What is IELTS and Other Important Information You Must Know

What is IELTS? – English is an international language used in many countries. Therefore, if you can speak English properly and correctly, various opportunities are wide open. Whether to get scholarships to study abroad, or work there.

There are also many countries that open opportunities for foreigners to develop careers in their countries. One of the requirements for obtaining it all is having an IELTS test score. What is IELTS? This test is a kind of key to get a chance to get there. Here are some important things you should know if you want to take the test.

A. What is IELTS?

This test is generally administered by three organizations, namely Cambridge English Language Assessment, IDP: IELTS Australia, and the British Council. This test as well as the TOEFL test are the main English proficiency tests in the world. Out of 140 countries, there are currently nearly 1,000 test centers. This is because this test is already available and recognized by many countries.

If you want to continue your studies at universities abroad, then you need this test requirement to be accepted there. There are four sections in the IELTS test, namely Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.

To work on all sections of the test, the time given is 2 hours 45 minutes. Then for each section, the time allotted varies, for listening for 30 minutes, reading for 60 minutes, writing for 60 minutes, and speaking for 11-14 minutes.

Then, the reading, writing, and listening sections will be carried out on the same day without rest. While speaking can be done on the same day or seven days before or after the test is carried out.

For the value itself it ranges from 1-9 with a difference of 0.5 (for example the value is 7.0 , 7.5, 8.0 , 8.5, etc.). Each value in each part will be averaged to get the overall score. Because each section has the same weight or to be calculated or the overall score, the average value of the four test components will be taken.

But you also need to know that each university or college will usually ask for grades for certain sections, so not the overall recap value. If a college requires a score of 7 for writing, if your score in the writing section is 6.5, you still don’t qualify, even if your overall score is 7.5. Then you have to repeat the test if you want to meet the entry requirements of the college you want to go to.

B. Benefits of Taking the IELTS Test

Through this test, you also simultaneously prepare yourself and practice your speaking skills in a foreign language. So when accepted later, will not experience difficulties. What’s more, all learning is of course also carried out using English instruction.

If your goal is to work outside, of course this also makes it easier to negotiate and establish cooperation with various parties. Especially if you work abroad, the salary offered will be higher. What are the other benefits of this test? here’s the list:

1. Not a computer test

The IELTS test is different from the TOEFL test. In the speaking test section, you will be immediately confronted with a native speaker. Therefore, the possibility of errors is much smaller.

2. Can be used for overseas exchange programs

The second benefit, you can use it as capital exchange abroad. When you are in college, usually there will be a student exchange program from PTs in the country with foreign PTs. There are also exchange programs that require IELTS test results, such as YES, SSEAYP, and IYEP.

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3. Making communication more fluent with foreigners

In addition, if you have passed this test, of course it will be easier for you to communicate with native speakers. Because various parts of the test will test your English proficiency. If you pass the test with good results, it means that you have mastered English well.

4. Open opportunities to work in international companies

Some international companies certainly require their employees to be fluent in foreign languages. So, if you have obtained the results of the IELTS test, of course there will be a chance to be accepted to work there.

5. Test results have been recognized by 6000 organizations in the world

There are many countries that recognize IELTS test results. These countries include Australia, Hong Kong, Ireland, the United States, South Africa and New Zealand.

And there are many other countries that recognize the results of this test. More and more institutions/organizations/companies are using this test as a requirement for membership, meaning that you have many opportunities to be able to travel or have a career anywhere.

6. As initial capital to obtain a scholarship

If you have a high IELTS score, there will be many scholarships you can get. Currently there are lots of scholarships to study abroad. Of course, the scholarship requires that each recipient can communicate in English.

So, if you have mastered the IELTS test, of course prestigious scholarships abroad are easier to get. Then, if you want to study in Europe, this test is also very important. In Europe, there are also many prestigious campuses that can accept you, such as Cambridge, Oxford, ICL, Zurich, UCL, and other campuses.

7. Fewer reading sections and faster speaking

There are not too many reading sections on the IELTS test, apart from that the questions are also more specific. Usually there are only 3 short readings. Then the total time for listening is also not too long, which is around 40 minutes. That way, test takers will be much more comfortable, focused, and also maximal in doing the test.

D. Steps to Prepare for the IELTS Test

If you want to get a high score, of course you need to prepare well for the test. The following are some things that need to be done to prepare for the IELTS test.

1. Determine the type of test to be followed

IELTS has two types of tests, namely the academic test and the general test. The two are not the same, the general test is for those of you who take the test because you want to work, while the academic test is for those of you who wish to continue their studies abroad. So the academic test is more devoted to the field of education.

