eHAC Is: How To Fill Up To What The User Has To Look For

eHAC stands for electronic-Health Alert Card or in Indonesian means Electronic Health Alert Card. E-HAC is one of the new policies issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI).

Quoted from the Sehat Negeriku Kemkes online page , the electronic Health Alert Card or abbreviated as eHAC is an electronic health alert card intended for all domestic and international flight travelers during the Corona pandemic.

eHAC itself is expected to be one of the efforts to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19 by travellers, both ship and plane travelers going out of town. Later, the eHAC will become one of the things that must be shown to the verification officer upon arrival at the destination.

So, for those of you who have plans to travel by air, sea or land, then you have an obligation to fill out the eHAC first. How to fill in eHAC Indonesia? Check out the full answer below.

What is eHAC?

As previously explained, in simple terms, eHAC is a Health Alert Card. A card that is more modern than the manual cards used before. The eHAC card is one of the developments from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), especially the Directorate of Health Surveillance and Quarantine, Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control.

According to the new rules that took effect on March 3, 2022, eHAC inspections are carried out when checking in at the departure airport through the latest version of the PeduliLindungi application. Previously, eHAC checks were carried out when travelers arrived at the arrival airport. However, this regulation actually creates long lines due to an increase in the number of domestic air transportation users.

After this regulation, eHAC, which used to be an independent application managed by the Ministry of Health, is now one of the features included in the PeduliLindungi application under the management of the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kominfo). This will be different.

PeduliLindungi is a Covid-19 tracking application that is legally used to trace digital contacts in Indonesia. Meanwhile, eHAC is one of the features that can now be used in it. Therefore, travelers will be examined when they leave the plane and go to baggage claim. Airport officers will usually carry out checks regarding the QR Code from the eHAC application.

Thus, the best time for travelers to fill in data on the eHAC is after checking in and getting a seat number on the plane. Next, how do you fill in the eHAC through the PeduliLindungi Application?

How to Fill in eHAC in PeduliLindungi

In accordance with SE of the Minister of Health No HK.02.01/MENKES/847/2021, eHAC has been integrated with PeduliLindungi. Therefore, you can now fill out the Indonesian eHAC or Electronic Health Alert Card through the PeduliLindungi application by downloading it on the Google Playstore or Appstore.

The following is a complete guide and steps to fill in the eHAC in the PeduliLindungi application for domestic travelers, including:

  • First download the PeduliLindungi application on the PlayStore or AppStore
  • Create a new account or log in if you already have a PeduliLindungi account
  • Click the “eHAC” feature on the main page
  • Next, select “Create eHAC”
  • Select “Domestic” for domestic travelers, or select “International” for those of you who come from abroad and want to go to Indonesia
  • Select “By Air” for those of you who travel by air transportation, but if using sea transportation select “By Sea”, and if using land transportation select “By Land”
  • Especially for air transportation users, please fill in the flight number
  • If the flight number is not found, continue to fill in the flight data manually by selecting the airline name, departure airport and destination
  • Make sure the information entered is correct, then click “Next”
  • Fill in “Personal Details”, starting from Citizenship, Full Name, NIK, Gender, Date of Birth, and Purpose of Travel
  • Data can be filled in a maximum of four people
  • Click “Next” when the data filling is complete
  • Next, fill in the Travel Data according to the previous transportation choice.
  • For example, air travel (By Air), fill in the Airplane Name, Origin Airport, Destination Airport, Flight Number and Seat Number
  • While traveling by sea, fill in the name of the ship, port of origin, port of destination, ship number, date of departure and date of landing.
  • Then, fill in the Destination column, for example, such as Origin Province, Destination Province, and Address Details that you need.
  • Click “Next” when you have finished filling and confirming on the last page.
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Filling in the eHAC is mandatory for anyone who will travel, either via land, air or sea transportation. If the traveler gets the status of not fit to travel, manual validation can be done by showing the vaccine certificate and antigen or RT-PCR test results at PeduliLindungi. Apart from that, you can also show physical documents to local officials or the Port Health Office (KKP) at the airport.

Air Transport eHAC

Reporting from the official website , domestic eHAC with the mode of air transportation must be filled in before departure or D-1 at the earliest. This is due to inspection by airport officials at check-in. So, here’s how to fill in the domestic eHAC with an airplane in the PeduliLindungi application, including:

  • Select the departure date, then fill in the number and flight information. If the flight number cannot be found, fill in the flight data manually, complete by selecting the airline name, departure airport to destination. After the information is correct, please click “Continue”.
  • Next, enter Personal Data which can be filled in by a maximum of 4 people at a time.
  • Then check the flightworthiness status, if the eHAC shows information that “test results not found” or “not airworthy”. You can contact the health officer or the Port Health Office (KKP) at the airport to validate the vaccine certificate and Antigen/PCR test results. If the data displays a confirmed case or black status, then eHAC creation cannot be carried out and the trip cannot be continued. If it is declared “fit to fly”, please select save the information that you filled in before.
  • Fill in the health statement and travel history, then select “confirm”.
  • The eHAC creation has been completed and you can show the flightworthiness status page to the staff at the departure airport.

eHAC Land and Sea Transportation

  • Fill in personal information, including Citizenship, Full Name, and NIK. You can also add other passenger data for a maximum of 4 people at a time.
  • Then, fill in the details of the transportation used, both the date of departure and arrival.
  • Then, fill out a health statement and travel history.
  • If the data entered is correct, confirm the data by clicking “confirm” and the eHAC creation is complete.
  • A QR code will be displayed and can be scanned or scanned by the officer upon arrival.

Mandatory Requirements for Traveling

The following are several conditions that must be met by travelers to obtain travel eligibility status, including:

  1. Travelers with the type of air transportation mode who have carried out the third or booster dose of vaccination are not required to carry out an antigen test or RT-PCR to meet flight eligibility requirements. eHAC can assess flightworthiness according to the results of these tests.
  2. Travelers who have carried out the primary vaccination up to the second dose have the obligation to complete the travel requirements with a negative antigen test result for a maximum of 1 × 24 hours or a maximum of 3 × 24 hours of RT-PCR test before departure.
  3. Travelers who have only been vaccinated once have the obligation to show documents of RT-PCR test results for a maximum of 3×24 hours before departure.
  4. Travelers with co-morbidities or comorbidities who cannot vaccinate must include a doctor’s certificate from a government hospital and RT-PCR test results for a maximum of 3×24 hours.
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Please note that the eHAC filling rules are not intended for children aged 6 and under who are exempt from vaccination requirements and are not required to carry out antigen or RT-PCR tests as a travel condition.

What eHAC Users Should Look For 

The eHAC displays information related to travel eligibility. The information also includes a black status, if the prospective traveler is confirmed to be infected with Covid-19. This black status can be interpreted that the prospective traveler is not roadworthy so they will be directed to the health worker/KKP.

For prospective travelers who require roadworthy requirements with green status, they can fulfill the following conditions:

  1. If receiving vaccine dose 1, prospective travelers must have a negative PCR test result no later than 3×24 hours before travel.
  2. After undergoing complete and booster vaccinations, prospective travelers need a negative antigen swab test result no later than 1×24 hours before travel.

In accordance with the eHAC filling manual released by the Ministry of Health, there are a number of things that prospective travelers must pay attention to, namely things that can and cannot be done regarding filling in the eHAC. Some things that potential travelers can do as eHAC users, as follows:

  1. As a potential passenger with a destination to Indonesia, the traveler must first register before departure;
  2. In order to facilitate the inspection process from the officer, please fill in the form with your personal data correctly;
  3. Upon arrival in Indonesia either through the airport or seaport, please show the barcode on the E-HAC application on the smartphone to the health officer, and the data that has been previously filled in will be checked;
  4. If an emergency occurs requiring immediate medical assistance, the traveler can press the panic button in the E-HAC application.

Meanwhile, the following are some things that prospective travelers should not do as E-HAC users, namely:

  1. Fill out forms on the application with invalid or inappropriate data.
  2. The traveler does not communicate the symptoms of health disorders experienced with the actual condition
  3. The traveler pressed the panic button for no reason or experienced a health-related emergency.

Those are the various things you need to know about eHAC Indonesia, eHAC stands for electronic-Health Alert Card or can be called Electronic Health Alert Card. Starting from the definition of eHAC, how to register eHAC at PeduliLindungi to how to fill in eHAC online via PeduliLindungi for flights.

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