What is a Diffuser? Get to know the Types, Benefits, and Side Effects

Diffusers are becoming a trend along with the widespread use of aromatherapy. However, it’s good if you recognize the type and use before buying it. This is done so that you don’t choose the wrong one and can get the maximum benefit from the aromatherapy used.

A diffuser is a tool that functions to convert essential oils into fragrant or aromatherapy vapors and spread them in the air, making them easier to breathe. Its use indoors can create a comfortable atmosphere. Therefore, this tool is often used to calm the mind and reduce stress.

Diffuser Benefits and Functions

In general, the function of the diffuser can provide a therapeutic effect or healing effect because it produces particles of essential oil . These particles will stimulate the nervous system to send signals to the limbic system in the brain.

The brain will then respond with various physiological functions, such as releasing hormones, reducing pain, or a positive boost in mood. Other benefits include breathing therapy, mood enhancement, relaxation, air purification, and many more depending on the essential oil used.

The recommended way to use it is 30–60 minutes by dripping 3–5 drops of essential oil. In addition, make sure the room where the diffuser is used has good ventilation. In order to function optimally, it should be placed in strategic areas, such as at the desk, next to the bed, to the middle of the living room.

1. For Body Relaxation

In the essential oils that you blend in, there are essential oils that can effectively have a relaxing effect on the body. Therefore, you can keep it on your desk so your mind can be free from stress or keep it in the bedroom area to improve the quality of your sleep.

2. To prevent flu and colds

Essential oils contain organic compounds and anti-microbial properties, so when spread with a diffuser, these ingredients will come into direct contact with pathogens that are spread in the air to make it more difficult for bacteria to attack the body. In fact, essential oils can boost your immune system so that you are not susceptible to illnesses such as flu, colds and coughs.

3. To Smooth Breathing

For those of you who have respiratory allergies, its use with essential oils is also very good for reducing congestion and inflammation of the respiratory tract. As a result, using it effectively can make you breathe easier and overcome respiratory allergies while indoors.

4. To Overcome Pain

Essential oils can also effectively relieve headaches, muscle aches and joint pains by applying them to the affected area. Well, you can also expand the effect of essential oils using a diffuser so as to maximize their use to treat pain in a number of body parts.

5. To Repel Mosquitoes and Insects

As we know, flies and mosquitoes that settle in the house can be a source of dangerous diseases. The use of essential oils can effectively repel flies and mosquitoes. That way, you no longer need to use insect poisons that harm your health.

6. For Essential Fragrance

Aromatherapy candles or air fresheners are more commonly known to many people to provide a winning aromatherapy in the room. However, both are not necessarily safe because there is a risk of fire that can occur when using aromatherapy candles.

Diffusers are superior because they act as air purifiers through the molecules that are dispersed and at the same time provide essential fragrances in the room. This tool provides features that you can adjust according to your wishes and room conditions.

7. To Improve Sleep Quality

With essential oils it provides a calming relaxing effect in the room. This created atmosphere helps people of all ages to fall asleep more quickly and soundly. To treat insomnia, you can mix lavender, Bulgarian rose, and Roman chamomile essential oils.

With this tool, you can not only get creative with a blend of essential oils to create a relaxing scent. What’s more, it creates a gentle buzzing sound that helps calm a restless mind.

8. To Control Appetite

If you are trying to control your appetite, you should try using it in your home. Vaporized peppermint essential oil has been shown to curb appetite by triggering the body’s satiety response. Peppermint oil has also been shown to be able to increase energy, so you stay energized even if you reduce your portion sizes.

9. To Improve Cognitive Function

With essential oils it is proven to improve the body’s cognitive function because it has adaptogenic qualities. There are several types of essential oils that can increase focus, balance the body’s hormones, and have a calming effect. Its use can provide therapy to prevent factors that inhibit cognitive function.

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10. To Control Decongestion and Mucus

Diffusers can be used as an alternative to vaporub and have a wider range. Vaporub is only focused on the chest and neck area, while the diffuser is all over the room.


Use of Diffuser indoors

For its use, you are free to choose according to the needs and size of the room. However, make sure the water mixing process is adjusted according to the size and type of essential oil you are using considering that several types of oil can be used without having to mix it with water.

You need to know, aromatherapy tools also have a relatively small size so that their distribution only covers a small area. So, place the diffuser in a strategic area, for example on the desk, next to the bed or in the middle of the family room.

