Here are 5 Differences between Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs You Must Know

The difference between Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs – Does Sinaumed’s often hear about the professions of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs? Many people think that entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship are the same profession and have the same meaning. However, these two professions are different. What’s the difference?

Check out the following explanation of the difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, Sinaumed’s!

Definition of Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur

Before discussing the differences between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship, it is better for Sinaumed’s to know the meaning of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship first. In general, entrepreneurship is a form of courage and readiness possessed by someone to take the risks that they will bear for the work they are engaged in. The work in question is a person’s business to run a business with the facilities, labor and capital that he has himself.

Entrepreneurship in general can also be interpreted as a form of someone’s ability to manage creativity into an innovation with jelly. Where someone who has this ability forms an opportunity to build a business venture.

In addition to the general understanding of entrepreneurship, several experts also expressed opinions about entrepreneurship.

According to Lupiyoadi, entrepreneur is someone who has the ability to create creativity as well as the ability to innovate. Which of these abilities does he have, he can use them to improve his own welfare and be able to prosper society and the environment.

Robbins and Coulter define entrepreneurship as an effort owned by a person or group to make the business he runs run in an organized manner. The purpose of the business they run is to create value or fulfill market demand.

Meanwhile, Dewanti argues that an entrepreneur is someone who has a role and responsibility for challenges and the ability to be able to take advantage of an opportunity.

Sjahbandi argues that entrepreneurship is a person’s ability to manage a business that he runs alone. He also said that there are several factors that can influence someone in making entrepreneurial decisions.

One of them is personal judgment, especially with regard to background and experience. So that the success or failure of a person as an entrepreneur is marked by the skills, experience and competence that a person has.

So it can be concluded that an entrepreneur is someone who has the readiness, courage and thought to run a business that can affect himself and even the surrounding environment.

Meanwhile, self-employment is a type of work that is of course different from entrepreneurship. Even though both of them have the same prefix, namely entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship are different. The word wira itself comes from the Javanese language which is absorbed from Sanskrit which means brave, gallant and exemplary.

According to the Directorate of General Secondary Education (1982: 65) entrepreneurship is a type of work or someone who does work independently and is not determined by a superior, because an entrepreneur does not have a boss.

In the book Entrepreneurship written by Muhammad Dinar, et al, entrepreneurship is an activity or business carried out by a group or person that aims to provide added value to a product and provide more customer satisfaction. The added value of the entrepreneur in question is something that has a new nature or that has never existed before.

In general, an entrepreneur can also be defined as a person who has the courage to think, act or act to create various kinds of jobs and lead an independent career.

From the definition of entrepreneur and self-employed above, does Sinaumed’s already know the difference between these two types of work? If you only look at it at a glance, it might be difficult to tell the difference between an entrepreneur and an entrepreneur. In order not to get confused, here is an explanation of the differences between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs.

Differences between Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs in General

It should be noted that the term self-employed first appeared in the 1970s. Initially, the term entrepreneur was defined based on neoclassicalism. When it first appeared, the definition of an entrepreneur was as follows.

  1. People who have the ability to think, behave and act based on the ability and courage they have to carry out their own work, work or behave independently and earn their own money.
  2. People who have the urge to make things in a way that is different from the others by using time and activities followed by capital and the possibility of failure as well as receiving remuneration and satisfaction with free authority over the business he is doing.
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Meanwhile, the term entrepreneur only emerged when there were developments regarding modern economic theory and is defined as follows.

  1. Someone who creates a creation and innovation
  2. Someone who has a long term vision
  3. Someone who can master expertise in the fields of marketing, production, supervision and provision of capital.

Then along with the times, the term entrepreneur has changed or is more popular with the term entrepreneur. For the millennial generation, the term entrepreneur tends to shift and the term entrepreneur is more popular. Even so, the term entrepreneur does not just disappear.

As previously explained, that entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs have differences. Here’s an explanation.

1. Differences in the focus of his business

When viewed from the focus of his business, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship certainly have quite clear differences. The focus of an entrepreneur’s efforts covers all the time in his life. Meanwhile, the focus of an entrepreneur’s business is only part time.

An easy example, someone who works as an office worker owns a laundry or laundry business so that he can be said to be an entrepreneur. Because he not only has a focus on business, namely laundry, but also has a focus on getting a salary from the office where he works. The business he does, is only done part time.

Meanwhile, if a person has no ties with other parties and all of his time is only used for the business he owns, then that person can be included in the category of an entrepreneur.

2. Differences in asset ownership

The difference that is quite significant from the second entrepreneur and self-employed is the ownership of assets owned by these two types of professions. The assets in question are the ownership of capital funds and the role they have in making decisions in business operations.

A person is called an entrepreneur when he is relatively involved in business operational activities only. Meanwhile, an entrepreneur has his own assets.

3. The scope of business of the two professions

A business actor has a greater possibility of being involved in a business and even being involved in more than one field. That way, someone will be included in the entrepreneur category when he has a fairly broad business scope or business scope. For example, when he offers travel services that are also equipped with photography services that he has.

Meanwhile, someone who is classified as an entrepreneur cannot apply his business knowledge to other types of business and can only focus on one business scope. For example, if he has a laundry business, he can only do laundry business.

4. Planning ahead

The fourth difference between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs is regarding business development plans. An entrepreneur has a sufficiently deep and solid understanding to always update his business approach according to the latest technological approaches.

Meanwhile, an entrepreneur tends to have a more traditionalist mindset and is more easily satisfied with the short-term targets they have.

5. The mindset of entrepreneurs and self-employed people

When viewed from the mindset of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, of course these two types of professions have different mindsets. It can be understood that an entrepreneur is someone who opens a new and independent business.

An entrepreneur can see several opportunities that he can take advantage of, so he will benefit from these opportunities. Meanwhile, an entrepreneur, has the mindset that only by continuing an existing concept, he can get a bigger profit.

For example, nowadays many entrepreneurs can be seen through the emergence of many startup companies. These entrepreneurs usually have their own concept and are able to develop their company. While entrepreneurs, in general, can run something that already exists and can take profit from it.

Those are the five differences between entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs. If summarized, these two professions have the following differences.

  • Entrepreneur is someone who has the skills to create added value to a product, or can provide a sense of satisfaction to customers. He also has a focus on running one area of ​​business. An entrepreneur is able to act and think according to the ability and courage he has to make money independently.
  • Entrepreneur is someone who is skilled in utilizing, managing and developing a business. He has the ability to focus on running several businesses at once. An entrepreneur can also innovate and be creative and have a long term vision.
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Differences between Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs from Their Characteristics

Sinaumed’s can also tell the difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship through their characteristics. By knowing the characteristics of these two types of profession, it will be easier for Sinaumed’s to know the difference. Here’s an explanation.

1. Entrepreneurial characteristics

a. Dare to take risks

An entrepreneur has a characteristic that is quite distinctive, namely a brave attitude. In general, an entrepreneur is someone who dares to take risks. Because of this courage that he has, he is able to tackle all things to make the business he creates grow and progress.

b. Have high self-confidence

The second characteristic possessed by an entrepreneur is self-confidence which is quite high. With this confidence, he is sure that the business he builds and runs will achieve success one day.

c. Have special skills in the field of management

An entrepreneur generally has special abilities in the field of management. Because at first he started a business or business alone. With his management skills, he is able to manage multiple tasks at once without feeling tired or short on time.

d. Have a leadership spirit

An entrepreneur must work independently to earn money, without a boss giving orders or guidance. Therefore, an entrepreneur usually has a leadership spirit. Not only to lead others, but also himself. He is able to embrace and guide his team.

e. Original or able to innovate

An entrepreneur is someone who has originality, meaning he is someone who is innovative, flexible and creative. They are able to make something that already exists into something new or create something new. This original characteristic is the basic difference between an entrepreneur and an entrepreneur.

f. Have an out of the box mindset

One characteristic of entrepreneurship is having an out of the box mindset. With this mindset, he is able to present original things according to market demand. Entrepreneurs have an out of the box mindset that can arise from solving problems, presenting new products or even advertising concepts to market their products.

g. Oriented to tasks as well as results

Someone who is an entrepreneur, usually focuses on the tasks and results he will get. Therefore, entrepreneurs have a long-term plan for the business they are running. Entrepreneurs are also more future-oriented.

That is, they believe that a good future will come and they will manage to achieve the coveted success. Even so, in general, an entrepreneur is able to control his emotions, so they will not focus on past failures, but make these failures as a lesson.

h. A problem solver

Besides having a leadership spirit, an entrepreneur is someone who is able to solve problems without the need to create new problems. The solutions presented are usually made depending on their knowledge, insight and experience. With the experience he had, he was able to provide a complete solution to the problem he was facing at that time.

2. Entrepreneurial characteristics

a. Understand the passion he has

An entrepreneur is someone who understands his passion or ability. So that he will pursue the field of business that he is good at, apart from that usually the entrepreneur will also take up the field of business that he likes. An entrepreneur knows what passion he has and will always try to improve his skills in that field.

b. A person who is disciplined and has high dedication

An attitude of discipline is certainly needed by an entrepreneur, because he will work independently part time. In addition, he must be able to separate and be disciplined in doing his work in the office or business without mixing it up. So that the attitude of discipline is needed, because the entrepreneur has two roles at once. High dedication is another characteristic of an entrepreneur. Because if someone doesn’t have high dedication to get the job done and take good care of business, then the two things he does will fall apart.

c. Have plans for the future

The third characteristic is that an entrepreneur generally has plans for the future. Although usually an entrepreneur tends to have short term plans and not long term plans like an entrepreneur.

That’s a review of the most basic differences between entrepreneurship and self-employment. Is Sinaumed’s interested in becoming an entrepreneur or self-employed? If you are interested in doing one of these types of work, then Sinaumed’s must pursue and study it well so that the business being run can grow and not stop in the middle.