12 Functions of Product Packaging and Benefits to Their Types in the Market!

Packaging Function – There are many ways that we can do as entrepreneurs in marketing our products to make them more widely known. One of them is by utilizing product packaging. Even though it looks simple, the role and function of product packaging is very important for our business.

This is because product packaging is the first thing customers or consumers see. Therefore, business owners should pay attention to product packaging. Then, what exactly is meant by product packaging? Check out the full review in this Sinaumed’s article.

Product Packaging Function

Then, what are the functions of product packaging that business owners need to know? Come on, see Sinaumed’s.

1. As a brand identity

One of the functions of product packaging is as a brand identity. Packaging is the first focus that is seen by customers. Through packaging, customers can differentiate our brand from other brands.

Why is a packaging known as a brand identity? This is because in a package there are colors, sizes, shapes, and fonts. These elements make our brand look different from other brands. Packaging can be a means of communicating our brand to customers.

2. Preserve and protect the product

Sometimes there is a product that is not resistant to certain environmental conditions such as temperature or weather. Thus, the product will be susceptible to bacteria and microbes when it is in a place that is too cold, hot or humid.

Therefore, making good packaging is very necessary to protect the products that are sold and will be used by customers later. For example, products that are sold are made of leather. If it is not packaged properly, it will be susceptible to mold, especially during the humid rainy season.

Those are several manufacturers of leather products that pack their products by adding chemicals such as silica gel. The goal is to keep the temperature of the packaging dry, so that the product inside is also durable.

3. Facilitate distribution

As entrepreneurs, we certainly cannot work alone to distribute and market our products until they reach our customers. So, in this process requires another party or distributor. When the goods are at the product distributor, they will be carefully examined before being distributed back to shops, resellers, dropshippers and direct customers.

If the product is packaged properly, this will have an impact on the speed of distribution of goods and increase efficiency. In other words, packaging must be easy to carry, lift and rearrange both when it is in the warehouse, the distribution process until it reaches the recipient or customer.

4. As a promotional media

No matter how good the quality of our products is, it will be useless if no one knows about it. So, this is where promotion plays a big role in introducing our product. One of the functions of product packaging is as a promotional medium.

So, why do we need to design packaging as attractive as possible. That way, even though previously customers or consumers have never known our products, but because we package them in unique packaging, they will also be interested in trying again. From here, customers will know the quality of our products.

5. Provide information

Apart from being a promotion, the function of product packaging can also be a means of providing information to customers about the product. We as entrepreneurs or brand owners need to explain in detail about the product to be sold by including information on the packaging. For example regarding product composition, net weight, superiority to expiration date.

For special products such as medicines, it is also important to include other information. For example regarding presentation, recipes, side effects to official permits from official state institutions regarding product certification such as MUI, BPOM and so on. That way, customers feel more secure and comfortable using the product.

6. Increase efficiency

Efficiency is a consideration of product packaging. Storing goods with large enough packaging will certainly take up space, time and money. As an entrepreneur or brand owner, you should pay attention to the size and shape of our product packaging.

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The more concise the packaging used, the more efficient the production costs. However, try not to override the quality of the packaging so that the product contents can be properly maintained.

7. Be the attractiveness of the product

Product packaging is also known as the attractiveness of a product itself, especially if the packaging is made with an attractive design. Usually, what makes the package attractive besides design, color and legible font size is using an endorsement service.

Endorsements brought by a public figure during promotions can also be a special attraction. If this is done repeatedly, people will associate the product or packaging with the public figure and be interested in buying it. However, if we want to use this strategy, of course, it will also require a large amount of money.

8. Offer different values

You could say the function of this product packaging is like a piece of clothing. Clothing that makes a person different and has character when worn. This also applies to a product.

Just compare a product that is sold without attractive packaging or doesn’t even use it at all, of course there will be something missing and makes the product not look at customers no matter how good the quality is.

So, don’t be surprised if packaging can provide a separate value for the product being sold. The better the product packaging, both in terms of design and quality, the selling value to customers or consumers will also increase. They will also consider buying it because they are sure of the quality of the product.

9. Provide guarantees for the contents of the product

Packaging on a product also functions to provide security and comfort guarantees, especially regarding the contents of the product. This is very important for companies, brands and manufacturers so that customers get good products that meet their expectations.

So, the product will not be damaged during the shipping process and will remain in good condition when it is received by the customer.

Especially for products that are fragile and prone to damage, for example, food. Because, food sometimes can not stand under certain conditions. Good packaging also ensures that the taste remains good when consumed and does not change, including the texture of the product contents.

10. Advise customers of disposal methods

Disposal of product packaging is still considered a trivial matter by most people. However, as an entrepreneur it is important for us to pay attention to the procedures for disposing of this packaging. Especially now that campaigns are rife to protect the environment from non-biodegradable waste, one of which is product packaging.

This is where it is important for us to tell customers how to dispose of packaging. Apart from being a function of product packaging, if we include these elements at least it also contributes to environmental sustainability and added value for the brand.

Customers will judge that our brand really cares about nature. In addition, it will also remind the popularity of the brand and make it a little different from others with innovations that are beneficial to the environment.

11. Creating customer demand

Did Sinaumed’s know that the function of product packaging can also be a means of creating customer demand? This strategy is played by the world’s big brands. They create packages that attract customers to buy the products offered. Customers not only enjoy the contents of the product, but also make the packaging a special collection.

Moreover, if the packaging is for certain editions, this will add value to the collection. For example, fast food companies such as McDonald’s present special edition BTS products and sell well.

