Acquaintance with the Inventor of Algebra and Algorithms

Inventor of Algebra and algorithms – In one’s life we ​​will not be separated from arithmetic, like mathematics. Every situation requires mathematics to solve a problem, the problem that is solved is not only a matter of calculation, but mathematics can also solve problems with logic.

We have studied mathematics since elementary school . Of course we are familiar with the calculation materials in this science. This math, unfortunately, not everyone likes it. Those who don’t like it are usually people who don’t understand the existing formulas.

If defined, mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians collect and use various patterns and forms, then use them to formulate new assumptions and establish truths through rigorous methods of reasoning derived from axioms and definitions.

There is debate whether mathematical objects such as numbers and dots already existed in the universe or whether they were created and discovered by humans. In mathematics, the logical study of shapes, compositions, quantities, and related concepts is often grouped into three areas, namely algebra, analysis, and geometry.

However, a clear distinction cannot be made because these branches are confusing. Basically, algebra involves numbers and the abstraction of numbers. Analysis assumes continuity and boundaries, whereas geometry deals with shapes and related concepts. Science is based on assumptions which allow you to draw the necessary conclusions from certain assumptions.

On this occasion, Sinaumedia will discuss who is the person who discovered the algebraic formula for the first time. Some of you of course already know what algebra is, because you have learned it since you were in school. However, so that you can remember it again, let’s look at the following review.

What is Algebra?

Algebra is a term from the Arabic “algebra” which means “set of broken parts”. Algebra is part of the wider field of mathematics, along with number theory, geometry and analysis. The most common form of algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for dealing with these symbols.

Algebra is a link that connects almost all areas of mathematics. Algebra also covers everything from solving basic equations to studying abstractions like groups, fields, and rings. The more basic parts of algebra are called elementary algebra and the more abstract parts of algebra are called abstract algebra or modern algebra.

Elementary algebra is generally considered essential for applied studies in mathematics, science or engineering, and health and economics. Abstract algebra is a major subject in higher mathematics studied mainly by experts and mathematicians.

Algebra begins with the same calculations as arithmetic, with letters used to represent numbers. This allows proof of the properties to be true regardless of the numbers involved. For example, in the quadratic equation.

The letters a, b, and c can be any number, except that a has no value 0 and using the quadratic formula can quickly and easily find the unknown value of X and satisfy its equation. This quadratic formula is used to express an equation and then find all the solutions to that equation.

The study of algebra, both historically and in modern learning, begins with the solution of equations such as the quadratic equation above. Then more general questions arise, such as “Is there a solution to the equation?”, “How many solutions are in the equation?”, and “What can be said about the nature of the solution?”

These questions give rise to ideas about shape, structure, and symmetry. The structural properties of these non-numeric objects are abstracted away to define algebraic structures such as groups, fields, and rings.

Al Khawarizmi, Mathematician Inventor of Algebra

Al-Khwarizmi, full name is Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi. He was born in 780 AD in the small town of Khawarizm. Now known as the Khiva of Uzbekistan. However, Western and European scholars know Al-Khwarizmi better by the name Algorithm, Algorismus, or Algorithm.

When he was young, Khwarizmi’s parents took him to the area south of Baghdad. It was in Baghdad that Al-Khwarizmi started his passion for learning. During the Caliphate of Harun ar-Rashid in 786-809 AD, Al-Khwarizmi was appointed a member of Bayt Al Hikmah, he is also known as the House of Wisdom or the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, when he was a teenager.

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Bayt al-Hikmah is a translation institute, scientific research center and large library founded by Caliph Harun Al-Rashid. This is where scientists congregate.

After the end of the Al-Rashid caliphate in and was replaced by the caliph Al-Makmun during 813-833 AD, Baghdad continued to be a center of trade and knowledge. After inheriting a love for science, Caliph Al Makmun realized that science is the key to civilization.

Al-Khwarizmi has been a scholar since his first appointment as a member of Bayt Al-Hikmah. There he continued to study many sciences, especially natural sciences and mathematics. Al-Khwarizmi continued to work in the fields of education and scientific research throughout his life. This is what makes him very open to sources of knowledge from anywhere in the world, including Greece, India and even Rome.

Al-Khwarizmi’s love for knowledge led him to study Sanskrit as well as Greek. After mastering these languages, Al-Khwarizmi began translating several books. Like the Indian book Siddhanta which contains astronomy, he translated it into Arabic. He then translated a book containing geography by the Greek scientist Ptolemy.

Thanks to his ability to translate these books, Al-Khwarizmi’s knowledge and thoughts in science have increased.

His openness to embrace science everywhere allowed Al-Khwarizmi to create many works. His greatest work is algebra. His book “Al-kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr wa`l-muqabala ( The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing )” became an important foundation for modern algebra. Algebra is also a material that is widely studied in today’s world.

