difference between cold and flu

The Cold vs. the Flu: What’s the Difference?

As winter approaches, many people start to worry about catching a cold or the flu. While both can have similar symptoms, they are caused by different viruses and require different treatment methods. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between a cold and the flu.


A cold is caused by a virus called the rhinovirus, while the flu is caused by the influenza virus. Both viruses spread easily through the air or by touching infected surfaces, but the influenza virus is generally more contagious and can spread rapidly in crowded places.


The symptoms of a cold and the flu can be similar, but the latter is generally more severe. Both start with a sore throat, runny nose, and cough, but the flu may also bring on a fever, body aches, headache, fatigue, and even vomiting and diarrhea in some cases. Symptoms of the flu typically come on quickly and can last several days, while a cold may take a few days to fully develop and typically lasts only a week or so.

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Because they are caused by different viruses, a cold and the flu require different treatment methods. Most colds will simply run their course and can be managed with rest, plenty of fluids, and over-the-counter medications to treat symptoms. The flu, on the other hand, may require antiviral medications to help speed up recovery and prevent complications.


The best way to avoid both a cold and the flu is to practice good hygiene. Wash your hands regularly, especially after being around someone who is sick, and avoid touching your face. Stay away from crowded places and sick people if possible, and cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.


In summary, a cold and the flu are caused by different viruses, have different symptoms, and require different treatment methods. While they are both common during the winter months, practicing good hygiene and taking care of your health can help prevent them. If you do become sick, be sure to rest and treat your symptoms appropriately to help speed up your recovery.

Table difference between cold and flu

Common Cold Influenza (Flu)
Symptoms – Runny or stuffy nose
– Sneezing
– Sore throat
– Cough
– Mild to moderate fever
– Headache
– Body aches and fatigue
– Sudden onset of fever, often high
– Headache, muscle aches, and weakness
– Dry cough
– Sore throat
– Runny or stuffy nose
– Severe fatigue
– Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (more common in children)
Cause Virus Virus
Infection period 1-2 weeks 1-2 weeks
Treatment – Rest
– Fluids
– Over-the-counter medication for symptom relief
– Prescription antiviral medication (if caught early)
– Rest
– Fluids
– Over-the-counter medication for symptom relief
Prevention – Regular hand washing
– Avoiding close contact with sick individuals
– Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth
– Annual flu vaccine
– Regular hand washing
– Avoiding close contact with sick individuals
– Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth