Understanding 3R in Overcoming Waste & Managing Waste at Home

Understanding 3R in Overcoming Waste – Talking about waste cannot be separated from our daily lives. Moreover, waste continues to grow day by day, thus making the condition of an area even dirtier and unhealthy. In general, more waste is generated from homes, such as leftover cooking ingredients, plastic waste, and so on.

Even so, waste can be overcome with 3r, so that waste can be reduced as well as additional income. In this article, we will discuss the meaning of 3r in dealing with waste along with steps to manage waste at home. So, see the review until it’s finished, Sinaumed’s.


Definition of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (3R)

The 3R method or Reuse, Reduce and Recycle is one of the best ways to manage and deal with various types of plastic waste. The application of this system is also very good at managing waste from various types of plastic, from safe waste to toxic waste.

Waste management with the 3R system itself can be done by almost anyone and it is not uncommon for things to be produced that are capable of producing economic value. The following below is the concept and sequence of steps to manage waste properly.

1. Reduce

Reduce is reducing waste. The purpose of this step is to reduce the use of products that later have the potential to become waste. This step itself can be carried out and applied to waste or various single-use products, such as shopping plastic bags which have been banned in various locations such as DKI Jakarta. Products that are the main target for reduce itself are products with plastic base ingredients.

This stage is also the first as well as a priority because it will reduce single-use waste products, so there is no need to go to the next stage, namely reuse and recycle. The use of goods that are difficult to recycle often becomes a new problem, so it’s no wonder that reduce is predicted as the right first step.

Examples of implementing reduce measures include bringing your own drinking bottles and cutlery, so you don’t have to use a variety of disposable cutlery and drinking utensils, shop using a bag or tote bag , and so on.

2. Reuse

The second step or stage in dealing with waste is to reuse , which means to reuse. At this stage, invite someone to reuse various products that have been used. By reusing them, the waste arising from these products will be reduced.

One of the ways or steps includes using used drinking water bottles as small plant pots, using cans of biscuits and snacks as storage boxes at home, and so on. In fact, another step of reuse can be done on bottles

or undispensed shampoo and filling it with refill products.

Therefore, it can be said that with the reuse method, the spread of plastic waste can be purchased, reduced and reused as before.

3. Recycle

The final stage of the 3R concept is recycle , namely recycling. This step itself is the most frequently carried out considering that there is already a lot of waste scattered in various locations such as land, sea and air. Used products or recycled products themselves are actually more flexible, often even having economic value.

Utilizing waste that is not used so that it has value without having to pollute the environment and is able to reduce the spread of plastic waste. The products that are recycled have a unique design and are very different from new types of products. Some parties even make accessories from recycling tools that can be useful for boosting the economy of the surrounding environment, such as the RT or RW environment.

The responsibility for carrying out the 3R concept can also be carried out by the company, how to do it and what examples can be applied by other companies. Apart from that, the 3R responsibilities must also be carried out by the people at home so that they can also play a role in overcoming problems in this world.

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5R Inverted Triangle Waste Management Concept

According to Law 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management, TPA stands for Final Processing Site, which is a place for processing and returning waste to environmental media safely, both for humans and the environment itself. In fact, most Indonesian people still regard TPA as Final Disposal Sites.

In addition, waste management with the 3R concept has developed into an inverted triangle concept, namely 5R (Reduce-Reuse-Recycle-Recovery-Repair). The following is an explanation of the 5S.

1. Reduce

Reduce is a step to reduce waste production from scratch by bringing your own shopping bags and using products that can be used repeatedly.

2. Reuse

Reuse is a step to reusing materials that can and safely be reused, one of which is by making handicrafts or the upcycle process.

3. Recycle

Recycle is a step in recycling waste by melting, melting, chopping, to be reformed into various new products which generally experience a decrease in quality.

4. Recovery

Recovery is when it can’t be recycled, so look for ways to produce energy or by using new materials by processing this non-recyclable waste.

5. Repairs

Repair is waste or waste product from the recovery process which is generally in the form of ash or other waste materials taken to the TPA to be processed and processed so as not to damage the environment.

Indonesia’s Waste Emergency

Indonesian people generate 65 million tons of waste every day. Of all the waste generated, around 24% pollutes the ecosystem, only 7% is recycled, and 69% of it ends up in the TPA (Final Processing Site). With the small amount of waste that is recycled and the high amount of waste that accumulates in TPA or Final Processing Sites, this waste also causes many social or environmental problems, one of which is the threat of TPA (Final Processing Site).

TPA (Final Processing Site) in Indonesia which can no longer operate due to excess capacity. Examples include the Bantar Gebang TPA/TPST in the Bekasi area, West Java, which has an area of ​​110.3 hectares with a mound of garbage up to 30 meters high, allegedly only able to accommodate the influx of 7000-7500 tons of DKI Jakarta residents’ waste for a maximum of 3 more years. Almost the same thing happened at other TPAs, such as the Piyungan TPA in Yogyakarta and the Suwung TPA in Bali.

