7 Job Prospects of Agrotechnology Majors, Promising Majors in Agricultural Countries

Job Prospects for the Department of Agrotechnology – Did you know that one of the industries that is currently Indonesia’s priority until 2035 is the Department of Agrotechnology . A major that studies the procedures for applying technology to cultivate plants effectively and efficiently even on less fertile land, in this department you will learn knowledge about soil, water, and diseases from cultivating these plants, and much more. Then what are the job prospects for graduates, see a more complete explanation below, Sinaumed’s!

Definition of the Department of Agrotechnology

The Agrotechnology Department is a department that studies the procedures for applying technology to cultivate plants effectively and efficiently even on less fertile land. Lectures in this department will learn how to manage a commodity from seeds to products and then products.

You will also learn about plants and herbs, food or horticulture, as well as how or the process of planting properly, the harvesting process, the processing process, and the production process. Agrotechnology also studies the application of technology in plant cultivation, from planning to designing an effective and productive crop production system utilizing science and technology such as genetics, physiology, breeding, seeding, crop production and so on.

You will also study land and planting media (soil evaluation, plant fertility and nutrition, fertilization, microbiology and so on), environmental factors (pests and diseases and weeds, agro-ecosystem or ecology and so on), as well as various other supporting sciences such as biotechnology, entrepreneurship, business ethics and management in order to obtain crop production efficiency in overcoming various problems in the agriculture-food-horticulture, seed and plantation sectors.

Agrotechnology graduates are urgently needed in Indonesia, moreover today’s technological advances have penetrated into various fields including agriculture. With a combination of agrarian studies and technology, it is hoped that this department will become an asset for the Indonesian state as a spearhead for the development of the agricultural sector.

Job Prospects of the Department of Agrotechnology

This major is suitable for you who love nature and care about environmental sustainability, Sinaumed’s. Graduates can work at the National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping, the National Land Agency (BPN), to become community empowerment facilitators (NGOs) in the field of agribusiness or agriculture. Here are some of the other job prospects:

1. Researcher

The first agrotechnology work prospect is to become a researcher or scientist. As is well known, many agrotechnology courses will study businesses related to food production such as agricultural production. In the future, the need for researchers in relation to food production will be very important because it concerns the livelihoods of many people.

Researchers play an important role, and become an indicator of the progress of a country. Research activities are usually carried out by a special unit, institution or center owned by a company, university, or government agency whose job is to conduct research in the fields of science and technology.

The methods used in Research usually use standard scientific research techniques without expecting definite results (a form of pure scientific research) or to obtain predictive results that have commercial value in the near future. The researchers’ own tasks include:

  • Carry out research, monitoring, evaluation, and research reporting
  • Develop new products in their fields that are useful for life
  • Operates every main tool, conducts tests and evaluates test results
  • Develop various technical policies, plans and research programs
  • Collaborating with companies related to the procurement of goods and services for the company’s research and development activities
  • Support the implementation of quality research covering the fields of health, agro, environment, and industry
  • Conduct tests, manufacture test kits, and develop new technologies to improve the quality of the products produced by the company
  • Ensuring the quality of performance within the company is in accordance with predetermined standards.
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2. Agricultural Consultants

Agrotechnology graduates can become agricultural consultants . His job is to provide advice or suggestions in the agricultural industry. An Agricultural Consultant must be able to provide guidance regarding human resource management in agriculture and financial management.

Agricultural consultants will create superior agricultural programs, especially in the diversification of various farming businesses. In this profession, not only your insight is also required to have good communication, and be able to maintain client confidentiality. Other Agricultural Consultant Responsibilities:

  • Supervise activities such as irrigation, chemical use, harvesting, milking, breeding, or grading to ensure compliance with existing safety regulations or standards.
  • Carrying out research in agriculture, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting research in agriculture.
  • Visiting farmer groups in the working area to carry out advocacy, coaching, and counseling.
  • Offering solutions to various problems regarding efforts to increase productivity, business efficiency, and income of farmers in working areas.
  • Develop farmer groups so that they become economic and social strengths of the surrounding community.
  • Develop various technical policies, plans and research programs in agriculture.
  • Supporting the implementation of quality research in the agricultural sector which includes the health, agro, environmental and industrial sectors.

