SWOT Analysis of Yourself and How to Use It Properly!

SWOT Analysis Yourself – Usually, businesses and strategies need a SWOT analysis to find out their weaknesses and strengths. However, the use of SWOT analysis can also be applied to know yourself more deeply.

That way, Sinaumed’s can see the weaknesses and strengths within. So, in the future, you can determine the best way to realize your goals or hopes. This analysis is generally carried out by making tables according to the category.

To find out more about SWOT analysis yourself, Sinaumed’s can listen to the explanations that have been summarized from various pages as follows.

SWOT Analysis of Yourself

SWOT analysis is an analysis technique applied to evaluate strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats . SWOT analysis is usually applied to analyze business and strategy.

However, the function of the SWOT analysis can also be used to get to know yourself more deeply. This method is called a personal SWOT analysis or personal SWOT analysis.

In a company, SWOT analysis is used to analyze the company’s growth along with the benchmarks of its success. Meanwhile, in a project, SWOT analysis is used to determine the level of performance of a project based on the initial projection.

For example, SWOT analysis is used to plan new features or products, formulate social media strategies or online advertising. You do this by analyzing the factors in the SWOT analysis. So, you can design a strategy that can maximize the benefits that will be obtained.

SWOT analysis can be done not only for business, projects. And strategy. However, it can also be used for self-analysis. When Sinaumed’s knows himself, he will know the weaknesses and strengths he has.

That way, it will be easier to correct any deficiencies while optimizing the strengths you have. It is also useful for the process of socializing and facilitating communication with others.

SWOT analysis is an analysis that occurs on internal and external factors in facing challenges or threats in the future. Thus, strategies have been prepared to face all kinds of challenges and obstacles in realizing their hopes or dreams.

SWOT analysis was introduced by Albert Humphrey in the 1960s. Initially, SWOT analysis was used to evaluate an individual’s strategic position in an organization. Meanwhile, a SWOT analysis is done to get to know a person’s personality better.

Launching from the Ruangkarya.id page, the SWOT analysis itself has the following objectives.

  1. Self-SWOT analysis is used to determine one’s own strengths and abilities. These advantages are then maximized and made into plus points for yourself and can be put to good use.
  2. In addition to knowing strengths, a SWOT analysis yourself can also evaluate a person’s strengths or weaknesses. These deficiencies become evaluation material not to focus on deficiencies, but to improve and find solutions.
  3. SWOT analysis yourself can look for opportunities or opportunities that you have. Opportunities or opportunities are obtained from observations of one’s own strengths.
  4. Self-SWOT analysis can be used to identify existing threats or challenges. Often these threats can become obstacles. But it can be considered as a challenge for individuals.
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Elements in a SWOT Analysis of Yourself

SWOT analysis consists of Strength (S), Weakness (W), Opportunity (O), and Threat (T). The following describes the four aspects.

1. Strengths or Strengths

Strengths in SWOT analysis itself provides an overview of one’s strengths and differences with others. This point is an important thing related to one’s expertise.

2. Weaknesses or Weaknesses

Weakness becomes an obstacle to self-success. Therefore, when a weakness has been identified, it will be able to plan a strategy to minimize the weakness as a loss or obstacle.

3. Opportunities or Opportunities

Opportunities or opportunities based on favorable external factors that are able to provide competitive advantage for oneself.

Threats refer to factors that provide potential harm to oneself. Threats also have the potential to eliminate strengths, lose roles, and opportunities. So, you have to be alert as early as possible to design the right strategy.

How to Use a SWOT Analysis of Yourself

Launching from the Ruangkarya.id page, the first step in analyzing your own SWOT is to make a table. Then, draw four boxes, the top two boxes are S (s strengths ) and W ( weaknesses ), then at the bottom are O ( opportunities ) and T ( threats ).

Then fill in each column with self-describing answers. Here are some questions that can be used to write about yourself.

