difference between exception and error in java

The Difference Between Exception and Error in Java

When working with Java, you may have come across the terms “exception” and “error” in relation to errors that occur during program execution. While these two terms may seem interchangeable, there is actually a significant difference between the two.

What is an Exception in Java?

In Java, an exception is a type of error that occurs during the execution of a program. Exceptions are unexpected events that disrupt the normal flow of program execution, and they can be caused by a variety of factors such as invalid user input, network connectivity issues, or hardware failures.

Exceptions are typically handled by the program itself, which means that the program can detect when an exception occurs and take appropriate action to handle it. For example, if a program expects a user to enter a number but instead receives a string of characters, it may throw a NumberFormatException to indicate that an error has occurred. The program can then catch this exception and prompt the user to enter a valid number.

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What is an Error in Java?

Unlike exceptions, errors in Java are generally more serious and can be caused by events that are outside the control of the program. Errors are typically caused by factors such as incorrect system settings, insufficient memory, or hardware failures.

Errors are not meant to be handled by the program itself, but rather by the operating system or the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). When an error occurs, it is usually too severe for the program to continue operating normally, and it may crash or freeze as a result.

The Key Differences Between Exceptions and Errors

While exceptions and errors are both types of errors that can occur during program execution, there are several key differences between the two:

  • Exceptions are typically caused by events that are within the program’s control, while errors are caused by events that are outside of the program’s control.
  • Exceptions are typically handled within the program itself, while errors are handled by the operating system or the JVM.
  • Exceptions are less severe than errors and can usually be recovered from, while errors are more severe and can cause the program to crash.
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In summary, exceptions and errors are both types of errors that can occur during program execution in Java. However, there are significant differences between the two, and understanding these differences is essential for writing robust and reliable Java programs. By handling exceptions properly and knowing when to rely on the operating system or the JVM to handle errors, you can ensure that your programs are both stable and resilient.

Table difference between exception and error in java

Term Description
Exception An unexpected event that occurs during the execution of a program, but that can be handled by the program.
Error An unexpected event that occurs during the execution of a program, and that cannot be handled by the program.