7 Unique Facts About Kerokan That You Must Know and Understand

For those of you who often make scrapings, there are some unique facts about scrapings that you need to pay attention to. Kerokan itself is a way to cure various diseases that most Indonesians like very much, especially colds.

Symptoms of a cold can be marked by body aches, flatulence, nausea, dizziness, and even the flu.

How to do scrapings can be said to be quite easy, namely by scratching while pressing the surface of the skin using a metal object or a blunt object, such as coins, spoons, garlic, even jade.

This treatment is actually a way of healing that has been passed down from generation to generation and has been practiced since ancient kingdoms.

As the times progressed, kerokan was added with oil as a lubricant. In ancient times, scrapings were done by rubbing the skin and a blunt object directly.

Now, there are various types of oil that can be used as lubricants so they don’t cause abrasions or cuts to the skin and have a more pleasant effect than scraping.

Some of the oils used by Indonesians are telon oil, coconut oil, and even olive oil. If at the time after scraping, red streaks appear on the surface of the skin, it could be a symptom of a cold.

Some people also think that the redder the scrapings are, the more wind that comes out of the body. Not only is it believed to expel wind in the body, scraping is also believed to be able to refresh the body.

Well, this article will explain some unique facts about scrapings. In addition, we will also discuss based on a health science perspective regarding the impact it has on the body. The following are seven unique facts about scrapings that you need to know, including:

A. Unique Facts of Kerokan

1. Scraping is an application of Albert Einstein’s formula

The unique facts of the first scrapings from scrapings are certainly not widely known by many people. Conceptually, scraping is a form of application of the theory coined by the world-renowned physicist, Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein’s theory is e = mc2. The formula can be understood that every time there is friction produced by two objects, it will form a certain energy.

In the case of scraping, the friction between two objects, namely the skin and the object, can generate heat energy. Of course, the impact of this friction can make the body hotter due to the swelling effect.

This is what makes many people ask whether our ancestors realized this theoretical principle when doing scrapings.

2. Reasons for Scraping on the Back

The second unique fact of kerokan is the reason for the kerokan on the back. We know for ourselves that the most common scrapings are done on the back.

This is of course not without a reason, the back is a part of the body that has quite a large amount of free space. As a result, scraping on the back will make it very easy for people who are doing it.

When studied scientifically, this scraping method has been proven to increase blood circulation throughout the body. The back is one of the parts that contains the nervous system and is directly integrated with the longest blood vessels and spreads throughout the body.

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Therefore, for those of you who want to do scrapings, you only need to rub the skin on the eroded back sufficiently. It can already make blood flow smoothly to all other parts of the body.

3. The redder the higher the level of disease

The third unique fact of scrapings is red skin as a sign of the level of disease. For some people who often do scrapings, they must assume that the redder the skin, then it is a sign of a higher level of disease.

Therefore, the more blunt scars there were on the body, the more severe the disease would be. One sign of a high level of disease can be seen when the skin turns purplish-red in color.

However, basically the red color of the skin cannot be used as a barometer of how severe a person’s flu is. Red skin itself is an impact caused because there are blood vessels that are open or broken due to friction.

It could be, the stronger the friction exerted by the metal on the skin, the darker the skin color will be.

4. Open body pores

The fourth unique fact of scraping is that when the body’s pores are open, there is a risk that many bacteria will enter the body. This is because no one can guarantee the cleanliness of the environment.

It could be that with the naked eye an environment is clean, but it could also be that there are actually a lot of invisible people hanging around. Therefore, when doing scrapings, it is better to do it in a clean environment, so as to minimize the presence of bacteria that re-enter the body.

It is known for yourself, the wider the pore holes on the body that are open, the more bacteria will join and enter the body.

Therefore, apart from liking scrapings, many people prefer to get enough rest when they feel a cold. Apart from scrapings, rest and drinking warm drinks can have a good recovery effect on the body.

5. Endorphins increase when scraping

The fifth unique fact of kerokan is the discovery of an increase in endorphins in the body when doing kerokan. This is one of the reasons why many people feel addicted to scrapings.

