15 Prayers That Can Be Read After Prayers of Hajat

Hajat Prayer Prayer – Apart from performing the five daily obligatory prayers, it turns out that sunnah prayers are also highly recommended to get the pleasure of Allah SWT. One of the sunnah prayers that has great rewards is hajat prayer. Usually, someone who has a specific need or goal, he will definitely perform this one sunnah prayer so that Allah SWT will grant his wish. After the hajat prayer is over, it’s best for Sinaumed’s not to just leave right away do dhikr, praise Allah SWT, and read blessings on Rasulullah SAW. Even though in fact, Allah SWT already knows what wishes we want to pray for, but it is better if we still ask Him for prayer. So what are the prayers ?what should be said when carrying out this hajat prayer? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands this, let’s look at the following review!

How to Pray for Hajat Prayer Intentions?

As with the obligatory prayers and other sunnah prayers, the hajat prayers which can be carried out from 2 to 12 cycles with one greeting, of course, have their own reading of the intention prayer. The reading of the intention prayer is carried out as a “marker” for the commencement of the hajat prayer, namely before takbiratul ihram. Well, here is a prayer of intention at prayer hajat.

(Ushalli sunnatal hajati ral’ataini ada’an lillahi ta’ala)

Meaning: “I deliberately pray the sunnah hajat two rak’ahs in cash because of Allah SWT”

15 Prayers That Can Be Read After Prayers of Hajat

After the hajat prayer is finished, it is better not to leave immediately. Because this is the right time to ask Him about what our needs or desires are. Reporting from jabar.nu , there are several prayers that can be read after performing the hajat prayer, namely:

First Prayer

Meaning: “There is no god but Allah who is kind and generous. There is no god but Allah, the most high and great. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the majestic Throne. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds,” (See Syekh M Nawawi Banten, Nihayatuz Zain, [Beirut, Darul Pole Al-Ilmiyyah: 2002 M/1422 H], first printing, page 104).

Second Prayer

Meaning: “Glory to the One who wears majesty and speaks with it. Glory be to Substance that puts compassion and becomes noble because of it. Glory be to the Essence of majesty and glory. Glory be to the Essence of the owner of the gift. I ask You to send blessings on Sayyidina Muhammad and his family with the glorious outlines of Your Throne, the pinnacle of Your book’s mercy, and with Your very great name, Your high glory, Your perfect sentences. and general that can not be exceeded by obedient and disobedient servants,” (See Syekh M Nawawi Banten, Nihayatuz Zain, [Beirut, Darul Pole Al-Ilmiyyah: 2002 M/1422 H], first printing, pages 103-104).

Third Prayer

( Lâ ilâha illallâhul halîmul karîm. Subhânallâhi rabbil ‘arsyil karîmil ‘azhîm. Alhamdulillâhi rabbil ‘âlamîn. As’aluka mûjibâti rahmatik, wa ‘azâ’ima maghfirak, wal ghanîmata min kulli birrin, was salâmata min kulli itsmin. La tada ‘lî dzanban illâ ghafartah, wa lâ hamman illâ farrajtah, wa lâ hajatan hiya laka ridhan illâ qadhaitahâ ya arhamar râhimîn.)

It means:

“There is no god but Allah, the most gentle and the most noble. Glory be to Allah, keeper of the great Throne. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the universe. I ask You for the guidance of charity according to Your mercy, the provisions of Your forgiveness, the opportunity to achieve as much goodness, and protection from all sins. Don’t let me have one sin left, but forgive me. Do not also leave me in a state of doubt, so set it free. Nor do You neglect me who is in need according to Your pleasure, therefore fulfill my wish. O merciful God.”

Fourth Prayer

(“Laa ilaha illallohul hakiimul kariimu subhaanallohi robbil ‘arsyil azhiim. Alhamdu lillaahi robbil aalamiin. As aluka muujibaari rohmatika wa ‘azaaima maghfirotika wal ghoniimata ming kulli birri wassalaamata ming kulli itsmin laa tada lii dzamban illa ghofartahu walaa hamman illaa farojtahu walaa haajatan hiya laka ridho illa qodhoitahaa yaa arhamar roohimiin.”)