1. Strength

Here are some questions from the element of strength.

  • What advantages do I have? These advantages can be related to education, skills, connections, and certification.
  • What habits do I have and can they contribute?
  • What personal resources do I have?
  • What accomplishments can you be proud of?
  • What values ​​do I believe in myself?
  • What do other people see as my strengths?
  • What talents do I have?
  • What makes me different from other people?

2. Weaknesses

Here are some questions from the element of weakness.

  • What are my bad habits?
  • What makes me feel down?
  • What things do I fear or avoid?
  • How do people think about my weakness?
  • What are the things that you are not good at and that you still lack?

3. Opportunities

Here are some questions from the element of opportunity.

  • What can I do to develop or add skills?
  • What can I give to other people with the skills I have?
  • What jobs are available with my skills?
  • What technologies can I master so that they can be used more widely?
  • Do I have a positive environment?
  • Do I have a wide network of friends?

4. Threats

Here are some questions from the threat element.

  • What obstacles am I facing right now?
  • What are my competitors or competitors doing?
  • Are there any technological changes or system deficiencies that could threaten my position?
  • Are there any weaknesses in me that could cause threats not to progress?

Example of a SWOT Analysis of Yourself

Launching from the Ruangkarya.id and Kumparan.com pages, the following is an example of a SWOT analysis yourself.

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1. Example I


· Graduated cum laude 

· Have a lot of organizational experience

· Confident and dependable

· Honest

· Never give up

· Likes to learn new things


· Afraid to step

· Doubtful

· Overthinking

Likes to procrastinate work

· Do not have a certificate of expertise


· Still have the opportunity to upgrade skills through online  training

· Read a lot of books

· Broaden  the network


· Peers who look more qualified and skilled

· Limited time

Weaknesses that hinder the process from developing, such as being afraid to take a step and overthinking


2. Example II


· Quick to adapt

· Responsive

· Responsible

· Honest

· Discipline

· Have integrity


· Get ​​tired quickly

· Emotional

· Easily bored

· Insecure

· Do not like to talk a lot


· Have a lot of relationships

· Has several communities


· Financial condition

· No mentors

· Do not have emotional closeness and relate


3. Example III


Very high IQ

· Bachelor

· Clever writing

· Healthy body


· Wasteful

Likes to procrastinate work

· Easily offended

· Don’t have a job yet


· Own a family side business

· Lots of relationships


Difficult in terms of the economy

The Benefits of Self-SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis itself has various benefits as stated on the Deepublishstore.com page, as follows.

1. Knowing and Understanding the Power You Have

Knowing and understanding your strengths will make it easier for yourself to recognize your potential and see the opportunities that exist. For example, a student majoring in Psychology has good listening and observing skills.

This is a power that must be realized, utilized, developed, and maintained in order to realize its ideals. Or at least be able to graduate from college.

2. Seeing More Observant Opportunities

Opportunities can be created when Sinaumed’s is keen to see them and sort out the opportunities that exist. Sinaumed’s must choose the opportunity that is closest to or within the circle of abilities so that he can make the most of it.

For example, in choosing a career, Sinaumed’s must choose a job that is of interest and according to their abilities or strengths. With a SWOT analysis yourself can help Sinaumed’s to see opportunities more observant.

3. Know the Weaknesses that must be overcome

Self-SWOT analysis helps Sinaumed’s to map self-weaknesses. Then, the weakness is sought for a solution strategy. Weaknesses must be addressed immediately so that in the future they do not become a significant threat.

4. Knowing the Threats to be Faced

By conducting a SWOT analysis, Sinaumed’s can identify existing threats. Threats can hinder steps in realizing ideals. If a threat is not detected early, the risk of not being able to handle it is higher.

Not only that, the risk of failing in the middle of the road or failing to achieve the goals that have been prepared is also higher. Thus, SWOT analysis can help detect threats as early as possible so that they can develop strategies to deal with and minimize their negative impacts.