Definition of Advice: Type, Development, and Purpose

Definition of advice – A customer often takes care of payments, account debits, fund withdrawals, and credit notifications. When doing all of these things, a customer will get a written notification. The written letter is also known as the advice. Then, what exactly is meant by advice? On this occasion, we will discuss more about advice.


Definition of advice

Advice is a written notification letter from the bank to a customer regarding receipt of payment, transfer of funds, services that have been performed or payments that have been made. For example, notification of credit, account debit, fund withdrawal or fund transfer.

According to the OJK (Financial Services Authority), advice can be said to be a written notification letter from the bank to the customer regarding receipt of payment, transfer of funds, services performed or payments made.

In the world of banking, advice is a written letter given by a bank to a customer regarding transactions that have occurred or have been made on a customer’s account, such as transfers, withdrawals or payments for other services.


Types of Advice

The advice itself is divided into two types, namely debit advice and credit advice. Here is the full explanation.

1. Debit advice

Debit itself has the meaning of reducing the balance in a bank account or bookkeeping records. So, debit advice is a bank notification letter to the customer regarding a reduction or change in funds in the account along with the reasons. For example, withdrawing funds, administrative fees or transfers.

The content of the debit advice is information about the reduction and changes in funds in the customer’s account. The reason why banks send debit advice is so that customers know information about withdrawals, transfers and administration fees. for example due to withdrawals, transfers or administration fees.

So, in simple terms, it can be said that debit advice is a written notification letter that is also issued by the bank to its customers regarding receipts, transfers, payment services, credits, debits and withdrawals.

2. Credit advice

The meaning of the word credit in banking is a transaction when the customer’s funds or balance increases or increases in the form of a cash deposit or transfer from another account.

So, it can be concluded that credit advice is a bank notification letter to customers about crediting accounts and the reasons. For example salary transfer from the company.

Development Advice

With the development of the times with the progress of the banking world, now Sinaumed’s can easily do bank transactions using your smartphone. This convenience also coincides with the ease of getting access to advice.

Currently, banking customers can transact and use various banking services more easily and practically via smartphones. Of course, this convenience also goes hand in hand with the ease of getting access to advice.

If previously advice was a letter sent by the bank to you as a customer, now you can get advice through notifications on your previous smartphone and the bank makes approval on official documents.

We can see the development of this advice in the presence of electronic advice. This facility has been implemented in several Indonesian banks. Electronic advice itself means every communication, instruction, order, message, data or information provided by the bank to customers through electronic banking services with a guaranteed security code. Of course, the security level of this facility is guaranteed because it is equipped with a qualified security code.

Advice Purpose

In line with the agreement between the bank and the customer to make advice. Advice has several purposes that make it easier for both the bank and the customer. The objectives of making advice include:

  1. Providing banking services for every need.
  2. Notification of products and services related to banking.
  3. Monitoring and analysis of accounts.
  4. Assessment and determination of credit limit criteria.
  5. Monitoring and implementation of the terms and conditions of banking services.
  6. Comply with the law, including anti-money laundering laws 

Application of Electronic Advice

The progress of the internet has made it possible to provide debit and credit advice in real time , through notifications provided by the bank to customers via applications or SMS that meet security code standards.

An example of its application is that customers can ask the bank to provide notifications for automatic monthly bill payments and the transaction debit advice will appear in a short time.

Electronic advice (e-advice) is a note or proof of the customer making a financial transaction, the proof is issued by the bank system after the transaction is completed at the bank teller counter .

Another application of electronic advice (e-advice) is that customers who make transactions using EDC are required to sign the results of transactions on electronic advice paper (e-advice) as proof of transactions for the bank when making transactions above the nominal limit determined by the bank.

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Advice on Deposits

Deposit is one of the bank programs in the form of money stored in an account for a certain period of time. In other words, an investment from a low-risk bank product with high returns for customers.

Usually, a customer will get proof of ownership of the deposit he has at the bank and notification of the deposit the customer has. Just like bank transactions in general.

Advice is also given by the bank when customers make deposit transactions. So, it can be said that deposit advice is a notification of deposit placement at a bank but is not proof of ownership.

Providing Advice For Tax Professionals

Tax law as from public law. This law provides a basis for stakeholders, especially a taxpayer in exercising their rights and obligations. Tax law is arguably quite complex and often leaves a lot of room for uncertainty. This then encourages taxpayers to seek advice from tax professionals.

Mastery of knowledge of tax law itself is certainly an absolute requirement that must be possessed by a tax professional. However, this is not enough, especially when providing advice in the field of taxation.

So, a tax professional is also required to have other skills, such as counseling, communication and assessment skills. It is hoped that this combination of capabilities will assist tax professionals in making effective advice to their clients.

In this case, what is meant by effective is more towards helping clients to simplify and help find answers to these problems. So, to a certain degree the uncertainty space can be minimized.

Quoted from the page , there are several steps for internal tax professionals who wish to provide effective tax advisory services, including:

Step 1

A tax professional needs to understand the business his client is doing. This understanding will provide room for tax professionals to immediately know the logic of transactions that will be, are being or have been carried out by their clients.

In addition, this knowledge will also lead the tax professional to know the purpose of the transaction. With this knowledge, tax professionals can also provide early warning or more attention to tax potentials or risks that may arise.

