difference between eustress and distress

Understanding the Difference Between Eustress and Distress

Stress is a well-known part of life, and everyone experiences it in different ways. From deadlines at work to financial problems or personal issues, stress can manifest in many different forms. However, many people are unaware that stress can actually be positive in some circumstances. In fact, there is a distinct difference between positive stress, known as eustress, and negative stress, or distress. In this article, we will explore the differences between the two and how they impact overall well-being.

What Is Eustress?

Eustress is a positive form of stress that results in a sense of excitement and motivation towards a particular goal. It can be characterized as a feeling of challenge, excitement, and anticipation. Eustress is typically associated with feelings of accomplishment and personal growth. For example, a student may experience eustress when preparing for an exam because they are motivated to perform well and achieve their academic goals. Similarly, an individual may experience eustress when starting a new job or taking on a new project that challenges them to learn and grow.

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What is Distress?

On the other hand, distress is a negative form of stress that is associated with feelings of anxiety, worry, and fear. It can result from a broad range of situations, from job loss and financial difficulties to conflicts in interpersonal relationships. Distress can lead to physical and mental health problems, including depression, anxiety disorders, and cardiovascular disease. Unlike eustress, distress can be overwhelming, and it can create severe disruptions in daily life.

The Impact of Each Form of Stress on Health

Both eustress and distress can have an impact on overall well-being. While eustress can contribute to a positive sense of motivation and personal growth, distress can negatively impact physical and mental health. Over time, chronic stress can cause harm to the body, including increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other chronic illnesses. Although some amount of stress is normal in daily life, prolonged exposure to distress can lead to severe health problems.


In conclusion, it is essential to understand the difference between eustress and distress. While eustress can contribute to feelings of achievement and personal growth, distress can be detrimental to both physical and mental health. If you are experiencing chronic distress, it is recommended to seek professional help to manage the emotions and cope with stressful situations more effectively. It is also helpful to practice stress-management techniques, such as exercise, meditation, and relaxation practices, to reduce the impact of negative stressors on daily life.

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Table difference between eustress and distress

Factors Eustress Distress
Definition Positive stress that helps individuals achieve their goals and enhance their performance. Negative stress that disturbs individuals’ emotional, psychological, and physical well-being.
Feeling Motivation and excitement Anxiety and fear
Outcome Improved performance and productivity. Decline in performance and productivity.
Degree Optimal stress levels that individuals can handle efficiently. Extreme stress levels that individuals cannot bear and result in exhaustion and burnout.
Effects on Health Positive effects on physical and psychological health. Negative effects on physical and psychological health.