Apart from the dwindling condition of our landfills, Indonesia is also in the world’s spotlight for being chosen as the 2nd country with the most marine waste after China. In addition, it is ranked 2nd for the country that produces the most food waste after Saudi Arabia.

By looking at the low level of understanding and application of the Indonesian people by using the 3R principles (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) and the 2 accompanying processes namely Repair and Recovery, the Indonesian government itself has launched the Indonesia Clean Waste 2025 program (Indonesian Presidential Regulation No. 97/2017 ) which requires district and regional governments to create a planning model in order to achieve these 2 points in 2025, including:

  1. Reduce 30% waste from source processing.
  2. Manage at least 70% of waste so that it does not collect and accumulate in the TPA.

Of course, communities and companies that produce waste in a business process are expected to also adjust their waste management system so that it can support the success of the program.

Steps to Manage Waste at Home

Managing waste wisely will help save our environment. The goal of waste management is to make waste have economic value or to turn it into materials that do not harm the environment.

With proper household waste management, you can help achieve your dreams and reduce the various negative impacts of waste on the environment. Before understanding how to process it, first know the types of waste that are often consumed in households, including organic waste and inorganic waste.

This organic waste comes from the food we consume, such as vegetable and fruit skins, egg shells, fish bones, chicken bones, and others. While inorganic waste is waste such as plastic, cards, paper, to electronic goods.

The following below are some steps you can take to manage waste at home:

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1. Separate Organic & Inorganic Trash

Provide 2 bins for organic waste and inorganic waste. Also separate the dry trash so you can recycle it without it looking dirty or smelly.

2. Change the Trash Plastic Base to Newspaper or Cardboard

When trash is sorted properly, we don’t need plastic mats anymore. You can use newspaper, or cardboard, or even bare, or go straight to the trash.

3. Turn organic waste into compost

The way to process organic and environmentally friendly household waste is to make it compost for gardening. If you don’t really like gardening, you can still donate compost to organizations working in the plantation sector, and later this waste will be more useful.

4. Recycling Dry Inorganic Waste

You can also DIY things like used bottles to become plant pots, cans to be turned into spice containers. Apart from that, you can also sort closed plastic waste such as plastic bottles which can be recycled and open plastic waste which if crushed becomes plastic pellets.

Then this waste can also be given to the waste bank. This will also help lighten the work of scavenger friends.

5. Give Leftover Used Cooking Oil to Oil Processing Agencies

Never pour oil into the kitchen drain, OK? Oil left over from sinks can clog drains and worse, contaminate waterways throughout the city.

This used cooking oil can also be donated, but before that it is cooled and placed in a container so that it becomes cleaner biodiesel. Biodiesel as a non-toxic and biodegradable fuel, so it can run car engines and help the environment.

6. Managing Hazardous Waste

Do not throw hazardous and chemical items such as batteries or printer ink into the regular trash. Garbage with chemical content that is very dangerous for the environment.

Also separate this type of waste and take it directly to the waste recycling center, so that it can be managed in an appropriate way. For electronic waste that has been damaged, you can also return it to the company that produces it for them to recycle into new electronic products.


It is undeniable that the waste in this world will increase. However, on the other hand, landfills for waste are not comparable to the large amount of waste produced by humans. In this case, the waste in question is organic waste and inorganic waste.

If garbage continues to be left unattended, it is not impossible that our earth will be increasingly polluted. Therefore, in order to reduce the amount of waste in the world, we need to do the 3r’s, namely reduce, reuse and recycle . By doing the 3r’s, we can play a role in protecting the earth.

The key to successful cake decorating is:

  • Follow the instructions in the book carefully.
  • Just do it step by step, starting from the easiest.
  • Be patient and don’t give up easily.
  • Practice often and be confident that you can also make interesting cake decorations.

The first decision you should make is to buy this book, then study it carefully, finally practice it carefully so that you can also produce works that your children will remember forever.

3. Making Crafts from Wood

Tools commonly used to make woodworking include hand saws, shape saws, saw blades, knives, ameryl whetstones, natural whetstones, whetstones covered with leather, hollow chisels, awls, tongs, wooden hammers, sawn boards , boards for sawing shapes, plywood boards for the base.

4. Come on, I’m Skilled Series, Get Creative with Used Goods; Get Creative with Bottles

Fun, right? By following the steps in this book, you will be able to make a lot of crafts that won’t be boring for sure! There are many unique and interesting things that we can make from various used materials. You can also make ornaments and toys from these unused materials.

In this book, you are invited to make crafts made of materials that are cheap and also easy to get. For example, bottles, cans, used plastic, glass, and wood. We will conjure up all of these materials into various beautiful decorations and toys, you know! Come on, start preparing and follow all the instructions in this book!

Thus the discussion about the meaning of 3r in dealing with waste. So, have you started doing the 3r described above?

Garbage can be used as artistic creations that increase income. For art creations from recycled materials or waste, you can find them in craft books made from recycled materials which can be found at sinaumedia.com .