The packaging is also a target for collectors, especially for BTS fans. From this packaging, various requests emerged from customers for this fast food company to issue other special edition packages that are no less unique.

12. Provide convenience to customers

The next product function is to provide convenience for customers. Convenience here includes many aspects, both the convenience of the product when used or consumed as well as the convenience aspect when moving the product to another place. For example when shipping products from producers to consumers.

Manufacturers or distributors ensure that the goods are in good condition and not damaged. Packaging that is strong and not easily damaged will help the transfer process to be faster, easier and safer.

That way, manufacturers and distributors can cut unexpected costs or reduce waste. Besides being safe, make sure the packaging used is easy for customers to carry later.

Definition of Product Packaging

Product packaging in general as a container or wrapper that has a function to prevent or minimize damage to the packaged product. In addition, there are also those who argue that product packaging is a product wrapping material that has the function of accommodating, protecting, identifying and promoting the product.

In this case, the function of packaging is not only useful for protecting products, but also as a marketing tool and building brand identity to increase sales. Packaging has a meaning as a coordinated system in terms of preparing goods for distribution, warehousing, logistics, end users and sales.

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That is, packaging is a form of activity to provide a container or wrapper for a product. In the implementation process, there are activities to protect, preserve, transport, provide information and sell a product.

So, the main purpose of providing packaging for products is to protect and prevent damage to the products being sold. In addition, packaging is also useful as a means of good information and marketing by creating a creative packaging design, so it will look more attractive and easy to remember by consumers or customers.

Understanding Product Packaging According to Experts

1. Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong

Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong argue that product packaging is one of the activities that includes design and product, so that the packaging on the product can function properly and the product inside is also protected.

2. D. Rodriguez

According to D. Rodriguez, product packaging is a container that is able to change the condition of food ingredients with the addition of active compounds, so as to extend the life.

Benefits and Purpose of Product Packaging

The product packaging itself certainly has quite a lot of benefits and purposes. The following are the benefits and purposes of product packaging.

1. Physical production

Physical production is the manufacture of a product packaging with the aim of protecting it from climate, vibration, shock, pressure and other factors that can damage the product.

2. Barrier protection

In this case, the installation of product packaging aims to protect the product from the barriers of oxygen, steam, water, dust and others.

3. Containment of agglomeration

Packaging also aims to group products, so that the handling and distribution process will be more efficient.

4. Information transmission

The packaging also usually states how to use it for transportation, recycling or how to dispose of the packaging.

5. Reducing theft

Provision of product packaging also aims to prevent acts of theft by looking at the physical damage on the packaging.

6. Convenience

Packaging is one of the features that can improve convenience, distribution, handling, selling, display, opening, closing, use and others.

7. Marketing

Attractive designs and labels on packaging can be used by marketers to increase consumer buying interest.

Type of Product Packaging

Basically, there are three categories in product packaging which are divided based on content, frequency, and level of readiness. Here’s the full explanation.

1. Based on the content structure

Types of packaging based on the structure of the contents are divided into 3 main types, namely:

a. Primary Packaging

Primary packaging is material that is processed into direct containers for food ingredients, such as milk cans, drinking bottles, and others.

b. Secondary Packaging

Secondary packaging is a container that has a function in terms of providing protection to other packaging groups, such as cardboard boxes, wooden crates, and others.

c. Tertiary Packaging

Tertiary packaging is a packaging that can be used to protect products during the shipping process.

2. Based on the frequency of use

There are several types based on the frequency of use, including:

a. Disposable Packaging

Disposable packaging is packaging that is only used once and is immediately disposed of, such as plastic packaging, banana leaf packaging and others.

b. Multi Trip Package

Multi-trip packaging is product packaging that can be used many times by consumers and can be returned to the selling agent for reuse, such as gallons of drinking water, glass bottles of sauce and others.

c. Semi Disposable Packaging

Semi-disposable packaging is packaging that is not thrown away because it can be used again by consumers, for example biscuit tins or syrup glass bottles.

3. Based on the level of readiness to use

Based on the level of readiness for use, product packaging is divided into two types, namely:

a. Ready-to-use packaging

Ready-to-use packaging is product packaging that is ready to be filled and has a perfect shape since it was first produced. For example bottles, cans and others.

b. Ready-Assembled Packaging

Ready-to-assemble packaging is product packaging that requires re-assembly before being filled with products. For example plastic, packaging paper, aluminum foil, and others.

Tips for Making Attractive Packaging

1. Create a unique packaging design

One of the most important things in forming packaging is that we have to design the packaging to be more unique, innovative and also different from other products. By creating unique packaging, consumer interest in buying products will also increase.

2. Packaging design according to the target market

In designing product packaging, try to match the target market. If the target market is those who are only 5-12 years old, then in making product packaging add characters or cartoon images that are liked by children.

3. Make packaging with several sizes

If the product we are selling is a relatively new product, then try to make product packaging in various sizes such as small, medium and large. Consumers will be more inclined to buy smaller packages in buying new products.

4. Include complete product information

Try to include information on each package. As for examples of complete product information, such as product composition, type, method of consumption to expiration date. Make information clear, to the point and concise.


So, that’s the function of product packaging that is important for entrepreneurs to know. Here, we need to be consistent and dare to try creative ideas to be applied to product packaging. However, when making it, we also have to know market trends and what customers need. When the new packaging is ready to be launched, then do a promo so that the public will know more about it.

If Sinaumed’s is still confused, still needs references regarding the complete packaging function, you can visit the sinaumedia book collection at sinaumedia.com . I hope this article inspires you!