23 Foods for Eye Health and Eye Health Tips

sinaumedia Literacy – Are you often in front of a computer screen or staring at your Sinaumed’s smartphone for too long? Be careful, this habit can actually reduce your eyesight. In order to maintain eye health, consume carrots as well as various foods with lots of vitamin A, vitamin C, E, zinc, lutein, and omega-3 fatty acids. These various nutrients can minimize the risk of reduced vision as well as the occurrence of cataracts with age. What are they? Here are 23 Foods for Eye Health and Eye Health Tips!

23 Foods for Eye Health and Eye Health Tips



Carrots have a high beta-carotene content so they are good for the eyes. The body itself converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which not only boosts the immune system, but also improves eye health, vision function and skin health. By consuming one medium-sized carrot, we have provided the body with around 5,000 IU of vitamin A, which in turn will help keep the eyes healthy Sinaumed’s!



Include Blueberries in your daily diet to provide antioxidants which in turn improve eye health and overall body health. Not only reduce the risk of glaucoma and cataracts, blueberries also protect us from cancer, heart disease and other dangerous diseases. Regular consumption of blueberries will improve your memory and your ability to remember Sinaumed’s.



Avocados contain the most lutein of any other fruit. Lutein is important in preventing macular degeneration and cataracts. Avocado fruit also acts as an absorbent for important nutrients such as alpha and beta-carotene to form vitamin A so that it can be absorbed by the body properly, and maintains the health of your eyes. The monounsaturated fats in avocados also benefit the eyes by helping increase the absorption of eye-friendly carotenoids. The copper content in avocado is very important for the immune and nervous systems, while the Vitamin B6 content in it will also be very beneficial for the metabolism and healthy brain.



Cabbage is a vegetable that belongs to the cruciferous vegetable or cole plant. There are various nutritional content contained by cabbage plants. Some of the nutritional content of cabbage includes protein, fiber, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin A, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and others. This green vegetable is good for treating the eyes because the nutritional content is almost the same as spinach, namely lutein and zeaxanthin. These two nutrients function like ‘sunglasses’ which protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays. Not only that, consuming cabbage is proven to reduce the risk of developing cataracts by up to 22% Sinaumed’s!



Sounds unattractive, in fact green vegetables have quite high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin which are good for the health of your eyes. The antioxidants in it help protect the eyes from damage caused by sunlight, cigarette smoke, and air pollution. Eat green vegetables such as kale, spinach, and collard greens. Lutein can also be found in peas and avocados. This basic form of vitamin A lowers the risk of long-term eye diseases, including Age Macular Degeneration (AMD) and cataracts. These vegetables also contain antioxidants that protect the eyes from harmful UV rays. So, make sure to include green vegetables in your daily Sinaumed’s menu! If you don’t really like green vegetables, try eating them with your favorite fruit.



The content of tomatoes is very good for skin health, as well as eye health. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and lycopene, three very important nutrients for the eyes. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, a compound that protects the eyes from harmful free radicals. In addition, vitamin E in tomatoes also prevents retinal damage and helps maintain vision in good condition until old age. Eating just one tomato a day can help get rid of your vision problems Sinaumed’s!



Dark chocolate or dark chocolate can improve visual acuity. It contains flavonoids that protect the blood vessels of the eye so that it automatically strengthens the cornea and retina. So for those of you who don’t like carrots, consuming pure dark chocolate can be an option. In addition, chocolate is also able to increase blood circulation in the brain and has the potential to prevent blood vessel disorders in the brain, such as dementia and stroke, you know. Another benefit of dark chocolate for the brain is that it has the opportunity to improve your cognitive function, Sinaumed’s.



Oranges are one of the best sources of vitamin C which are beneficial in maintaining healthy skin and immunity. Vitamin C in citrus fruits also works well in preventing AMD. This vitamin, which is found primarily in fresh fruits and vegetables, is beneficial for the blood vessels that nourish your eyes. Sinaumed’s. Even vitamin C can also fight the development of cataracts, as well as overcome macular degeneration related to decreased vision function.

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Srikaya is an excellent source of natural antioxidants, Vitamin C is well known for its anti-inflammatory and immune properties. Consumption of this fruit in the daily diet for better body resistance against infectious agents. It removes harmful free radicals from the body, preventing various diseases and ailments. Srikaya is also an excellent source of energy, as it helps fight fatigue and eliminate muscle weakness. Srikaya is also very useful to help overcome problems related to the eyes and vision. The content of vitamins A and C in srikaya makes this fruit very beneficial for eyesight. Furthermore, riboflavin and vitamin B2 help destroy free radicals, which in turn helps prevent eye-related problems.



Just like oranges, the flesh of the mangosteen fruit is good for eye health. Mangosteen fruit contains xanthones, which are large molecular compounds consisting of a collection of small molecules and act as natural antioxidants to prevent eye damage. Antioxidants themselves are effective in preventing pollutants and free radicals, strengthening the body’s resistance to fighting abnormal cells such as Sinaumed’s cancer!



These two types of food which are considered as a source of vitamins for the eyes, have a high zinc content, so they will help the retina of the eye work in an optimal state. Enough to consume two oysters, it will meet the needs of zinc for one day Sinaumed’s! Turkey meat is also a rich source of zinc in addition to red meat, beans and wheat.



