Get to know the types of surgery that exist in the medical field

For some people, they may have had surgery, both for themselves and those closest to them. Hearing the word type of surgical operation, many of us think that the person who undergoes it must be exposed to a dangerous disease, even though it is not necessarily a very serious disease. There are people who undergo minor surgery so that there is no risk to him. This time sinaumedia will review further types of surgery.

Definition of surgical operation and its types 

While surgery itself is a method of treatment carried out by medical personnel / doctors to treat a disease by opening / closing certain body parts according to applicable procedures. Not all diseases can be cured by surgery, so doctors must know very well the symptoms, treatment and appropriate treatment for patients.

Medical personnel or doctors who perform surgery should also not be careless because it can be bad if something fatal happens. Must have had good experience. There are many kinds / types of this surgical operation, judging from its purpose, level of risk, and technique.

Types of operations based on their objectives are divided into:

  • Diagnose

Diagnosing disease is an obligation for a doctor in his work. The operation that is commonly performed for this is a biopsy operation which aims to determine the presence of cancer or tumors in the patient’s body.

  • Prevent
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This action aims to prevent the spread of the disease in the patient’s body. For example, surgery to remove intestinal polyps is done to prevent cancer.

  • Remove

Surgery that aims to remove a number of tissues in the body because it has spread in several body tissues. For example, surgical removal of the uterus, and breast removal.

  • Restore

The purpose of this operation is to restore the function of certain body organs to normal again. Like breast reconstruction surgery.

  • palliative

This type of surgery is only to reduce the pain felt by the patient, usually this action is done in patients with end-stage chronic disease.


Surgical operations based on the level of risk are divided into 2, namely:

  • Minor surgery (minor)

This type of surgery is a surgical procedure that does not require a long time in the recovery process because there is no need to perform surgery in a dangerous area and usually this type of anesthesia uses local anesthesia. For example, surgery on external tissues when an accident occurs in the hands/feet, extraction of nails, ganglion surgery on the hands.

  • Major surgery (severe)

Major surgery is an operation that is carried out with greater risk because it has to open wider body tissues so that the recovery time for the patient is usually relatively longer. Examples of major operations such as organ transplant surgery, brain tumor surgery, heart surgery and so on.

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Based on the technique of surgery is divided into:

  • Open surgery

This surgical operation is better known as conventional surgery, where medical procedures are performed by making incisions in the body using a special knife. For example, heart surgery, where the doctor must cut the patient’s chest and open it so that the heart organs are clearly visible.

  • Laparoscopy

A type of laparoscopic surgery where the doctor only makes a small incision on the body and then inserts a tool such as a tube into the incision hole to find out the problems that occur in the patient’s body

Based on the timing of the surgery, surgery is divided into 3, namely:

  • Elective

Surgical procedures are performed to treat diseases that do not endanger the patient’s life and are only performed at the request of the patient.

  • Emergency

Surgery performed to save a patient’s life or a patient’s body part due to an accident or injury which caused trauma.

  • Semi elective

Surgery is performed to prevent the effects of an illness or injury, but does not have to be done immediately, this surgery can be postponed for a while.

Thus the explanation for the types and definitions of surgical operations, this knowledge is to make the general public understand the importance of surgery on body parts to be carried out for some patients. So, we should not equate that all operations are dangerous.