5 Hidden Types of Betawi Art

Betawi art is one of the cultural assets of the Indonesian people, especially the Betawi people. Even so, currently Betawi arts and other arts are becoming less desirable. This is because various foreign cultures entered Indonesia.

With various foreign cultural influences coming in, regional arts such as Betawi art are slowly being forgotten. In fact, maintaining and preserving art in Indonesia is very important.

Art and culture is an identity that cannot be separated from the body of society. Various regional arts in Indonesia are not just for entertainment. However, of course there is more to it than that.

Betawi Arts

One of the arts in Indonesia is Betawi art. Betawi is a tribe in Jakarta. Even though currently Jakarta does not only belong to the Betawi people, Betawi art still belongs to the Betawi people which is intended for everyone.

As one of the central regions in Indonesia, cultural influences from outside are definitely unavoidable. Therefore, maintaining the existence of Betawi art is the obligation of all parties.

If we talk about Betawi arts, we will find many things. Sinaumed’s, do you know what constitutes Betawi arts? This time we will discuss the various types of Betawi arts that exist.

What are Betawi Arts?

Generally, an art can be expressed as an expression of the human soul related to beauty. In the Betawi community, Betawi art is manifested in various forms. such as Literary Arts, Martial Arts, Musical Arts and Theater Arts.

1. Literary Arts

Since its birth, Betawi has a diverse culture. One of them is Betawi literary arts. Unfortunately, at this time Betawi literature seems to be hidden in its own area.

In fact, according to several sources, Betawi literature has existed for a long time. In addition, one of the Betawi arts has been getting the attention of several foreign scientists for a long time. One proof of this is the publication of many studies on Betawi literature in the past.

In fact, his manuscripts have been published and scattered in various libraries. Not arbitrarily, the library in question is a library in universities in developed countries. One of them is in Russia and Leningrad.

Betawi literature is a literary work in the form of writing, which uses the Betawi language. Betawi literary works are art created and delivered by Betawi people. The delivery of this Betawi art is also delivered in Betawi language.

Not only that, listeners or connoisseurs are also Betawi people. However, of course this Betawi art can be enjoyed by all ethnicities. The contents of the story in this literary work are related to the life of the Betawi people.

Such as how they live, the customs, the religion they adhere to, the behavior of the Betawi people to the natural conditions in Betawi itself. According to one Betawi historian, Bang Yahya Andi Saputra, Betawi literature consists of two forms.

There is oral Betawi literature and written Betawi literature. This Betawi oral literature has been known since the Betawi people began to relate to art and culture. Examples include rhymes, saga, draft, buleng, ngerahul and jampe-jampe used by shamans when treating illnesses in patients.

a. Pantun

One of them is the use of the typical Betawi language. Starting from the choice of words and elements of sound, everything has its rules. Those things have an element of being spontaneous, hilarious and outspoken to them.

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The fluidity of Betawi rhymes can be found in formats that seem to deviate from the norm. The standard of a rhyme generally consists of 4 lines. The specialty of this Betawi rhyme is that it has a freer pattern.

Regarding the contents of the rhymes, there are several Betawi rhymes that reveal important things in them. Such as containing advice regarding manners, morals, manners, ethics, humor, social criticism, religion to certain teachings.

b. Saga

For local literature, it generally originates from a story in the world of wayang. Examples include  the Tale of the Origin of Puppets ,  the Tale of the Puppet Arjuna , and  the play Jaka Sukara . For non-local literature, it generally originates from a story in the Middle East. Examples include  the Tale of Merpati Mas and the Tale of Silverthe Tale of the Fun Captain  and  the Tale of Sutan Taburat .

The above-mentioned manuscript was copied in the 19th century, by Muhammad Bakir. This manuscript by Bakir was written using the Jawi script. Often also called the bald arab.

Muhammad Bakir produced manuscripts with no less than 60 titles. For the most part, these manuscripts are stored abroad. As in Holland, England, Russia and Leningrad.

c. Jampe-jampe

In Betawi arts, jampe-jampe can be used for various needs. Examples such as for treatment, as an effort or prayer for convenience, can also be used to drive away evil spirits.

The various functions of this Betawi literary work mean that not everyone can use it. Only certain people can use jampe-jampe text. Like a traditional leader and a shaman.

