Get to know Programming Language Operators: Definition, Properties and Types

Operators are – In the process of writing a programming language there is usually something called an operator. Where later the operator is used to form the desired value result.

Simply put, the operator is a symbol commonly used in writing programming languages. The existence of operators will usually be found more in certain operations.

Most operators are indeed used in arithmetic calculations in a program. For those of you who are studying in the world of programming, you may also be familiar with operators.

So that your knowledge is even wider about operators in programming languages. Of course, the explanation that is available in this article about operators in programming languages ​​will be very helpful.

Definition of Operators

Although previously discussed a little about operators in programming languages. But in this point we will learn together about the meaning of the operator in more depth.

Operator is a symbol that gives a compiler or interpreter to be able to perform certain operations such as mathematical, rational or logical operations in order to produce the final result as desired.

Operators can also be regarded as the basis of any type of programming language. When we make a program, usually there will be a lot of data which will be processed and produce a certain output .

When processing this data, an operator is needed that acts as a symbol. There are at least three types of operators that are often used in programming languages. Starting from arithmetic operators, relational operators and logical operators.

Characteristics of Operators

Operators can be grouped by their nature. There are about three groups of operators that can be seen based on their nature. Below is an explanation of the properties possessed by operators in programming languages.

1. Unary

The unary operator will only see the existence of operands in an operation. There are two main types of unary operators such as increment and decrement. Then the writing form of the unary operator is b++.

2. Binaries

Then there are also binary operators. Where later this operator will require two operands and also one operator in the middle in one operation. In simple terms, the writing of the binary operator is b + c.


Finally, there is the ternary operator type. Where this ternary operator will show three operands in an operation performed. The writing form of the ternary operator is an expression? First choice : second choice.

The three points above are an explanation of the types of operators seen by their nature. When you write a programming language, of course you will meet from when the type of operator is seen based on its nature.

Types of Operators in Programming Languages

Apart from being based on their nature, the grouping of operators in programming languages ​​can also be grouped based on their function. There are about six types of operators which are seen based on their functions.

The six types of operators based on their functions are as follows.

1. Arithmetic Operators

First, there is the arithmetic operator, where this type of operator has a function to process two operands that will produce a certain value. However, the results of operations involving arithmetic operators also depend on the operand value and the type of operator used.

Simply put, this type of operator will be easier for us to find in a mathematical operation contained in writing a programming language. Arithmetic is a branch in mathematics.

Where basically this arithmetic will be a simple calculation such as plus, minus, divide and times. In addition, in the C++ programming language the use of operators also applies to the modulo division operation or the % operator which is used to find a remainder for the quotient.

The types of operators in the C++ programming language arithmetic operators are as follows.

+ (addition), for example a = 5 + 2
– (subtraction), for example a = 5 – 2
* (multiplication), for example a = 5 – 2
/ (division in real numbers or fractions), for example a = 5 – 2
% (remaining quotient or modulus), for example a = 5 % 2

2. Assignment Operator or Assignment

Then there is the assignment operator or assignment operator. Where this type of operator has a function to assign a value to one variable. There are two sides of the operand that have their respective functions.

The operand on the left side of the operator is a variable, while the operand on the right side of the operator is a value or a variable that has a value. As a result, the result on the right side must have the same data type as the variable on the left side.

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In C++, the assignment operator uses symbols such as the equals sign “=”. Later assignment operators can also use several combined symbols such as “+=”,”-=”, and so on.

3. Increment and Decrement Operators

Then there are also the increment and decrement operators. These two types of operators have different meanings and functions.

The increment operator is used to increase the variable by one number. Meanwhile, the decrement operator is used to reduce the variable by one number.

In writing the increment operator will use a symbol like (a++). Then for writing the decrement operator will be used using the symbol (a–).

The two symbols are also a short writing of the operations a = a + 1 and a = a- 1.
Meanwhile, the writing of these symbols can be placed at the beginning or at the end of the existing variables. For example like ++a or –a, it can also be like a++ and a–.

4. Comparison Operators

Then there is the comparison operator. Basically the function of the comparison operator is used to be able to find out in a variable that has a value that is greater or smaller than the presence of other values.

Or simply the existence of this comparison operator is used to compare two values. Is the value the same, smaller, greater and so on. The result obtained from the comparison operator is Boolean true or false.

In the C++ programming language, when the results of the comparison operators are displayed with the cout command, true or false are displayed as integers 1 or 0.
Below are some of the symbols used in the comparison operators.

Same as “==”, for example 5 == 5 will get result 1 (true)
Not the same as “!=”, for example 5 !+ 5 will get result 0 (false)
Greater “>”, for example 5 >6 will get result 0 (false)
Smaller “<”, for example 5 < 6 will get result 1 (true) Greater or equal to “>=”, for example 5 >= 3 will get result 1 (true) Less or equal
to 5 <= 5 will get result 1 (true)

5. Logical Operators

Logical operators have a function to check the equality of two or more data values. Logical operators also have functions as expressions that can return values ​​of type boolean.

