What is a Government System? Here’s the explanation

Definition of Government System – The system of government is the basis of the state. It can be said that the system of government will determine how a country runs. This is what makes the system of government so important.

Each country certainly has its own system of government. Through the government system, the country can run according to what has been determined. The system of government is not directly determined.

There are factors that influence the system of government in a country. One of them is the state of Indonesia, which is a unitary and republican state. However, before knowing that, we need to know the meaning of the government system.

What is a government system? This article will discuss the meaning of the government system and government system adopted by Indonesia.

Definition of Government System

The word system comes from the word “system”. The word is a word from English. Has the meaning of arrangement, way, network, order or method.

In KBBI (Big Indonesian Dictionary) the system has three meanings. First, a set of elements that are regularly interrelated, thus forming a totality. An example of this understanding is the political system.

Second, the system is an orderly arrangement of views, theories or principles. An example of this understanding is a system of government such as totalitarianism, democracy. The parliamentary system of government is also included in this definition.

Third, the system is a method. Examples in this sense are ways of doing something. Like the system in rice cultivation.

The origin of the word government is government. While the word government also comes from other words. The word government comes from the word command.

In KBBI, these words have several meanings. First, command words are words that have the meaning of ordering to do something. Second, the word government has the meaning of power that governs a region, region or even a country.

The meaning of kara government is an act, thing, way, or affairs in ordering something. Government also means all the affairs carried out by the state, these affairs are carried out to organize the welfare of the people as well as the interests of the state. Therefore, governance is an act or activity of government.

This action was taken to organize the creation and enforcement of laws. The point is to create community welfare. Selqin, to carry out the interests of the state.

Based on the two meanings of the word, it can now be concluded about the meaning of the government system. The system of government is an orderly arrangement. The composition is in the form of principles that underlie various activities.

In addition, this principle also underlies the working relationship. Such as between the legislature, the executive branch, and the judiciary. These institutions will run the administration of government in a country.

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The government system is the relationship and arrangement between state institutions. The state institutions are intertwined. In addition, the institution is also continuous in one unit within the framework of administering the state.

There are several systems of government within a country. Such as presidential, semi-presidential, parliamentary, monarchy, liberal, democratic, federal, tyrannical and aristocratic government systems.

The people who run the government system are the government. Government is a combination of a group of people. Government is a number of institutions within the state. The government’s job is to make and enforce laws in a country.

There are several other meanings of the government system. This understanding is conveyed by experts and people who are proficient in their fields, including the following:

1. Moh Mahfud MD

The government system according to Mahfud MD is a mechanism of work. The system of government is coordination or a relationship. The coordination occurs among the three branches of power. The branches of power include the legislature, executive and judiciary.

2. Aristotle

Aristotle divided the form of government based on the number of people who rule. In addition, Aristotle also divides based on the nature of his government. Aristotle’s division is divided into 6.

These divisions include tyranny, monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, democracy and republic or politea.

3. Polybius

Polybius also divided the forms of government. This division is based on the number of people. In addition, the distribution is also done based on the nature of how the government.

Based on Polybius’ point of view, the government system can be divided into six types of government. There is monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, anarchy or ochloration and democracy.

4. Kranenburg

Kranenburg also said something about the system of government. According to him, there is uncertainty between users of the terms monarchy and republic. The uncertainty refers to the form of government or the form of the state.

5. Leon Duguit

The government system according to Duguit is also divided into several parts. This division is based on how to appoint the head of state. In a republic system, the head of state is appointed through elections. Whereas in a monarchy system, the head of state will be appointed from generation to generation or through a family tree.

6. Jellinec

The system of government according to Jlinec is also divided into two. There is a monarchical system of government and a republican system of government. The opinion expressed by Jellinec is also in line with what was stated by Leon Duguit.

7. Constitutional Law

According to constitutional law, there are 3 definitions of a government system, namely:

a. In a narrow sense

Government system in the narrow sense is a study that sees two relationships. This relationship occurs between the legislature and the executive branch. What are the two institutions in a country.

Based on this study, two government systems were produced. First, the parliamentary system of government. Second, the presidential system of government.

b. In a broad sense

System of government in a broad sense is a study of state government. The study departs from the relationship between all state organs. Including the relationship between the central government and the existing parts of the country.

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Starting from this view, the state government system is divided into three. First, the unitary state system. Second, the state or federal state system. Third, the confederation of state systems.

c. In a very broad sense

In a very broad sense, the system of government is a study that emphasizes two relationships. The relationship between the state and its people. Based on this study, the government system is divided into three types.

First, the monarchical system of government. Second, the aristocratic system of government. Third, the system of democratic government.

8.David Apter

The government system is a member who has roles and responsibilities. Members are able to maintain all cultures. Covers matters concerning the state and its government.

This opinion conveyed by David Apter emphasizes that the system of government certainly has a practical monopoly. The practical monopoly in question is regarding forced power.

9. Sayre

The system of government according to Sayre is an organization at levels in a country. Within the organization there is dedication to the task. In addition, there are also different roles from one to another.

This will eventually create a pattern. The pattern in question is the pattern of linkages. Apart from that, they will keep an eye on each other.

10. Rosenal

According to Rosenal, the system of government has a definition as a science. The knowledge is given the task and authority as a study. Regarding the ways of administering the state

This happens either externally or internally. This causes it to have a different structure. These different structures are viewed from a global perspective.

11. Haryanto

The system of government is about the division of tasks. The division of tasks is carried out functionally. This is done in state organizations.

Of course, state organizations have different functions and authorities. However, the organization remains connected. Among one another.

How is the Government System in Indonesia?

While the government in Indonesia is a republic. In addition to the form of a unitary state and a republican government, the holder of power as the head of state in Indonesia is the President. The president also holds the head of government in Indonesia.

This is based on Article 4 Paragraph 1. It reads “The President of the Republic of Indonesia holds government power according to the Constitution”. Therefore, the government system in Indonesia adheres to a presidential system of government.

The presidential government system is a government system that places the President as the head of government. The president has no responsibility to parliament or the legislature. Meanwhile, ministers will report directly to the president.

That’s because the President has a very high position. In a presidential system of government, the President is the head of state. In addition, the president is also the head of government.

That is information about the meaning of the system of government. Not only that, there are still many interesting things about the government system and other things. Find other interesting information at www.sinaumedia.com. sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will present interesting articles and recommendations for the best books for Sinaumed’s.