Product Life Cycle: Understanding the Stages of Product Development

Similar to the product planning stages, the life of a product also has its stages. The stages of a product’s life are called the product life cycle . Understanding the product life cycle is very important in the business world. Through this cycle,  business people can plan marketing strategies when products start to decline.  Understanding … Read more

The Importance of Packaging: Functions, Benefits, and Types Explained


Packaging is something that is very important and cannot be separated from the marketing and distribution process of a product. So what exactly is the meaning of packaging, and what is the purpose of packaging itself? In this article, we will briefly discuss several things related to packaging, including: Explanation of what is meant by packaging, both in … Read more

Product Differentiation: Definition, Strategy & Impact for Business

product differentiation

What is product differentiation? Product differentiation is the process that differentiates your product or service from others. This process involves detailing the characteristics of each product that consumers value and making it unique. When successful, product differentiation creates a competitive advantage because customers see your product as superior. Why is product differentiation important? It is important for … Read more