Recognize the characteristics of rising stomach acid and how to prevent it

Characteristics of Rising Stomach Acid – Increased stomach acid or also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can be marked by the appearance of several symptoms. One of the symptoms that characterizes this condition is the appearance of a feeling of heat and discomfort in the chest. This condition can occur to anyone, both children and adults. It is important to understand what characterizes stomach acid rising .

Stomach acid that rises into the esophagus can cause a burning sensation in the area inside the chest or what is also known as heartburn . This condition is commonly referred to as GERD. There are various symptoms or factors that can be a sign of this condition.

Although this disease does not cause death, it does not mean it can be underestimated. If not handled properly, this condition will cause various health complications. Therefore, it is very important to immediately take action to treat GERD. So, what are the characteristics of increased stomach acid? Check out the following article!

Recognize the Characteristics of Rising Stomach Acid

It’s best for Sinaumed’s not to underestimate the condition of chest pain which can cause a burning feeling or heartburn that appears after consuming food or drink with a high caffeine content. It could be that this condition is a factor that causes stomach acid to rise. In fact, acid reflux disease is often misinterpreted as a heart disease because the main symptoms of the two conditions are almost the same, namely pain in the chest.

This condition can occur because acidic substances from the stomach rise up to the esophagus. This will cause the walls of the esophagus to the mouth to experience irritation. When this happens, there will be a burning and burning sensation in the chest or heartburn and discomfort in the abdomen. This condition will be increasingly felt when the sufferer consumes food and or lies down.

Quoted from the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, apart from heartburn and a sour taste in the mouth, there are other signs that are characteristic of increased stomach acid, such as feeling full more easily, burping more often, sore throat, vomiting, nausea, excessive saliva production, bad breath, and experiencing a dry cough.

However, this condition is still considered normal if it does not occur for several days, only occurs 1–2 times in a period of one month, after consuming spicy and fatty foods, and symptoms appear after consuming large amounts of food.

GERD can be a sign of a health problem. This causes symptoms to occur over a long period of time, cramps appear, causing vomiting mixed with blood, pain up to the jaw, and accompanied by shortness of breath. Sinaumed’s can immediately do an examination at the nearest hospital to handle the complaint he is experiencing.

Weakening of the muscles in the esophagus is in fact one of the reasons why a person can experience GERD. In people with gastric acid, the muscles cannot close tightly, causing stomach acid to rise back up and into the esophagus.

Not only lifestyle and diet, in fact increased stomach acid can also be caused by several diseases such as gastroparesis, scleroderma, and hiatal hernia.

To prevent the risk of this disease, try to adopt a healthy lifestyle every day, eat foods that don’t trigger a sore throat, and complete your nutritional intake with the help of additional supplements.

Habits That Can Trigger Stomach Acid

There are many things that people with stomach acid must know about their disease. The reason is, there are various habits that can trigger the appearance of stomach acid and even make it worse, making the stomach feel sore and painful. Acid reflux disease or  gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can make sufferers experience pain in the solar plexus. A person who has GERD can also experience pain, heat, and a burning sensation in the chest that can radiate up to the neck.

So, what are the habits that can trigger the emergence of gastric acid?

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1. Often eat sour fruits and vegetables

The fruits and vegetables in question are the types that cause stomach acid. Therefore, try to avoid oranges, lemons, grapes, and any fruit that is acidic in nature. Also, avoid tomatoes and salads that are added with vinegar. Remember, this type of fruit and vegetables can trigger stomach acid, especially when consumed on an empty stomach.

2. Like Food and Beverages Containing Gas

Simply put, Sinaumed’s needs to avoid foods that can cause or exacerbate heartburn symptoms. One of them, avoid consuming various foods and drinks that contain gas and too much fiber. For example, mustard greens, jackfruit, Ambon banana, cabbage, kedondong, and dried fruit.

3. Excessive portions

For Sinaumed’s who often eat excessive portions, it feels like they need to be more vigilant. Because when the stomach is filled to the brim, it is possible that the food in the stomach will press on the diaphragm. This condition can eventually make the person experience shallow breathing or shortness of breath. Not only that, a fully filled stomach can also trigger food to rise back up into the esophagus.

Besides being able to make the stomach full and work extra, eating in excess amounts can trigger problems in the digestive system. Well, this condition can cause symptoms of bloating, feeling full, nausea, and even abdominal pain.

4. Coffee Habits

Drinking coffee is a common habit that is often done by many people, but you have to be careful because this drink can stimulate gastric acid production. Actually, it’s not only coffee that people with ulcers should avoid, drinks, such as fruit juices and full cream milk , also need to be avoided.

5. Vinegar and Spicy

There are also spicy or vinegary foods that are also included in the food group that can trigger stomach acid. People with gastritis should be wary of this spicy food because it can irritate the inner lining of the esophagus and cause pain in the pit of the stomach.

Besides that, there are also foods that are a source of carbohydrates and should be avoided by ulcer sufferers, namely noodles, vermicelli, glutinous rice, corn, sweet potatoes, taro, and dodol.

6. Lie down after eating

Have a habit of lying down after eating? Watch out for this habit can make stomach acid rise to the esophagus. When lying down the body no longer has gravity to help keep stomach contents in the stomach. When lying down, the food consumed will actually be at risk of leaking and passing through the esophageal sphincter. Therefore, avoid lying down immediately after eating to prevent stomach acid from rising.

7. Frequently Eat Fatty Foods

Foods of this type can trigger an increase in stomach acid pressure. Try to avoid fatty foods such as beef, French fries, potato chips, milk, ice cream, cheese, and other oily foods.