It has many positive benefits for health and can provide natural freshness in the room, so there’s nothing wrong with using it as a natural room humidifier. So, please choose an aromatherapy tool that can beautify the room at the same time, and choose the essential oil that suits your needs!

Types of Diffusers

There are various types that can be used with essential oils as aromatherapy, including:

1. Candle Diffuser

The most traditional type that is easy to find and has a fairly affordable price. This type utilizes hot temperatures to produce aromatherapy steam. How to use it is by dripping essential oil and water in the diffuser container, then place a lit candle underneath. Although practical and easy to use, this heat may change the chemical structure of essential oils, making aromatherapy less effective.

2. Ceramic Diffuser

As the name implies, this type is made of ceramic or clay. Unlike the types of candles that use heat, ceramic diffusers use ultrasonic sound waves to turn liquid essential oils into aromatherapy vapors. How to use it is also very easy, you only need to put a drop of aromatherapy oil in the diffuser so that the aromatherapy spreads in the air. Ceramic diffusers are more suitable for use in small spaces.

3. Reed Diffusers

Reed diffusers are usually sold in a package with a bottle of aromatherapy oil. This type is unique because it does not use heat or electricity, but uses rattan sticks. The stems of this plant can absorb the aromatherapy oil stored in the bottle, then release it into the air to produce a fragrant aroma in the room.

4.Electric Diffuser

As with the previous type, this type does not use heat energy. How to use it is by dripping aromatherapy oil or essential oil into the water, then place the water and oil mixture into the diffuser container. An electric fan inside the diffuser will create the aromatherapy vapor and disperse it into the air.

5. Nebulizer Diffusers

Nebulizer diffusers work by breaking down essential oils into small molecules before diffusing them into the room. This device has a cylindrical glass bottle in the middle so it looks elegant. The advantage of this type is its wide range, making it suitable for use in large rooms. However, nebulizer diffusers are more difficult to clean than other types. In addition, this type can also cause noise.

6.Ultrasonic Diffuser

Ultrasonic diffuser works by producing a fine mist, so it is easily released into the air. This type of diffuser also functions to moisten dry room air. Some ultrasonic diffusers can turn off automatically to control the amount of essential oil that is dispersed into the air. Not only that, this type tends to be cheaper than diffuser nebulizers and is more sturdy.


Diffuser recommendations

1. Taffware Ultrasonic Humidifier HUMI ​​AJ213

For those of you who have a minimalist style room or office, sinaumedia recommends this mini Taffware aromatherapy device. This diffuser only has a water capacity of 125 ml and the operating duration is quite long. You can leave it on for up to 180 minutes.

Interestingly, you can set the time as you wish, starting from 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes, or up to 180 minutes. When the time is up, the machine will automatically turn itself off. This diffuser also functions as a humidifier to keep the air moist in the room. This Taffware Diffuser is equipped with 7 different colors of LED lights that can replace your night light.

2. GOTO Humion Humidifier Diffuser

Need a recommendation that’s ethnic in design, but doesn’t look old-fashioned? GOTO Humion is the answer. Its modern and futuristic body design is wrapped in wood accents to accentuate a homey impression. Even if it’s not turned on, the GOTO diffuser is also suitable as a unique room decoration.

It has a large water capacity because it can hold up to 300 ml of water with a steam spray duration of up to 6 hours. With that long duration, you might be wondering about the electric power. Calm. The GOTO diffuser doesn’t waste electricity. This aromatherapy tool is available in two color choices, namely Darkwood and Lightwood.

3. Han River Aroma Diffuser HRXXJ01

If you are looking for an aromatherapy tool with a water tank that can fit more, the next recommendation is the Han River Aroma Diffuser HRXXJ01. This 15-centimeter diameter diffuser can hold 500 ml of water to spray steam non-stop for up to 12 hours. Another plus point of this Han River diffuser is the choice of evaporation mode and the built-in remote control .

You can select continuous, timed or intermittent spray modes by simply pressing the button on the remote control . With this remote control you can also choose the size of the water vapor molecule, big or small ( fine mist ). When turned on, this aromatherapy device is quiet when used so you can sleep peacefully.

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4. Bayfresh Reed Diffuser

Want recommendations for aromatherapy tools without electricity or machines? You can choose a reed diffuser. Reed diffuser is an incense stick made of rattan. All you have to do is dip a few sticks of incense into a bottle filled with your favorite essential oil. It doesn’t take long for the incense stick to absorb the oil and spread the aroma naturally without creating a mist.

