difference between plants and animal

The Key Differences between Plants and Animals

When it comes to the natural world, plants and animals are two of the most distinct classifications of living organisms. Although they may share some similarities, such as the ability to adapt to their environments, there are countless differences that set them apart.

Cell Structure

One of the most striking differences between plants and animals is their cell structure. Plants have cells that are surrounded by a rigid cell wall made of cellulose, which gives them their stiffness. Animal cells, on the other hand, have no cell wall and are instead surrounded by a flexible membrane.


Another key difference between plants and animals is the extent of their mobility. While animals can move freely from one location to another, plants are rooted in place and rely on other methods, such as pollination and seed dispersal, to propagate.

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Energy Source

Plants and animals are also different in terms of their energy sources. Plants are autotrophs, which means that they produce their own food through photosynthesis, while animals are heterotrophs and rely on other organisms as their food source.


Reproduction also differs between plants and animals. While many animals engage in sexual reproduction, plants typically reproduce asexually through methods such as budding or fragmentation.


Finally, plants and animals differ in their methods of respiration. Plants use their leaves to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis, while animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide through their lungs.

In conclusion, while both plants and animals are living organisms that play a crucial role in our ecosystem, they have many differences that set them apart. Understanding these differences is essential to appreciating the unique characteristics and contributions of each type of organism to our world.

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Table difference between plants and animal

Plants Animals
Cellular structure Have cell walls made of cellulose Do not have cell walls
Nutrition Photosynthesis – use sunlight to produce food Ingest food – eat other plants or animals
Reproduction Reproduce by seeds, spores or asexual reproduction Reproduce sexually or asexually
Movement Non-motile (stay in one place) Motile – can move from one place to another
Growth Grow continuously throughout their lives Grow to a certain size then stop
Respiration Undergo cellular respiration, releasing oxygen Undergo cellular respiration, producing carbon dioxide