Papaya contains all the essential antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that help keep the body fit. Papaya also has healthy enzymes, antioxidants such as carotenes, flavonoids, vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, calcium, carbohydrates, protein and fiber. This sweet tasting fruit also has a good amount of lycopene. And good for eye health, consuming papaya regularly can also help vision remain in a normal state.



These foods for eye health give you a lot of vitamin C per calorie. This is very good for the blood vessels in the eye, and reduces the risk of cataracts. Vitamin C itself is found in many vegetables and fruits, including bok choy, cauliflower, papaya, and strawberries. Cook at a temperature that is not too hot so as not to break down the vitamin C in it, or enjoy it raw is even better. Bright colored peppers also contain vitamins A and E which are good for your eyes, Sinaumed’s.



As much as 1 ounce of whole grains, such as sunflower seeds or almonds, has half the amount of vitamin E. Seeds also help prevent cataracts. Other nuts such as hazelnuts, peas, and peanut butter are also sources of vitamin E. Peas, kidney beans can help maintain healthy eyes because they contain zinc and bioflavonoids. Its job is to protect the retina and prevent macular degeneration.



Consume sources of carbohydrates that come from brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread, and whole wheat, with a complete content of zinc, vitamin E, niacin, and other nutrients that promote overall eye health. Oats also contain a low glycemic index which will help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.



Pineapple contains large amounts of vitamin C and manganese which are important for maintaining antioxidants, pineapple also contains large amounts of thiamin, a B vitamin involved in energy production. Pineapple helps reduce the risk of macular degeneration, a disease that affects the eyes with age, because it is high in vitamin C and antioxidants. In addition, this fruit will also improve digestion. Like many other fruits and vegetables, pineapple contains dietary fiber, which is important in keeping your gut healthy.



Foods that are good for the eyes consist of orange fruits and vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, melons, mangoes and apricots – they are high in beta carotene, a form of vitamin A that aids night vision, the eye’s ability to adjust to darkness. Sweet potatoes can be a food for eye health because they have more than half of the vitamin C you need in a day and a small amount of vitamin E.



Meat is rich in zinc content which is closely related to eye health in the long term, you can actually find zinc in the retina and the tissue that surrounds the retina. Animal sources such as chicken breast also contain zinc, but the levels are not as high as in meat. Besides that, oysters can also be food for eye health because they have more zinc per serving than other food menus, Sinaumed’s!

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The retina needs two types of omega 3 fatty acids to work properly: Docosehaxaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Find both in fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and trout (freshwater fish), as well as other seafood. Besides helping to lower cholesterol, omega-3s can also improve visual function and prevent AMD (age-related macular degeneration). Omega-3 is also quite effective against dry eye syndrome. Include tuna, salmon and sardines in your Sinaumed’s daily diet. You don’t need a lot, just 1-2 servings of tuna a week. If you are not used to eating fish, you can replace it with fish oil supplements or supplements containing vegetable oils, for example black currant seed oil or flaxseed oil.



Nuts are food for the next eye health which is highly recommended. Several types of nuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E, so they can protect eye health. Low in fat, and high in fiber to help keep vision sharp and slow down AMD. Try making nuts a regular snack. For example walnuts, peas, peanuts, kidney beans, lentils and almonds. Besides being filling, eye health is also maintained. Eating a can of baked beans can also be an option for Sinaumed’s!



Eggs are good for the eyes because they contain protein, vitamin E, vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 and zinc which protect the eyes from blindness and reduce dryness in the eyes. Easy to get and served in any preparation. Eggs contain nutrients that help maintain eye health. They help increase the amount of protective pigment in the macula, the part of your eye that controls central vision.



Corn also includes food corn which is good for maintaining eye health. The reason is, corn is a food source that contains zeaxanthin and lutein which are good for the eyes. Corn also contains other antioxidants that are beneficial for the eyes. Interestingly, we can increase the amount of lutein in corn when it is cooked.



This food for eye health is equipped with a combination of other excellent nutrients: Vitamin A (such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene), vitamin C, and vitamin E. They are all antioxidants that protect cells in the eyes from free radicals, a type of unstable molecule that breaks down healthy tissue. Because the retina is very vulnerable.



Other Tips for Maintaining Eye Health!

Food intake for eye health is important to support optimal vision function. Besides that, take these steps to maintain eye health:

  • Don’t get too close in front of a computer or smartphone screen. Because staring at a computer or smartphone screen for too long and too close can cause eye strain, blurred vision, difficulty focusing at a distance, dry eyes, headaches, neck, back and shoulder pain. Don’t stare at the computer screen for too long, rest your eyes every 20 minutes. Step away from the computer screen every 2 hours to prevent your eyes from drying out
  • Everyone needs regular eye exams. This will help protect your eyesight and allow you to see well. An eye exam can also find diseases, such as glaucoma, that have no symptoms. It is very important to recognize the disease early, when it is easier to treat.
  • Keep your distance when looking at the light When looking at objects with bright light, you need to keep your eyesight at a long distance for eye safety. Laser and sun will damage eye sight easily. When a person stares at the light without any protection it will damage the eye’s center of vision.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes with vigorous movements that will cause damage. Not only does it cause the delicate skin around the eyes to stretch, it can also cause corneal abrasion and cause visual distortion. A visual distortion in which your vision is always like seeing a sharp halo, which makes your vision abnormal.

Some of the things above are important to do if you are always in front of a screen every day. Don’t let eye health actually decrease just because of the wrong lifestyle. Don’t forget, include the foods above for your eye health, Sinaumed’s.



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Source: from various sources