difference between cpi and wpi

The Difference Between CPI and WPI


CPI or Consumer Price Index is a measure of the price of goods and services bought by households. CPI is used to measure inflation in consumer prices. In other words, CPI tracks the price changes of a basket of goods and services that are commonly purchased by households.

CPI is calculated by comparing the cost of the basket of goods and services at a certain point with the cost of that same basket during another period. The difference between these two costs is then used to calculate the percentage change in inflation.

CPI is widely used by policymakers to determine the impact of economic policies on household budgets. It is also used by businesses to track the price changes of products and services.


WPI or Wholesale Price Index is a measure of the price of goods bought and sold in bulk by businesses. WPI is used to measure inflation in wholesale prices. In other words, WPI tracks the price changes of a basket of goods and services that are commonly bought and sold in bulk.

WPI is calculated by comparing the cost of a basket of goods and services at a certain point with the cost of that same basket during another period. The difference between these two costs is then used to calculate the percentage change in inflation.

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WPI is commonly used by businesses and policymakers to determine the impact of economic policies on the prices of goods and services in the market.

The Difference Between CPI and WPI

The main difference between CPI and WPI is the type of goods and services they measure. CPI measures consumer prices, while WPI measures wholesale prices. CPI is used to track the price changes of goods and services commonly bought by households, while WPI tracks the price changes of goods and services commonly bought by businesses.

Another difference between CPI and WPI is the way they are used. CPI is used by policymakers to determine the impact of economic policies on household budgets, while WPI is used by businesses to track the price changes of products and services.

In conclusion, CPI and WPI are two different measures of inflation that are used to track the price changes of different types of goods and services. Both CPI and WPI are important in determining the impact of economic policies on prices and inflation.

Table difference between cpi and wpi

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Difference between CPI and WPI

Category CPI WPI
Definition Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average changes over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Wholesale Price Index (WPI) is a measure of the average changes over time in the prices received by producers at the first point of sale for their goods and services.
Commodity Coverage Includes goods and services consumed by households Includes goods and services used by businesses as raw materials, intermediate goods, and finished products
Basis for Calculation Based on the weighted average of prices of a basket of essential consumer goods and services Based on the weighted average of prices of primary articles, fuel and power, and manufactured products
Frequency of Publication Monthly Weekly
Government Agency Responsible CPI is calculated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S. Department of Labor WPI is calculated by the Office of Economic Advisers in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in India

Note: The information provided in the table is for illustration purposes only and not accurate. Please verify the data before use.