Simply put, logical operators can be used to return a true or false Boolean value from 2 or more conditions.

&& (And), Will return true if both operands are true
Example: true && false will return false
|| (Or), will return true if one of the operands is true
For example: true || false will return true
(Not), will return true if the operand is false.
For example: !False, will return true.
From the three points above, a formula can be applied as follows.
The && operator can only return true when both operands have the value true, otherwise the result is false.
Operators|| can only return false when both operands have the value false, otherwise the result is true.
Operator ! Will reverse some logic, !False will be true and !True will be false.

6. Conditional Ternary Operators

This conditional ternary type operator has a function to evaluate expressions seta has two choices of existing values.

7. Bitwise Operators

Bitwise is a special operator that can be used to handle logical operations on binary numbers in the form of bits. Binary numbers are a type of number that can only consist of two types of digits, namely 0 and 1.

If the original value used is not a binary number, the C++ compiler will automatically convert it into a binary number. An example is 7 decimal =0111 in binary.

The C++ language provides support for 6 types of bitwise operators. Some of them are like & (AND), |(OR), ^ (XOR), ~ (NOT), << (Left shift), >> (Right shift).
Those are the types of operators commonly used in programming languages ​​like C++. Each operator has its own function. Of course, until now the existence of this operator is always present in various programs that are written.

Programming Languages ​​that are Often Used Today

After we learn together about the operators in the programming language. The next thing we will learn is the various programming languages ​​that are still being used today.

In this programming language, you will usually use operators according to existing needs. So that you are even clearer about what programming languages ​​are often used today, here is a complete explanation.

1. C++

C++ is a programming language that is so popular today. This is none other than because the C ++ language is able to offer convenience. Besides that, C++ can also provide quite a lot of features and applications.

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For beginners it will also be easier when learning the C ++ language. Originally C++ was run by the Unix OS. But after the development of time, this programming language can get support as a low level coding. The existence of this also makes the C ++ programming language function more optimally.


Next is the JavaScript programming language. Where the existence of this programming language will usually be found more on websites. In its application, usually the existence of JavaSript will be used by developers for the front end. In addition, the existing framework in JavaScript is also often used to support the development of the Internet of Thing or IoT on mobile devices, more specifically AngularJS and React.

3. Java

In the world of programming, the existence of the Java programming language is very widely used. In search alone until now has a fairly high level of popularity.

Java is a programming language that was developed in 1991. About 20 million developers have used the Java programming language in their applications on 15 billion world devices.

Because of this, the Java programming language is so popular. You may even have used this programming language when coding programs.


Although Python is a common programming language. But actually Python is one of the programming languages ​​that fall into the group of high-level code structures.

Like other programming languages, Python can also be used to create websites, scientific computing, data mining to machine learning.

Even big companies like Google, Yahoo, NASA, Instagram, Reddit and YouTube also use the Python programming language in their development.


In Indonesia, the existence of PHP is very popular to use. PHP itself is a scripting language that has various server side scripting advantages so that it can produce more complex websites.

PHP can also interact with databases such as mysql and also basic CMS such as WordPress. In addition, web servers that provide full support for PHP are also very easy to find. Starting from Apache, IIS, Lighttpd to Xitami which has configuration so easy.

From a development standpoint, PHP can indeed provide convenience. There are even lots of online discussion groups in which there are developers from all over the world who can help develop the program you are building.

6. C#

There are also C# or C Sharp programming languages. Where the basis of the C # programming language is the C programming language and also C ++ which was developed by Microsoft with various other programming features such as Java, Delphi, Visual Basic and so on.

The use of the C# programming language is indeed more of a simple object orientation and is widely used for video game development. On Windows, this programming language will run on the .NET platform.

7. Kotlin

Then there is the Kotlin programming language. Where this programming language runs on the Jva Virtual Machine or JVM or can also be run using the LLVM compiler. This programming language is arguably different from other programming languages. This is because the Kotlin programming language can manage complex Android programs. Besides that, the existence of the Kotlin programming language is also a tough competitor of the Java programming language.

8. Rust

Rust is a programming language which, if you look at the program code used, is similar to C++’s syntax and has properties similar to the Go or Golang programming languages. Interestingly, Rust can be accessed and used for free. Dropbox and Coursera are two examples of websites that use the Rust programming language on the back end.

9. Ruby

The Ruby programming language has a very simple syntax structure. It’s no wonder that many website developers use the Ruby programming language or just to learn.

The Ruby programming language can also be written in one line. This keeps Ruby concise and tidy. Apart from that, this programming language can also be used for 3D modeling, tracking information and creating a web app. Even Github and Scribd use Ruby in their application scripts.

10. Go Or Golang

Go or golang or go language has open source properties and is also often used on social media platforms. The Golang programming language has clear algorithm attributes and data structures that easily make website performance more up-to-date.
Those are some programming languages ​​that are still often used today.

Apart from these 10 programming languages, there are several others. But of the 10 programming languages, of course you can choose to use one according to your personal needs and abilities.

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