  • Overweight (obesity).
  • Experiencing a hiatus hernia, which is a condition when the top of the stomach enters the chest cavity.
  • Connective tissue disorders, such as scleroderma.
  • Stomach emptying delay.

While the factors that can exacerbate stomach acid conditions, namely:

  • Eat too late.
  • Drink drinks that can trigger stomach acid such as alcohol.
  • Certain drugs, such as aspirin.

Dangers of Stomach Acid Disease

If acid reflux disease is not treated immediately completely, complications in the form of inflammation of the esophagus or esophagus can occur. Over time, chronic inflammation can develop and cause the following complications:

1. Narrowing of the esophagus (esophageal stricture)

Inflammation that occurs in the esophagus can cause scar tissue to form. Then, the scar tissue will narrow the food pathways which causes sufferers to have difficulty swallowing.

2. Open sores in the esophagus (esophageal ulcers)

Stomach acid can wear away tissue in the esophagus and cause sores to open. Esophageal ulcers can bleed which will eventually cause pain, so the sufferer will find it difficult to swallow food.

3. Precancerous changes in the esophagus (Barrett’s esophagus)

Damage to the esophagus from reflux of stomach acid can cause changes in the tissue that lines the esophagus at the bottom. These changes will result in an increased risk of esophageal cancer.

Seeing the danger of stomach acid which is quite serious as previously explained, Sinaumed’s is advised to visit a doctor immediately if you experience symptoms of stomach acid, so that you can get the right treatment. Acid reflux disease can actually be overcome with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter generic drugs. However, some people with severe GERD may need stronger medications or even surgery to relieve symptoms.

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Safe Foods For Stomach Acid Sufferers

There are various factors that trigger stomach acid to rise into the esophagus, one of which is food. Fruits that contain acids, foods with high fat content, spicy foods, and chocolate are examples of foods that can trigger acid reflux.

If you look around, these foods are usually liked by many people, but people with stomach acid should avoid it because it will risk a recurrence of GERD. When stomach acid rises, sufferers will experience nausea, vomiting, flatulence, the appearance of a burning sensation in the stomach, and even food can rise back up into the esophagus.

The way to avoid these various symptoms is that people with stomach acid must pay attention to the food they eat. The following are healthy foods that are safe for consumption by people with stomach acid, namely:

1. Ginger

The following spice plants not only provide warmth, but can also reduce the risk of stomach acid symptoms. Reporting from Healthline, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties to treat various digestive problems and is a natural remedy for stomach acid and ulcers. Sinaumed’s can consume ginger by grating or cutting it, then processing it into a warm drink. This drink is useful for relieving symptoms of stomach acid disease.

2. Aloe Vera

If you hear the sentence aloe vera, Sinaumed’s surely imagines its use in the field of facial beauty. Apparently, the benefits of aloe vera also have properties as a natural healer, one of which is for stomach acid. Aloe vera can be consumed in the form of a drink or converted into a thickening liquid or clot.

3. Oatmeals

Other types of food that are also recommended for people with stomach acid are foods that are rich in fiber, such as oatmeal. Oatmeal is often consumed by people who are on a diet because it gives a longer feeling of fullness. For people with stomach acid, oatmeal can overcome the symptoms of the disease by absorbing stomach acid, so the symptoms can subside.

4. Bananas

Sinaumed’s who has stomach acid disease is also recommended to eat bananas regularly. Bananas have a pH content of around 5.6 and are good for neutralizing stomach acid. Apart from bananas, other fruits that are recommended for consumption are apples, pears and melons.

5. Green Vegetables

Talking about healthy food is certainly not far from vegetables. Examples of vegetables that are recommended for people with stomach acid are broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, beans, and asparagus. These vegetables have a high fiber content and contain ingredients that are able to reduce stomach acid.

6. Lean Meat

Meat that has a high fat content is often a trigger for stomach acid to rise. That is why, people with stomach acid should choose meat that is low in fat or fish which is easy for the stomach to digest properly. For Sinaumed’s who suffer from stomach acid, choose low-fat meat without skin or meat that is prepared by boiling, steaming, baking or baking.

7. Bread

According to a study from the Cleveland Clinic, people with stomach acid are still allowed to eat bread. However, the recommended type of bread is bread made from wheat or made with various kinds of grains in it. This is because this type of bread is rich in vitamins, fiber, and nutrients that are good for stomach health.

How to Lower Stomach Acid Without Medication

Quoted from WebMD, the following are simple tips that can help relieve stomach acid:

  • Avoid eating foods that can trigger reflux. Avoid certain foods that trigger heartburn, such as soda, caffeine, chocolate, oranges, tomatoes, onions, mint, and foods with a high fat content.
  • Eat more fiber. Fiber can help the digestive tract work healthily and smoothly.
  • Set meal portions. Avoid eating large portions at once. Try to eat five or six small meals a day.
  • Don’t eat before bed. The habit of eating before bed is often the cause of increased stomach acid. Stop eating at least two or three hours before going to bed so your stomach has a chance to empty before Sinaumed’s
  • Eat slowly. Don’t eat in a hurry.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking can reduce the effectiveness of the muscles that are used to keep acid in the stomach. So, stop smoking if you don’t want stomach acid to recur.
  • Wear loose clothing. Tight clothing generally puts additional pressure on the stomach.
  • Raise your head. Stack a few pillows under the bed so that your head is about 6 inches higher.
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