Of course, this client’s business knowledge will be more complete if the tax professional also knows the workings of the financial and accounting systems that apply to the business. For example, oil palm plantation companies. Tax professionals must understand what products are being sold from these sick coconut plantations.

Companies that have refinery machines, of course, will tend to sell products in the form of CPO/CPKO. If a sale of FFB is found, the tax professional must immediately calculate the VAT risk that might arise.

Considering that the sale of FFB has the risk of not being subject to VAT and input taxes arising from this sale, it is potentially not creditable.

Step 2

Tax professionals need to provide clients with an understanding that paying taxes is part of business activities.

For this reason, giving advice to minimize taxes as little as possible is sometimes not the best result, if in the end the taxpayer becomes unable to carry out his business activities freely.

For example, the Starbucks case in England is an example that can be studied. The planning scheme has succeeded in minimizing the tax burden that must be borne by the company. However, his business activities faced challenges when some people in England protested his tax planning.

The protest had an impact on the company’s image in the eyes of the British public. In order to reduce this, Starbucks finally voluntarily set aside its income to be paid to the government.


Step 3

Tax professionals must be firm about saying “no” to clients when tax planning purposes are being carried out through unlawful acts. This confirmation must also be made when the client makes a mistake.

Even though it is positioned to defend the client, this affirmation is very important to prevent the client from more detrimental sanctions. In the end, tax professionals still have to provide protection to clients so as not to violate tax regulations.

Corrective steps can be taken by tax professionals to provide protection to taxpayers from the mistakes they have made. Correction or disclosure of incorrect SPT filling is an example of taking corrective steps that can be the best solution for clients.


Step 4

Tax professionals must continually hone their communication skills. Communication with clients needs to be done in a language that is easily understood by the client. It is very possible that the client catches a different intent from the communication the client makes to him.

Differences in interpretation or a context of speech are very likely to occur. Not even a few found a condition of non-compliance when the client still has a limited understanding of the general concept of the tax itself.

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For example, the common understanding that still occurs is the difference between sales tax and the acronym VAT and value added tax and the acronym VAT. Even though both of them are imposed for consumption activities, the prolongation effect caused is far different for business actors.

Tax professionals should certainly explain that there are many differences between these two types of taxes. One of the most notable differences is the tax credit method. Tax professionals also need to constantly position themselves with clients from diverse backgrounds so they can convey their intentions more effectively.

Tax professionals are also required to be accustomed to changing the dynamics of regulations. The understanding of a taxation concept may change over time following the current developments. One example of current taxation developments is the taxation of digital economic activities. Through the development of technology and information, a business no longer requires a fixed location or physical presence to create a tax-imposed nexus .

Providing advice by tax professionals is the front line for taxpayers. There is a great need for a variety of skills by tax professionals in providing advice and narrowing the space for uncertainty. In the end, the implementation of the rights and obligations of taxpayers becomes more effective.

Providing Advice on Building Permits


In giving advice for building permits, several things need to be considered, including:

Legal basis for Building Permit

Building Construction Permit or commonly known as IMB as a permit granted by the Regional Head to building owners to construct new buildings, change, expand, reduce and maintain buildings in accordance with applicable administrative requirements and technical requirements. A building permit is a legal product to create a certain order so as to create order, security, safety, convenience as well as legal certainty.


Terms and procedures for applying for a building permit

Prior to the enactment of Mayor Regulation No. 1 of 2014 concerning Building Permits, regulations for Building Permits were contained in Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2003 concerning Advice Planning Retribution.


Must Pay Attention to Advice Planning

Advice planning as a suggestion opinion on land allotment planning. Advice planning is given as initial considerations for constructing buildings in accordance with the development plan. This needs to be considered to find out whether the land where the building will be erected has received a permit or not.

Must Pay Attention to Advice Planning Constraints

Constraints faced in advice planning, among others:

  • The existence of regulations and conditions for the management of building permits experienced obstacles.
  • Lack of coordination and socialization between officials.
  • Determination of predetermined demarcation lines is often not adjusted in reality on the ground.
  • There are still many retribution fees that are not in accordance with regulations.

The impact of several obstacles is that the existence of cooperation and coordination between one another is often contradictory, so that in the implementation of development the regulations are not carried out effectively.

Even though the building advisory plan will still be established, it will experience some difficulties in serving applicants for permits due to coordination difficulties. Therefore, asking for approval of any permit will also take a long time, causing permit applicants to also have to wait a long time.

So, so that the application for a permit does not take too long, it is better for the officials to continue coordinating with each other with the aim of making an advisory plan to carrying out the construction, so that in the future no more buildings will be erected that are not in accordance with the advice planning. In addition, regarding the estimated time, it is always best to issue permits based on a predetermined time since the initial processing of the permit.

The employee monitoring or auditing department is even stricter so that employees who are still colluding are not found, so that everyone involved in the future will be even more selective in choosing people who are able to hold positions in all parts of government organizations and have great responsibility in carrying out their duties. -the task.


Advice in the banking world is very widely used and its purpose is Sinaumed’s. Advice as notification of credit and debit transactions, advice as notification of electronic transactions. Therefore, in banking, advice is notification from the bank to customers about all transactions that have taken place or have occurred.

That is an explanation of the meaning of advice to its types. We hope that after reading this article to the end, hopefully all the discussion above can be useful and also add to Sinaumed’s’ insight.

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Author: Rosyda Nur Fauziyah