It means:

There is no God except Allah, the Most Forbearing, the Most Glorious, the Most Holy, Allah, the Lord of the Great Throne, all praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. Of You I ask for something that requires Your grace and something that brings Your forgiveness, and preservation of sins, obtain good in every sin, do not leave sins on me, but You forgive, and trouble, but You provide a way out, and nor is there a wish that is acceptable to You, unless You grant it, O God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.”

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Fifth Prayer: Istighfar

This fifth prayer is in the form of istighfar which is a dhikr to ask Allah SWT for forgiveness. This istighfar remembrance is read 100 times after the hajat prayer is performed. So, here is the istighfar reading:

It means:

“I beg forgiveness from Allah the Most Great.” 

Sixth Prayer: Blessings

As with reading the prayer of istighfar, this shalawat is also recommended to be read after carrying out the hajat prayer. Usually reading this shalawat is read 100 times after reading istighfar which is also 100 times.

The reading of the shalawat prayer that can be read is: “Allahumma shalli alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin shalaatarridhaa wardha an ashaabihir ridhar ridhaa”.

It means, “O Allah, give the gift of welfare to our lord Muhammad, the welfare that is blessed, and is blessed from all friends.”

Seventh Prayer: Tasbih

Through reading this tasbih prayer, we as His servants can glorify Allah SWT because it has the pronunciation ” Subhanallah ” which means Glory be to Allah. Well, this tasbih prayer reading must also be read 100 times.

Eighth Prayer: Hamdalah

The next prayer that can be read after performing the hajat prayer is reading Hamdalah. This Hamdalah reading is a form of gratitude to Allah SWT which reads ” Alhamdulilahirabbil Alamin” , which means ‘all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. This Hamdalah is also read 100 times.

The Ninth Prayer: The Word of Monotheism

Through the sentence of monotheism which is a sentence that affirms Allah SWT, namely there is no God but Allah SWT. The sound of the tauhid sentence is:

Tenth Prayer: Surah Al-Ikhlas

The Al-Ikhlas prayer, which is usually often recited when performing the obligatory prayer, can also be read when the hajat prayer is finished. This Surah Al-Ikhlas is a surah that is contained in the holy book of the Al-Quran which embodies Allah SWT, reads:

In this surah, starting from the first verse to the last, more or less conveys that as Muslims, we are indeed obliged to always unite Allah SWT. There is only one God, without a mother, father or children. In addition, Allah SWT is also a place for His servants to always depend or depend on. That is, we must surrender all things to Allah SWT, because all the provisions and provisions of our life are in His will. In this mortal world, there is indeed no one who can equal the position of Allah SWT and no one can make partners of Allah SWT.

The Eleventh Prayer: Surah Al-Alaq

If Sinaumed’s wants to read this surah when he finishes performing the hajat prayer, it should be read 11 times, right? Al-Falaq means dawn, so the right time to read it is during the dawn prayer. The following is a recitation of surah Al-Alaq.

Based on the reading and translation of the surah, it can be understood that the God who rules the dawn is Allah SWT. Allah SWT is also the one who is able to split the night into the morning. Not only that, in the surah Al-Alaq it means that we must ask Allah SWT to protect us from all the ugliness of all His creatures on this earth. All of His creatures are diverse, can be in the form of animals, jinns, even fellow humans who pose a danger.

Even more so at night, which is the “right” time for demons to roam around along with the humans and animals that wreak havoc. In the translation of surah Al-Alaq, there is also the sentence “and from the evil of the witch women who breathe on knots”. The point is that we have to protect ourselves from sorcerers who turn out to be not only women, but also men.

The evil we should most avoid is envy which is human nature. Yep, humans who are jealous will always justify any means to get the favors that are owned by other people.

Twelfth Prayer: Surah An-Nas

In addition to surahs Al-Ikhlas and Al-Alaq, there is also a short surah An-Nas which apparently can also be read after performing the hajat prayer. An-Nas means human, so the overall meaning of this surah is about human life. The following is the sound of surah An-Nas:

Thirteenth Prayer: Chair Verse

This chair verse is part of the surah Al-Baqarah which is in verse 255. Its presence is often used as a dhikr to prayer to protect oneself from the devil’s disturbances. If Sinaumed’s wants to read this Ayat Kursi as a closing prayer after performing the hajat prayer, it’s best to read it 11 times, OK?

The Fourteenth Prayer: Hauqolah Reading

Hauqolah reading is actually very important for human life, especially for Muslims. So, here is the Hauqolah reading which should be read 100 times after performing the hajat prayer: “Laa haula walaa quwwata illa billahil aliyyil adziim”

Meaning: “There is no power and no power except with the help of Allah, the Most High and the Most Great.”

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Fifteenth Prayer

The fifteenth prayer that can be read after performing the hajat prayer is the reading of Hasbunallah Wanikmal Deputy Nikmal Maula Wanikman Nasir which can be read 100 times. This reading is a remembrance reading which is highly recommended to be read after praying, especially during the hajat prayer. Even though the verse is short, the meaning is very deep , you know, especially about human trust in Allah SWT. The meaning of this reading is: “God is sufficient as a place of self for us, the best protector and best helper for us.”

Things You Need to Know About Prayers of Hajat

What is Hajat Prayer?

The hajat prayer is one of the sunnah prayers which is usually performed when Muslims have a need or wish, whether it is a worldly or an afterlife need. Usually, Muslims who perform hajat prayers are when their intentions or desires cannot be achieved with human strength. Yep, humans really need help from Allah SWT so that their needs can be fulfilled, so they will perform hajat prayers as a form of worship to Him.

This hajat prayer can be carried out with as many as 2 cycles to 12 cycles, which are carried out for a week in a row. In the same way when carrying out other prayer services, in this prayer, we as His servants must humble ourselves before Allah SWT. This is because in truth Allah SWT loves people who humble themselves before Him. Yep, people who humble themselves before Him will be included in those whose prayers are accepted by Allah SWT. The implementation of this hajat prayer can be done at any time, whether morning, afternoon or evening.

The best time to carry out this hajat prayer is one third of the night, which is around 1 am until just before the time for the dawn prayer. However, if you want to do it during the day or at night, you can do it after completing the obligatory prayers.

The basis for the implementation of hajat prayers has been explained in the sunnah fiqh which was mentioned by Sayyid Sabiq by quoting the authentic hadith belonging to Abu Darda ra, that Rasulullah SAW once said: “Whoever performs ablution and perfects it, then performs the two cycles of prayer perfectly then Allah Ta’ I will give him whatever he asks, either sooner or later.” (Narrated by Ahmad)

So, based on this hadith, it is clearly stated that Rasulullah SAW has taught his people to always ask Allah SWT through prayer, if they have a need. In addition to our wishes being achieved, through this hajat prayer it can also make us closer to Allah SWT.

Examples of Desires That Can Be Achieved Through Hajat Prayer

Basically, every human desire or desire is different. Try Sinaumed’s to think about it, what is your wish right now? Well, intention that is not permissible is aimed at hurting other people or even disturbing other people’s lives. Especially because of the nature of envy. So, what are the wishes that can be achieved through this hajat prayer?

1. Healed From Sickness

Actually, the life and death of humans throughout this earth is in the hands of Allah SWT. However, there is nothing wrong if we are sick and then carry out the hajat prayer by asking Allah SWT to lift the disease we are suffering from. Yep, the pain given by Allah SWT is a test that must be lived and becomes a “way” to erase our sins. If you want to recover from an illness, it’s better to carry out hajat prayers accompanied by votive fasts

2. Get Superior Achievements

For Sinaumed’s who are still in school and want to get superior performance, they can also perform hajat prayers. However, it should be noted that in order to achieve this goal, you cannot just pray, but you also have to study hard.

Likewise, if Sinaumed’s wants to graduate from school or university with maximum results, he can carry out this prayer. Especially if you are working on a thesis exam, the existence of this hajat prayer can be a way for the thesis session to run smoothly. Don’t forget to keep trying to learn

3. Soulmate

So, for Sinaumed’s who are still single and want to get a partner soon, you can also achieve this by carrying out this hajat prayer. Through this hajat prayer, later Allah SWT will bring our soul mate closer. Yep, indeed the soul mate is in the hands of Allah SWT, but there is still nothing wrong if we ask Him to be closer to our soul mate. However, it must also be accompanied by efforts to improve ourselves to become a better person , OK ?




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