Based on scientific analysis, the body of a person who has made a scraping can produce natural substances in the body which are commonly called endorphins.

Endorphins themselves can be interpreted as a natural substance that is almost the same as morphine and is able to provide a calm and comfortable effect on the body. This is almost the same as when someone’s body is being massaged.

Well, scrapings can be used as a cheap alternative compared to buying artificial morphine which has quite an impact on the body.

6. Scrapings Cause Premature Birth

The sixth unique fact of scrapings is that scrapings can cause premature birth. As a natural medicine, of course, scrapings without any bad effects, scrapings can be very helpful if done correctly.

However, scrapings can also have quite a worrying impact on pregnant women because they can be one of the causes of premature birth.

When the pores open after scraping, there is a risk of bacteria and viruses that can easily enter the body. However, scrapings are not recommended for pregnant women.

This difference can be seen when people scrape under normal circumstances, then anti-inflammatory substances called “cytokines” can appear and automatically act as an immune enhancer in the human body.

It’s just that this scraping has a different impact on pregnant women. Scrapings can bring out “prostaglandins” when an abrasion occurs. This can be one of the causes of premature contractions that result in premature birth.

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7. Not only in Indonesia

The seventh unique fact of kerokan is that it turns out that kerokan is not only done in Indonesia. Although kerokan has often been done by the ancestors of the Indonesian people.

However, it seems that the ancestors of the Indonesian nation also received scraping knowledge from people from other nations. Scraping itself is widely practiced in various countries such as China, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam.

The difference lies in the name or term and the tools used for scraping. For example, the Chinese people know kerokan with the term ‘gua sha’, this term is familiar to them to scrape the skin until it turns red using jade.

B. What is Cold?

After discussing some of the unique facts about scrapings, in this section we will start discussing what colds really mean. Even though most Indonesians are very familiar with this disease, colds are not well known in the medical world itself.

A person can be considered having symptoms of a cold if they feel their body condition, such as feeling unwell, chills, chills, headaches, and muscle aches.

However, in some cases, colds can also be considered in a person’s body who has a condition of the body or the body feels warm or has a fever, flatulence, frequent passing of wind and smells, diarrhea, aches, and others.

Therefore, the various symptoms that a person feels as a cold actually have a lot in common with the symptoms of a cold, it’s just that the causes of colds themselves are of course more diverse.

It turns out that when viewed from the medical side, scrapings can indeed have a good impact on health. Coins rubbed on the skin can make your body temperature increase, so that the body becomes warmer. This heated body temperature also causes the blood vessels in the body to widen.

This will improve blood circulation in the body which is also known as oxygenation. Well, if blood circulation is smooth, then the symptoms of colds that you feel can improve. Scrapings can also boost your immune system and immunity.

C. Things to Look For From Scrapings

After knowing the various unique facts about scrapings and symptoms of colds, in this section we will discuss a number of things that need to be considered for those of you who often make scrapings when you have a cold.

For those of you who like to do scrapings and are even addicted to scrapings when the body is not feeling well. You also need to pay attention to the negative effects that can result from frequent scraping. There are two things to note.

First, as stated above, that scraping can cause the skin pores to open. This is of course very vulnerable to be entered by bacteria and viruses. Therefore, those of you who often scrape are expected to do it as needed, if frequency can cause excessive infection.

Then, the second thing that needs to be considered is the wrong diagnosis of the disease. When you feel symptoms of colds such as nausea and vomiting accompanied by chest pain, it’s best to be referred to the hospital immediately. This may not be due to colds, but is a symptom of a heart attack.

In some cases, the symptoms of a heart attack treated with scrapings can result in death. This is what makes a disease called angina sits.

The symptom of wind sitting alone is pain in the chest like being crushed or pressed. Symptoms of angina usually appear when a person is carrying out an activity, that is, when the heart pumps blood faster. Well, if handled properly, people with angina can avoid serious complications.

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