for the surrounding community. Mangrove forests on the beach are the habitat of a number of aquatic animals. Mangrove plants that provide habitat for fish, turtles, clams, shrimp and other animals are a natural resource for the livelihoods of the local community.

Mangrove plantation areas that grow with unique characteristics have helped maintain the availability of marine fish resources. The diversity of animals living in the mangroves is used by the local community when the beach is receding.

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In addition, mangrove plants provide a source of wood for humans to make various herbal medicines, household utensils, and firewood. The surrounding community uses mangroves as cooking fuel because the fires produced are bigger, more even, and environmentally friendly.

Dry and rotting mangrove trees and wood can be used as firewood. If you don’t preserve the mangroves, then the life cycle of aquatic animals will become extinct and people’s sources of livelihood will disappear.

9. Prevents Seawater Intrusion

What is seawater intrusion? Sea water intrusion can be interpreted as an event where sea water enters through the pores of the rock. These events can be the cause of soil contamination. The roots of mangrove plants can function to prevent seawater intrusion.

10. Natural Waste Filter

Mangrove plants that maintain seawater quality can act as natural waste filters. Why? Because the roots of mangrove plants that grow at the end of large rivers can accelerate the decomposition of organic waste that is carried to the beach. Mangrove ecosystems with high productivity can speed up the process of decomposing chemicals that pollute the sea, such as oil, detergents and soap.

11. Gives Broad Economic Impact

Like other types of plants, mangrove plants planted in mangrove forests can be harvested. Mangroves can increase regional economic standards as a tourist attraction and be processed into crafts. Mangrove forests are considered capable of being a tourist destination for various local and foreign tourists.

12. Maintain Climate and Weather

Damage to natural systems can be a factor in climate change and weather. Mangrove plants are needed to maintain coastal, marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Then mangrove plants can help humans obtain a comfortable climate and weather.

13. Knowledge Development

Mangrove forests can function as a place to develop various sciences in the fields of fisheries, marine and chemistry. Mangrove plants are often used as a source of research. Mangrove plants are able to increase various types of discoveries throughout the world.

14. Animal Feed Sources

Mangrove plants that live in silt areas can be an alternative to fodder for livestock. How to? Mangroves that have been crushed or ground will become powdered fodder rich in nutrients. Nutritional content, such as minerals, protein, and calories can improve the development and growth of livestock. Mangroves can be a source of fodder for cattle, poultry and goats.

15. Help Form the Island

Mangrove plants as dicotyledonous plants that live in water can form land with the sediment and soil it holds. Mangrove plants are considered capable of growing coastline developments from time to time. Mangrove plants that thrive can expand the coastline.

In addition, mangrove plants or mangroves which belong to the Rhizophoraceae family provide opportunities for terrestrial plants to live and develop on land. Then the new habitat over a long period of time can expand into its own island.

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Those are 15 reasons for the importance of preserving mangroves . Mangrove forest rehabilitation is one of the efforts made by the community, government and related parties to preserve mangroves. These efforts also need to be balanced with attitudes and actions to conserve mangroves in coastal areas.

Preserving mangroves is the right action to preserve the environment. We need to preserve mangroves, lest Indonesia lose its prestigious title as the owner of the largest mangrove forest in the world.