The following are examples of jampe-jampe which are used to treat crooked disease:

Nene ducked down

Feet waddling

There is displaced meat

The meat has fled

There is the kapes-kapes meat

The kapes-kapes are gone

Pes limpes urip wares

White longing

Well, nothing

2. Martial Arts

When compared, in ancient times pencak silat was the identity or self-esteem of a Betawi person. This meant that all Betawi people could play silat at that time. This is one of the Betawi arts which has become the daily food of the Betawi people.

In fact, if you want to hold a wedding, the groom must first look at his martial arts skills. This is also done in religious affairs, namely the Koran. Generally, parents of women who want to be proposed to will first test the men who want to propose to their children.

The man must be able to show how good he can play silat. Sometimes, the father of the girl will challenge the boy to fight with silat. If it is proven that the man is good at pencak silat, then the first exam will pass.

The second test or exam that must be passed is the Koran. Reciting the Koran is also part of pencak silat which can be said to be a package deal. Generally, training at a Betawi silat school will begin with a recitation beforehand. After that, martial arts training can begin.

Pencak silat in the midst of society is very diverse. In fact, you could say that every gang has a different silat. Some examples of Betawi martial arts such as Beksi Silat, 7 Star 12 Dragon Swim Button Silat, Tiga Berantai Silat, Sabeni Silat, Cingkrik Silat, Silo Macan Silat and Cacag Lembang Silat.

3. Theater Arts

One of the Betawi arts that is rarely known is the art of theater. The following are some explanations, of the many theater arts that exist in the Betawi community:

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a. Betawi shadow puppets

Even though the Betawi shadow puppets originate from Purbo leather puppets, in practice the Betawi shadow puppet performances show their own characteristics. Its distinctive feature is that the story that is told will be adapted to the conditions of the Betawi society which is fluid or egalitarian.

The story will be adapted to the local conditions of Betawi which is made more dominant. Therefore, the Betawi Shadow Puppet will be simpler, more populist, innocent and emphasizes the familiarity of the audience.

b. Jipeng and Jinong

In the Jipeng show, the costumes are simpler. For the dancer, it is enough to use a long cloth, kebaya and a long scarf tied at the waist. The mask begins with an enjot-enjotan or charcoal song.

Jipeng begins with a march and was song typical of Tanjidor. Jipeng’s theme and story are not much different from Topeng’s.

Lenong Preman performances accompanied by Tanjidor music are called Jinong. In his time, Jinong would stand alone as the theater of the people. Generally, the plays performed by Jining are the same as Lenong.

c. Blank

In its development, Blantek has its own identity. The accompanying music for this Blantek is Rebana Biang. At the beginning of the show, sholawat and remembrance songs will be performed. Now Blantek has developed and there is a mixture of various Betawi arts in it.

4. Art of Music

Born and raised in a certain area. Then it is passed down from one generation to the next.

The existence of this musical art uses the style, language and traditions typical of the local area. As with other ethnic groups, traditional music in the Betawi community also lives and develops. And passed on to the next generation.

Not only as my cultural heritage. Betawi music art has several other functions. Such as advice, inheritance of values, the function of entertainment and maintaining physical and mental balance.

Thanks to all these functions, the art of traditional music in the Betawi community can still survive until now. Some of them are the Gambus Orchestra, Samrah and Tonil Samrah Orchestras, Tambourine Hadroh, Tambourine Ketimpring, Tanjidor, Tambourine Biang, Gambang Rancag and Gambang Kromong.

5. Dance Arts

The use of cheerful musical accompaniment is a feature of Betawi art dance. In addition, her carefree movements are also one of her characteristics.

Some of the traditional Betawi dances include:

  • Zapin Betawi Dance
  • Lenggang Nyai Dance
  • Yellow Sirih Dance
  • Betawi Mask Dance
  • Gitek Balen Dance
  • Belenggo dance
  • Samra dance
  • Ronggeng Blantek
  • Ngarojeng dance
  • Sweet Renggong Dance
  • Cocok Dance
  • Nandak Ganjen Dance
  • Lengo Tinke Dance
  • Lembang Sari Flower Dance
  • Single Mask Dance

Those are the 4 types of Betawi arts that are rich in beauty and meaning. Find other information about art at www.sinaumedia.com. sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will always present interesting articles and recommendations for the best books for Sinaumed’s.

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Author: Wida Kurniasih

Source: from various sources