difference between metal and non metals class 8

The Basic Difference Between Metal and Non-Metals in Class 8 Chemistry

Metal and Non-Metal are two distinct elements that have a significant role in chemistry. Both of them possess some unique properties that set them apart from each other. In Class 8 chemistry, students are introduced to the fundamental difference between metals and non-metals. Here we will discuss some crucial differences between them.


The very basic difference between metals and non-metals lies in their nature. Metals are conductive elements and are known for their shiny, lustrous appearance. On the other hand, non-metals are non-conductive elements with a dull appearance.

Physical Properties

Metal elements have high melting and boiling points, whereas non-metal elements have generally low melting and boiling points. Metals are malleable and ductile, meaning that they can be hammered into thin sheets and drawn into thin wires. Non-metals, in contrast, are brittle and cannot be flattened or drawn like metals.

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Chemical Properties

Metals are known to be highly reactive elements and can easily lose electrons to form positive ions. They react with non-metals to form ionic bonds. On the other hand, non-metals tend to gain electrons and tend to form negative ions. They react with metals to form covalent bonds.


Metals have a wide range of uses in our daily life. They are used in making buildings and infrastructure, electric wires, vehicles, and many other household items. Non-metals, on the other hand, are mostly used in the manufacturing of non-metallic materials like plastics, medicines, and fertilizers.


In conclusion, the difference between metal and non-metal is quite apparent. The nature, physical and chemical properties, and usage of both metals and non-metals are different. Understanding these differences is essential for students of Class 8 chemistry, as it will help them understand the various applications of these elements in our daily lives.

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Table difference between metal and non metals class 8

Category Metal Non-metal
Electrical Conductivity Good conductor of electricity Poor conductor of electricity
Heat Conductivity Good conductor of heat Poor conductor of heat
Appearance Shiny, metallic Dull, non-metallic
Malleability Malleable, can be hammered into thin sheets Brittle, cannot be hammered into thin sheets
Ductility Ductile, can be drawn into wires Non-ductile, cannot be drawn into wires
Chemical Reactivity Reacts with acids to form salt and hydrogen gas May react with other non-metals to form compounds