difference between a line and a line segment

The Difference Between a Line and a Line Segment: Explained

When it comes to geometry, lines and line segments are two terms that are often used interchangeably. However, these two concepts have distinct properties that set them apart from each other. Understanding the difference between a line and a line segment is crucial in several fields, including mathematics, engineering, and architecture. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between a line and a line segment.

What is a Line?

A line is a one-dimensional figure that extends infinitely in both directions. A line contains an infinite number of points that are equidistant from each other. In geometry, a line is represented by a straight line with arrows on both ends to indicate that it extends infinitely.

What is a Line Segment?

A line segment is also a one-dimensional figure, but it has a defined length and two endpoints. Unlike a line, a line segment has a finite length, which means it comes to an end at two points. A line segment is represented by a straight line with two dots on both ends to indicate its endpoints.

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The Main Differences

The main difference between a line and a line segment is that a line extends infinitely in both directions, while a line segment has a finite length, which terminates at two endpoints. Another difference is that, unlike a line segment, a line has no endpoints or a defined length. Thus, a line can never be measured or drawn perfectly, while a line segment can be measured and drawn accurately.

Applications of Lines and Line Segments

In geometry, lines and line segments are used extensively. They are used in various applications, including engineering, architecture, and mathematics. Engineers use lines and line segments to measure the distance between two points and to create blueprints for buildings, bridges, and other structures. Architects use them to draw building plans, while mathematicians use them to solve algebraic equations and estimate slopes.


In summary, the difference between a line and a line segment lies in their properties, such as their length and endpoints. While lines extend infinitely in both directions and have no defined length or endpoints, line segments have both a length and two endpoints. Knowing the difference between them helps us understand their applications in various fields and enables us to use them appropriately.

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Table difference between a line and a line segment

Line vs Line Segment

Line vs Line Segment

Line Line Segment
A straight path that extends infinitely in both directions A straight path that has a distinct beginning and end point
Has no specific length Has a specific length
Cannot be measured or compared quantitatively Can be measured and compared quantitatively using length and distance
Denoted by a line with two arrowheads Denoted by a line with a marked start and end point
line line segment