difference between porpoise and dolphins

What is the difference between porpoises and dolphins?

If you’ve ever seen a marine mammal swimming in the ocean, it could be easy to mistake a porpoise for a dolphin. After all, both have sleek bodies and often swim in groups, but there are a few key differences between the two animals. In this article, we’ll explore what sets them apart.

Physical Characteristics

One of the most noticeable differences between porpoises and dolphins is their size and body shape. Porpoises are typically smaller, reaching up to 7 feet in length, and have stockier bodies with rounded heads. They also have a triangular dorsal fin and flippers that are set farther back on their bodies. In contrast, dolphins are longer, reaching up to 12 feet in length, and have a more streamlined body shape with a pointed dorsal fin and flippers located closer to their middle.

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Behavioral Differences

Another way to distinguish between porpoises and dolphins is by their behavior. Dolphins are more social and playful, known for jumping out of the water (referred to as breaching) and riding the waves created by boats. They also communicate with each other through various clicks and whistles. Porpoises, on the other hand, are less social and tend to swim alone or in small groups of up to five individuals. They communicate with each other through a series of grunts and growls.

Habitat and Range

Porpoises and dolphins also live in different habitats and parts of the world. Porpoises typically prefer colder waters, living in the North Atlantic, North Pacific, and Arctic regions. Meanwhile, dolphins can be found in a wider range of temperatures and locations, from tropical reefs to the open ocean. They are more common in warmer waters, such as the Mediterranean, Caribbean, and Southeast Asia.

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In conclusion, while porpoises and dolphins may look similar, there are several physical, behavioral, and habitat differences between the two. Knowing these differences can help you identify which marine mammal you are observing and appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of these incredible animals.

Table difference between porpoise and dolphins

Characteristics Porpoise Dolphin
Length 4-7 feet 6-12 feet
Color Dark gray or black Varies by species, often gray or blue
Dorsal fin shape Triangular or curved Sickle-shaped
Teeth Flat or spade shaped Pointed and conical
Behavior Swims slowly and avoids boats Fast swimmers and often interacts with boats