difference between linear and binary search

The Difference Between Linear and Binary Search


When it comes to searching algorithms, there are numerous types that can be utilized, but two of the most common are linear and binary search. Both of these search methods are used to locate a target value within a given data set, but they use different approaches when doing so. In this article, we will look at the differences between these two approaches and their advantages and disadvantages.

Linear Search

Linear search is a simple search algorithm also called a sequential search. It involves checking each element of a given list or array until the target value is found. The search process starts at the first element of the list, and the algorithm scans each item sequentially until the desired value is found, or it reaches the end of the list. If the target value is not found, the algorithm indicates that the search has been unsuccessful.

The main advantage of using linear search is its simplicity. It’s an easy-to-understand algorithm that requires very little extra coding to implement, which makes it an ideal search algorithm for small data sets. However, linear search is not an efficient search algorithm for large datasets, and the time required to execute it increases with dataset size.

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Binary Search

Binary search is a more advanced algorithm that is often used when searching larger datasets. It involves dividing the dataset into smaller, more manageable chunks, and then searching each of these smaller portions, starting with the middle value. If the middle value is the target value, the algorithm will indicate that it has found the element. If the middle value is less than the target value, the search continues on the right-hand side of the dataset, ignoring the left-hand side. If the middle value is greater than the target value, the search continues on the left-hand side of the dataset.

The main advantage of binary search is that it’s incredibly efficient for large datasets. The algorithm’s runtime grows logarithmically with dataset size. This aspect makes it a widely-used search algorithm in computer science.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Linear search has the benefit of being easy to implement and useful for small datasets. However, its execution time grows with the size of the dataset. In contrast, binary search has a slower initial implementation but is significantly faster for larger datasets. Even though it is somewhat more complicated, it becomes a good option for large datasets.

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In conclusion, while the linear search algorithm is straightforward and easy to use, it becomes increasingly inefficient for larger datasets. Meanwhile, the binary search algorithm is more efficient and recommended for larger datasets despite its higher complexity. Therefore, it is essential to choose the algorithm that suits your search requirements according to the size of the dataset you are dealing with.

Table difference between linear and binary search

Search algorithm Time complexity Space complexity
Linear search O(n) O(1)
Binary search O(log n) O(1)