Well, Bayfresh is one of the pocket-friendly reed diffuser recommendations. Bayfresh Reed has several fragrance variants that you can choose from, such as yuzu peach, vanilla bean, sakura bloom, amber lavender , and morning coffee . The fragrance consistently lasts up to 30 days.

5. GOTO Tama Diffuser

One more recommendation from the GOTO brand, but this one has a cute and adorable design. Especially if you like cat characters. The Tama diffuser has a capacity of 300 ml and can be used for 4–8 hours. There are two steam modes that you can choose from, namely continuous steam mode (lasts 4 hours) and intermittent steam mode (lasts 8 hours).

This one GOTO diffuser has a silent system so it doesn’t make noise. The way to use it is the same as any other aromatherapy machine. But before the first use, you need to put the cotton stick in the water for 2 minutes, then turn it on. You can choose white, green or pink color variants.

6. StarHome Air Humidifier

StarHome humidifier is a recommendation for those of you who want to cover a large area. Because this diffuser has a tank capacity of up to 1 liter. The steam spray is soft (fine mist) and not noisy, very suitable for use in spaces of 30–40 m. One water charge can last up to 24 hours of use. Don’t be afraid of shorting when left out all day long. This diffuser is equipped with auto-off after 9 hours of use or when the water runs out.

7. Basike LED Nano Water Mist Diffuser BSK-JSQ03

This diffuser works with an atomization system to convert water molecules into nano vapor particles. The vapor droplets are so small that when they fall on the surface of an object, they won’t make them feel wet or damp like they’re exposed to water.

The capacity of this diffuser’s water tank is 320 ml which can be used for up to 6 hours. The engine is not noisy either. Interestingly, apart from being a diffuser or humidifier, this one also has a projector feature. The diffuser base can emit star and moon patterns that make it feel like we are sleeping under the night sky.

Tips for using the diffuser

So, now that you know what the cheapest and best diffusers are, you also have to understand the tips for using them. Apart from that, you should also not forget to clean your diffuser regularly. This is because the remaining water can make the container damp and become a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, when it is used again, the steam emitted actually becomes filled with bacteria.

The easiest and safest way to clean a diffuser is to wipe it. Dampen a cotton swab or washcloth (cloth) with white vinegar or rubbing alcohol, and carefully wipe the entire unit. Make sure all the nooks and crannies are cleaned, then make sure the tool is dry before using it again. To be safer, first read how to care for the tool in the instruction sheet included in each product packaging.

Types of Oil Diffuser that is Often Used

Here are some essential oils that are often used because of their beneficial therapeutic effects and provide a refreshing diffuser aroma:

1. Lavender

Lavender is calming, good for relieving emotional and physical problems such as minor skin injuries, cramps and stuffy nose, headaches, anxiety disorders, and insomnia.

2. Tea Tree

Thai tree is believed to have antimicrobial activity, tea tree is known for its many benefits to help skin care, acne treatment, and nail fungus.

3. Peppermint

This type of essential oil is believed to improve respiratory function and relieve nasal congestion. The aroma can also stimulate the brain to relieve nausea and improve brain function.

4. Oranges

Orange essential oil is useful for reducing anxiety and stress. In addition, this oil can calm the nervous system and promote healthy lymphatic flow.

5. Lemons

This type of oil is used to increase endurance, improve blood circulation and lymphatic flow. The antibacterial and antiviral properties present in lemon make it useful in treating skin conditions from insect bites, boils, and acne.


Side Effects of Using a Diffuser

It is important to remember that these aromatherapy tools have not been proven to be safe and effective as a method for evaporating antiseptic liquids to sterilize air. This actually risks causing side effects, such as irritation to the respiratory tract and eyes.

The use of aromatherapy tools so far has only been useful for optimizing the benefits of essential oils. The scattered aroma will stimulate the sense of smell and affect the emotions and nervous system. However, this depends on the type of aromatherapy used.

Several types of aromatherapy with a diffuser are also claimed to have a relaxing effect, reduce pain, calm the mind, and make you sleep better. However, use it according to the directions for use and clean it after use to stay safe. Limit use so that it is not too long, which is around 30-60 minutes. When using an aromatherapy tool, make sure the room where it is used has good ventilation.

Even though it is quite safe to use, you should stop using aromatherapy with a diffuser and consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of irritation or allergies, such as itching, watery eyes, and a runny nose after using the tool.