3. Social Workers

Not only is the land getting narrower, village farmers are generally becoming more individualized: working separately and competing with each other. Only with a willingness to work together, form farmer groups or cooperatives, they can achieve profitable farming economies of scale.

In this way, they can also hire expensive professionals, including even agricultural business managers. In building organizations/cooperatives, social workers equipped with communication, sociology and anthropology knowledge can play a role. Their role is also important in disseminating good agricultural practices.

4. Government Agencies

Graduates of the Agrotechnology Department can also work in the Ministry of Trade, or in various job sectors in BUMN. Apart from that, you can also work at the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Cooperatives, Logistics Affairs Agency (Bulog), Village Unit Cooperatives, national mapping (National BPN), National Defense Agency (BPN), also Planning Agency and Regional Development ( BAPPEDA).

At BAPPEDA Agrotechnology graduates contribute to educating the wider community about how to manage agriculture, plantations and fields well. By becoming a BAPPEDA officer, you have contributed to the welfare of the people, Sinaumed’s.

In addition, Agribusiness Graduates can also work at the Agricultural Research and Development Agency, which is an Echelon I at the Ministry of Agriculture with the task of conducting research, development and innovation in agriculture. In carrying out its duties, the Research and Development Agency carries out the following functions:

  • Preparation of technical policies, plans and programs for research, development and innovation in agriculture
  • Implementation of research, development and innovation in agriculture
  • Dissemination of research results, development and innovation in agriculture
  • Monitoring, evaluating and reporting the implementation of research, development and innovation in agriculture
  • Administrative implementation of the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development
  • Implementation of other functions provided by the Ministry.
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5. Plantation and Fertilizer Companies

Apart from being a plantation manager, you can also work for a plantation company, considering that there are many plantation companies in Indonesia, where their job is to research, care for and carry out innovations regarding plants. In addition to plantations and agriculture, graduates of Agrotechnology can also work in fertilizer companies. Indonesia has a lot of plantations that automatically require fertilizer to support their crop yields. You can occupy a position as a managerial officer or company operational officer.

6. Agrotechnology journalist

If you have the ability to write and intend to share the knowledge you have with the wider community, then becoming a writer is right for you. This job prospect is quite promising in the digital era like now. You can make a book about Agrotechnology knowledge from another point of view in the form of a book or e-book.

7. Entrepreneur

Farming business requires marketing expertise. Connecting producers with consumers. Opening up new markets. Including utilizing the internet and social media in marketing agricultural products. You can also become a business entrepreneur in plantation commodities, horticulture, food, forestry, seeds, pesticides, home industry businesses, fertilizers and agricultural production facilities.

In addition, many farmers only sell cheap raw products. Even though they can get better profits if they sell processed food products. Here you can play a role as a food innovator in creating a variety of food products, Sinaumed’s. Become Entrepreneur.

The skills required can be grouped into three main areas: technical skills such as writing, listening, oral presentations, organizing, coaching, working in teams, and technical know-how, business management skills including those in starting, developing, and manage the company.

Skills in decision making, marketing, management, financing, accounting, production, control, and negotiation are also very important in building and growing a new business. The last skill involves entrepreneurial skills. Some of these skills that then differentiate entrepreneurs from managers include discipline, risk taking, innovative, determined, visionary leadership, and change oriented. The responsibilities of the entrepreneur profession include:

  • Seeing opportunities to solve problems. Because an entrepreneur is a problem solver or someone who can solve problems. He sees a problem as a demand, meaning there is a demand.
  • Planning the type of business to be engaged in, starting from the sales concept, target market, capital calculation, to marketing strategy.
  • Supervise and coordinate the business, finance, production, budget (to be efficient and optimal) in the business being carried out
  • Organize employee work and conduct reviews
  • Carry out the policies, objectives, goals, and procedures set by the company.
  • Plan and carry out business activities that require the coordination of various parties such as promotions and sales, as well as implementing marketing strategies
  • Monitor suppliers and ensure they work efficiently and effectively as required by the company
  • Evaluate sales results, business activities and others to measure company achievements. Then analyze the parts that require a reduction or increase in the budget.

Source: from various sources