Both types are indeed the same IELTS test. However, for some people, the general test is considered easier and simpler than the academic test. Even so, that doesn’t mean you can make the general test easy.

If you want to take both tests, you still have to study seriously together as preparation. However, you can just focus on studying in fields that are required by the institution, organization or company you want to enter. That way, the results of the IELTS test that you take will be as you expect.

2. Improve your ability to speak English

The second step is to improve your ability to speak English. If you are still a student, of course the English lessons you get at school are still very minimal. Moreover, to be able to work on standard IELTS questions. This means that you need additional English tutoring to broaden your knowledge of English.

You can call a private teacher or take tutoring at a certain institution. There are lots of institutions that now provide qualified places to learn English. So, make sure you get a good tutor to help improve your English skills.

3. Study reading and listening material

Two aspects of the IELTS test, namely reading and listening certainly require good English skills. Both of these tests include passive English proficiency. The problem may not be the same as the TOEFL ITP test which is commonly used in Indonesia. Therefore, this test has a much higher level of questions.

So you need to study reading and listening material even deeper. Then because this test is used to register to England and its surroundings, the language used is usually British English. So try to read a lot of British English writing, so that you will be more familiar when taking the test later.

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4. Practice your writing and speaking skills

The two sections of the IELTS test are even more challenging, namely writing and speaking. Both of these tests are included in active English proficiency.

So, instead of being asked to do questions, you will be asked to speak and write more in English. In fact, when speaking or writing, it means you have to be prepared with more English vocabulary.

You also have to be able to make flexible sentences and master what topics you want to write or talk about. So, to prepare for this part of the test, practice speaking English a lot and increase your vocabulary.

Apart from that, you also need to practice writing on various topics using English, so that the vocabulary you master will also be much larger. In essence, each part of the test requires different preparation. That way, you also need to divide the time to prepare it all.

E. Other Important Matters Regarding the IELTS Test

For example, if you want to get a PhD, you must be able to write a research proposal and statement of purpose in English. So, both of these writings must be written according to a special language style (academic writing) which can be learned through the IELTS test.

In addition, when taking care of administration or preparing many things, of course you will come into contact with many people using English. Especially if you want to do an interview with a supervisor, of course you have to be proficient in speaking. What’s more, because in a formal academic setting, in writing or speaking, you have to use formal language.

So, learning to prepare for the IELTS test is not only useful for getting a high score, but will also expedite all your needs when dealing with administration abroad. So, therefore, it is important for you to know more information regarding the IELTS test. Check out the following points for more information.

1. Where can the IELTS test be taken? 

In Indonesia, there are several institutions that administer the IELTS test, including IDP, British Council, and IALF. All of these institutions are spread throughout Indonesia and provide places to carry out the IELTS test. Some cities that you can go to to do the test are, Jakarta, Bandung, Batam, Bogor, Denpasar, Depok, Jayapura, Kupang, Makassar, Malang, Medan, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Pare, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Tangerang. If you want to know the exact location of the test in each region and which institution administers it, please find further information from other sources.

2. What is the target score that must be achieved to get a scholarship? 

If you want to apply to a university abroad, there are IELTS score requirements that must be considered. Several prestigious and advanced campuses there will usually determine the minimum score for the proposed test. Quoted from several scholarship requirements, here is the IELTS score you need as a scholarship requirement:

  • LPDP scholarships abroad require an IELTS score of 6.5
  • domestic LPDP scholarships require an IELTS score of 6.0
  • fulbright scholarships require an IELTS score of 6.0
  • Chevening scholarships require an IELTS score of 6.5

3. How much does the IELTS test cost? 

The cost of the IELTS test is indeed more expensive when compared to the TOEFL test. The cost is around US$195 to US$220. If converted to rupiah, it can reach 2,800,000 to 3,000,000. The IELTS test certificate is valid for 2 years. Well, because this test is expensive, so prepare well before doing the test.

4. Is it true that only England accepts this test?

There are many countries that use the IELTS test as a condition for registering or entering universities or companies. IELTS is recognized by around 11,000 institutions in 140 countries, such as UK, Australia, USA, New Zealand, Canada, and so on. Whether for study or work purposes, this test is recognized in all of these countries. So, this test is an ideal test to get a career abroad.

So, those were some answers to the question what is IELTS that you must understand. There are many preparations that need to be made so that the resulting score is maximized. Apart from that, you also need to pay attention to the score required to enter or work at the desired institution.

This is also very important so that you can focus more on pursuing the required target score. Because getting a test certificate is also not cheap, so careful preparation is highly recommended. To maximize your preparation, read sinaumedia’s book entitled IELTS Tips and Strategies, get it via the www.sinaumedia.com link .

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