difference between list and array

Difference between List and Array

Lists and arrays are two important data structures commonly used in programming for storing and manipulating collections of related data. Although they have some similarities, there are significant differences between the two structures that make them distinctive from each other. The following article outlines the key differences between lists and arrays.


An array is a fixed-size data structure that stores elements of the same data type in contiguous memory locations. It provides a way to represent and access a collection of related items. On the other hand, a list is a dynamic-size data structure that can contain elements of different data types. It is built on top of an array and provides a more flexible way of managing collections.

Size and Capacity

One of the main differences between arrays and lists is their size and capacity. An array has a fixed size that is determined during initialization, while a list has a dynamic size that can grow or shrink as elements are added or removed. Additionally, an array has a fixed capacity that cannot be changed, while a list has a flexible capacity that adjusts automatically as needed.

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Memory Management

Another key difference between arrays and lists is their memory management. Arrays require contiguous memory allocation, which means that all elements must be stored in adjacent memory locations. Lists, on the other hand, use a linked list data structure behind the scenes, which means that the elements don’t have to be stored in contiguous memory locations. This allows a list to grow or shrink dynamically without requiring memory reallocation.

Data Access

Data access is another area in which arrays and lists differ. Arrays provide constant-time access to individual elements, as each element can be accessed directly through its index. Lists, on the other hand, require traversal of the list to access a specific element, which takes linear time. However, lists provide constant-time access to the first and last elements.


Both arrays and lists have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the two depends on the specific use case. Arrays are suitable for storing fixed-size collections of related data that require constant-time access, while lists are suitable for storing dynamic-size collections of related data that require flexible memory management and efficient insertion or deletion of elements. By understanding the differences between arrays and lists, programmers can choose the right data structure for their needs and optimize their code accordingly.

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Table difference between list and array

Lists Arrays
A collection of unordered and diverse data items A collection of ordered and homogeneous data items
Flexible size and can be expanded or reduced dynamically Fixed size and needs to be declared beforehand
Supports both indexing and slicing Supports only indexing
Elements can be added or removed easily Elements can be added or removed only with the help of specific methods
Commonly used for data manipulation and storage Commonly used for mathematical operations and algorithms