Understanding Healing Prayers For Yourself and Sick People

Healing Prayer – Sickness is a Test from Allah SWT. Humans certainly do not always live healthy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods plus vitamin supplements is part of our endeavor to stay healthy so we can carry out our daily activities.

However, that does not mean that we can avoid disease. Basically, humans can prevent disease by living a healthy life and getting enough exercise. In addition, don’t forget to pray to Allah SWT. In Islam there are many prayers related to health, one of which is a prayer for healing.

In this article, we will discuss further about prayers for healing that can be recited when you are sick. Here’s the full explanation.

Coming Sickness

Sometimes, there are people who have adopted a healthy lifestyle but can still get sick. In fact, Rasulullah SAW as the best human being on earth has ever experienced pain. Pain is a natural thing experienced by a human being.

Sometimes, Allah tests His servants with pain as a form of compassion. As people of faith, when we are experiencing pain, of course we must continue to seek medical treatment for birth.

As for inner endeavor, of course we do it by praying for healing to Allah so that the disease will be lifted soon. As Rasulullah SAW had done when his best friend was sick, he recited prayers for his best friend’s recovery.

When we are sick, there are two things we can try, namely by going to the doctor and praying to God. There are times when we try our best to do everything we can to recover from illness, but as humans, sometimes there are some things beyond our control.

When you have made an effort to go to the hospital or take medicine, then add a prayer asking for healing so that you will be healthy soon. Allah SWT loves those who pray to Him. Likewise, when you, your girlfriend, or parents are sick, practice praying for healing.

This makes us finally can only surrender to Allah SWT. There are several prayers that we can say so that the disease that afflicts us is removed.

Pain is a test from Allah SWT. Religion recommends reading prayers when feeling pain. Of course, asking for forgiveness and healing so that the pain or illness we experience can be healed. Read a prayer asking for healing when you are sick

In a hadith from Jabir bin Abdullah he said, Rasulullah SAW said that every disease can be overcome as long as asking for help from Allah SWT. The sound of the words of Rasulullah SAW as follows;

“Every disease must have a cure. If a medicine is in accordance with the disease, then he will recover with the permission of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala.” (HR. Muslim)

Allah SWT says in Surah Al Baqarah verse 186:

Then, in a hadith from Jabir bin Abdullah he said, Rasulullah SAW said;

“Every disease must have a cure. If a medicine is in accordance with the disease, then he will recover with the permission of Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala.” (HR. Muslim)

Prayer for Healing

1. Healing Prayer for Yourself

Reading prayers when sick is also an effort to be given healing by Allah SWT because in truth only Allah can heal. In Islam, illness is the qada and qadar of Allah SWT. Illness can also mean a test for a servant.

However, it does not mean that we can only surrender when we are sick, but we also have to make an effort. In addition to medical treatment, we are also encouraged to read prayers asking for healing when sick so that the illness will be alleviated.

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Read a healing prayer for yourself so that you get well soon. Try reading the following healing prayer, namely:

Meaning: “O Allah, God of mankind, remove this disease, heal it, only You are the Most Healing. There is no healing other than healing from You, healing that leaves no pain.”

In addition, Rasulullah SAW taught prayers for healing. Read this prayer while holding a certain part that hurts in our body:


Meaning: ” In the name of Allah.”

Meaning: “I take refuge in Allah and His power from the bad things that I feel and worry about.”

Or you can read a prayer from Surah Al-Anbiya verse 83 which reads:

Meaning: “O my Lord, indeed I have been overwritten by a disease and You are the Most Merciful God among all the merciful.”

2. Prayer Asking for Healing for a Sick Spouse or Girlfriend

The prayer is:

Meaning: “My Lord, give healing Sa’ad. My Lord, heal Sa’ad My Lord, heal Sa’ad.”

The word ‘Sa’dan’ in prayer asking for healing can be replaced by the name of your sick girlfriend.

Apart from that, you can also recite the prayer below:

Meaning: “O (mention the name of the sick girlfriend), may Allah heal you, forgive your sins, and benefit you in terms of religion and your physique throughout your life.”

3. Prayer Asking for Healing for Sick Parents

The prayer is:

Meaning: “O Allah, remove the disease and give him healing, You are the Most Healing Substance. There is no healing except healing from You, healing that does not leave other diseases.”

4. The Prophet’s prayer for his sick family

Meaning: “My Lord, God of mankind, remove disease. Give healing because You are the healer. Nothing can cure disease except You with healing that leaves no pain, “

The prayer above is as narrated in Bukhari and Muslim from Aisyah RA. (See Imam An-Nawawi, Al-Adzkar, [Damascus: Darul Mallah, 1971 M/1391 H], page 113).

5. Prayer for Healing When Visiting a Sick Friend

The prayer is:

Meaning: “I beg the great God, the Lord of the majestic throne to heal you.”

Rest assured by reading the prayer asking for healing can be immediately granted by Allah SWT, amen.

6. The Prophet’s prayer before a sick person

The prayer is:

Meaning: “I beg the great Allah, the Lord of the majestic Throne to heal you,”

Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi narrated that Rasulullah SAW recommended that the prayer above be read 7 times in the presence of a sick person. (See Imam An-Nawawi, