Get to know what ATM stands for: Functions, Types, and How to Use It Safely

Know what ATM stands for – ATM can basically be understood as a machine whose function can be used to solve several customer matters related to savings at a bank, for example, customer savings balances to financial transactions with a systemized program.

Meanwhile, the abbreviation for ATM itself is Automatic Teller Machine or Automated Teller Machine. Literally, the meaning of the ATM stands for is a cash register that can work automatically according to a systemized program.

If absorbed into Indonesian, this Automatic Teller Machine or ATM can be translated into Automated Teller Machines. Automated Teller Machines themselves can be understood as an electronic machine that can operate effectively without the need for additional human labour.

Well, this article will discuss the meaning and extension of ATM in depth. Not only that, several functions and types of Automated Teller Machines will be presented that you need to know. This is so

A. Definition of ATM

The ATM was first designed by the Vice President of Product Planning at the Docutel company named Don Wetzel. The ATM machine was first successfully created in 1968. Until 1973, the prototype of the ATM machine was officially registered at the patent office to obtain the patent.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI, an ATM can be interpreted as an automatic machine owned by a bank to issue cash with certain techniques, such as pressing the savings number button, pressing the number (code) according to the instructions.

Meanwhile, according to the Financial Services Authority, an ATM can be understood as a machine with a computer system that is activated by a bank magnetic card with a code or password. By using this machine, customers can do a number of things, such as saving money, withdrawing cash, transferring funds between accounts, and doing routine transactions.

Still from the Financial Services Authority, automated teller machines or ATMs are installed nationally or internationally. This makes it easier for customers to obtain cash from ATMs in various places. The customer only needs to have and use the ATM code or password issued by a particular bank and the customer’s identity number.

So, an automatic teller machine, abbreviated as an ATM, is basically a machine that you can use to withdraw money or balances anywhere, provided that the machine is in a certain bank network. With a machine that operates 24 hours a day, of course an ATM is one of the machines that makes it very easy for people to withdraw money or balances.

ATM makes you don’t need to go to the central bank to just take the money needed. Through this computer system, you only need to enter a debit card and then determine the amount you want to take and money can be taken directly. Besides being able to be used to withdraw money, ATMs can be used to transfer money if you buy something to top up credit.

B. ATM function

The most important function of an ATM, of course, is to make it easier for a customer and avoid all difficulties when making transactions or needing cash. Not only that, an ATM can also make you not need to carry large amounts of cash which could lead to a crime. If you need money, you only need to take cash as needed at the nearest ATM.

So, here are some ATM functions that you need to know, including:

1. Withdraw cash 24 Hours

We know for ourselves that ATMs can operate 24 hours a day. This means you can withdraw the money at any time, unless the ATM machine is disturbed or damaged. However, there are several ATMs placed in stores, starting from Indomaret, Alfamart, and so on. ATMs located in stores can automatically be used in accordance with the opening and closing conditions of the store.

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2. Depositing money into a Savings Account

For those of you who want to save because you don’t really like to save too much money and are afraid that it could run out at any time, ATM machines can now be used to deposit cash into a savings account. Although until now, not all ATM machines have the facility to deposit money in cash. However, one can be sure that in the future all ATMs will be able to provide cash deposit services. Of course, this cash deposit service will greatly facilitate us and save time when compared to having to deposit money through a bank teller.

3. Easy transfer

Before the rise of cash deposit services, ATMs were commonly used to make transfers to other banks and between banks. Plus, since the increase in buying and selling services online, many people like to use ATMs to transfer money when buying something online. Shopping online basically demands to make transactions without meeting face to face. So, in this case, online transactions via ATMs are one of the usual ways to make payments.

4. Pay routine bills

Apart from withdrawing money, depositing cash, and making transfers, automated teller machines can already be used to make payments for various types of bills. Some bills that can be paid through ATMs, such as water, electricity, internet, and so on. How to pay routine bills is also quite simple, all you have to do is come to the nearest ATM. Furthermore, you can choose the PAM option for water, PLN for electricity, Internet or other bills provided. Then, to complete a billing transaction, you only need to press select and click.

C. Types of ATMs

Every bank must always try to provide the best service to all of its customers. One of the ways used to make it easier for customers to conduct banking transactions while avoiding long queues, the bank provides a complete system and a variety of ATMs in several types.

So, here are several types of automated teller machines that you need to know about, including:

1. ATM Cash Withdrawal

The first type of ATM is a cash withdrawal ATM. This ATM can be understood as one of the types of ATMs that we often encounter and also with the most amount provided by banks in certain places. As the name implies, ATM cash withdrawals are provided specifically to handle cash transactions, for example cash withdrawals.

2. Non-Cash ATMs

The second type of ATM is a cashless ATM. Non-cash ATM itself can be interpreted as a type of ATM that cannot be used to make cash transactions such as cash withdrawals. However, this type of ATM is specifically provided for conducting non-cash banking transactions, such as transferring money, paying bills, and so on. Therefore, you need to know the type of ATM first before withdrawing money.

3. ATM Cash Deposit

The third type of ATM is a cash deposit ATM. This type of ATM can also be referred to as a cash deposit machine (CDM) or in Indonesian it is a cash deposit machine. This means that by using this ATM machine, you as a customer of a bank do not need to bother visiting a bank teller when you want to deposit money at the bank. Cash deposit ATMs themselves can usually accept money deposits with a minimum nominal sheet received, which is Rp. 50,000, this means that a nominal sheet of Rp. 100,000 can, yes.

4. All-round ATM

This fourth type of ATM may not be encountered by many of us. However, this type of ATM could become the standard ATM in the future. By using an all-purpose ATM or often called multifunctional, you can carry out banking transactions for all purposes, from cash withdrawals, transfers between accounts, transfers between banks, payments, balance information, top up pulses, exchange rate information, purchases, change pins. , and registration.

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D. Safe Ways to Use an ATM

Even though ATMs are very practical and make banking customer affairs easier. However, it is possible that this machine can be tricked by irresponsible humans. By using the various tricks they use, you might become a victim of these fraudulent tricks. Until now, there have been many criminal cases related to ATMs. Therefore, we must always be vigilant when making transactions using an ATM machine.

So, here are some ways you can use to avoid various potential crimes when using an ATM machine. How many ways, among others, namely:

1. Use an ATM machine with a security guard

First, make transactions at ATMs that are relatively close to the bank. This is of course one way to avoid the risk of crime. This is because each bank has a security guard who will be on guard 24 hours a day in the bank area. Having a security guard will greatly reduce the potential for crime.

You can also choose to withdraw money at ATMs in supermarkets or minimarkets. This can reduce the potential for crime because you are in a busy environment. Always try to be careful when taking money at a quiet ATM.

2. Protect your PIN

When you want to withdraw money at the Automated Teller Machine, all you need to do is always cover the number pad when entering the pin. You can use both hands to prevent someone from seeing your savings PIN number. If someone claims to be an officer from the bank and asks for a PIN number, then that could be fraud. Therefore, don’t trust easily and don’t give your PIN code to people you don’t trust.

3. Skimmer Cards

Skimmer card can be interpreted as a device added to an ATM machine to capture personal information, ranging from PIN numbers to balances. The skimmer card itself is generally installed on the side of the machine or to be precise it is located above the official card slot. Well, the thing you need to be aware of before making a transaction is to check the ATM machine first. There may be some suspicious signs, such as the words “swipe the card here” or “card cleaner”.

4. Immediately Save Money and Cards

When you have finished making a transaction, please immediately insert your ATM card and money into your wallet or other safe place. Then, the thing that you must make sure before leaving the Automated Teller Room is that the money and ATM card are nowhere to be seen before leaving the door.

5. Know the Bank’s Call Center Number

If there is a problem with the ATM machine that is being used, the first thing you should do is make a call to the bank’s call center. The bank’s own call center number is usually listed on the ATM machine and can be contacted at any time. When there is a problem with your transaction at an ATM, it is not recommended that you trust anyone who is not a representative of the bank.

6. Invite Friends

One of the things that is important when you want to withdraw large amounts of money through an ATM machine is to invite a friend. By inviting a friend to accompany you, you will be much safer than when you take money alone.

This is a discussion of what an ATM stands for as well as its meaning, function, and several types of Automated Teller Machines that are often used. ATM itself has provided many benefits for mankind in making transactions. Now, we can take advantage of the various functions of ATMs anywhere, be it in shopping areas or other recreational areas. Hope it is useful.