This work is closely related to the thought of a Greek scholar named Diophantus. Al-Khwarizmi left the work of Diophantus and found many problems and errors that are difficult to understand. There, Al-Khwarizmi began to refine and perfect algebra. He developed detailed tables of trigonometry that included functions and derivatives of sine, cosine, tangent, and cotangent. Thanks to his discovery, Al-Khwarizmi is called the “father of algebra”. This is also recognized by Western thinkers.

Western mathematician Kranz wrote in his book “The Social Al-Khwarizmi Algebra”. Krantz says Al-Khwarizmi deserves the title “Father of Algebra” better than Diopanthus. Al-Khwarizmi was also the first to teach algebra in its basic form. Not only that, he is also known as the creator of geometric formulas and compiler of logarithm lists and decimal arithmetic.

Al-Khwarizmi also popularized the use of zero. He was the first to describe the use of numbers, including zero. His work in the field of arithmetic is contained in his book “al-Jam’ wat-Tafriq bi-Hisab al-Hind (The Book of Addition and Subtraction According to The Hindu Calculation)”. In it, Al-Khwarizmi explains addition and subtraction based on Hindu calculations.

Al-Khwarizmi introduces the use of the Hindu numerals from 1 to 9 and 0. He also discusses the history of numbers. Well, it was thanks to Al-Khwarizmi’s book that Europeans learned to use zero to make it easier to count multiples of 10, 100, 1000, and so on.

Al Khwarizmi introduced not only algebra, but also the concept of algorithms, which had a very significant impact on the development of modern technology. Algorithm is a mathematical science that teaches logical steps in solving systematically structured problems. Algorithm is also the heart of computer science. Of all his works in mathematics which had a major impact on human civilization, Al-Khwarizmi is also called the “father of mathematics”.

Discovery of Algebra By Al Khwarizmi

The name alone indicates that the inventor of algebra was an Arab or Persian Islamic scientist, namely Muhammad ibn Musa al-Qharizmi. Algebra is taken from his book “Al-Kitab al-Jabr wa al-Muqabalat”.

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Algebra itself means meeting, connection, completion. Algebra is not only a branch of mathematics that can be described as a generalization and extension of arithmetic, it is also the name of an abstract structure.

In other words, algebra is a branch of mathematics that studies structure, relationships, and quantities using symbols, usually letters, as a means to help simplify and solve computational problems, usually. For example, the symbol X stands for a certain number you know and Y for the number you want to know.

Algebra is actually a refinement of knowledge acquired by the Egyptians and Babylonians around 2000 years before Christ. Both of these countries use a number of items related to arithmetic, but the system and structure are still very simple.

Western scholars also admit that Al-Khwarizmi was the founder of algebra, and is therefore called the “father of mathematics.” Indeed, someone once mentioned the name of Diophantus, who is often cited as the founder of algebra. However, according to mathematicians, especially algebraists, Al-Khwarizmi’s work is far superior to that of Diophantus.

This system makes it easy to apply formulas and calculate solutions to unknown values ​​for the types of problems normally solved using linear equations, quadratic equations, and indeterminate linear equations. This was a step forward compared to the Greek, Egyptian, Indian and Chinese scientists of 1000 years BC, who were still using geometric methods to solve similar equations.

Linear Algebra material consists of vectors, matrices, linear equations, linear transformations, and cones. These five materials serve as the foundation for solving problems in the course material for Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science, and Faculty of Economics. With the characteristics that are expected after studying this book, the problem of course material whose completion involves the material in this book can be solved properly.

His monumental contributions are of course algebra, mathematics and algebra (from the word Algorismi or AlKhwarizmi), which is the Latinization of his name. He also introduced the decimal system, which was introduced to the West in the 12th century, revised and adapted Ptolemy’s geography, and wrote on astronomy and astrology. The name is also borrowed from the Spanish Guarismo and the Portuguese Algarismo which means number.

Al-Khwarizmi is also known for his mastery of other disciplines except mathematics and algebra. He is also known to master law and other religious sciences. If he talks about fiqh or other Islamic sciences, it is not surprising that he is a brilliant mathematician. Being a scientist and also involved in security, he is not only pious but also wise. This is a general characteristic of medieval Islamic scholars.

You, that is the explanation of the article regarding the inventor of algebra. Of course the knowledge that has been discovered by Al Khwarizmi makes it easy to solve problems in mathematical problems. Algebra is also an important part of mathematics.

Linear Algebra and Matrix which is one of the important subjects in the field of computer science because it underlies the development of various applications in the field of computers. In this book, the writing team discusses the basic concepts of Linear and Matrix Algebra, consisting of Vectors, Vector Spaces, Determinant Matrix, Inverse Material, Systems of Linear Equations, Linear Transformations, Eigenvalues ​​and Eigenvectors. In order to understand these concepts, a special chapter is added which discusses the application of Linear Algebra and Matrix in the computer field.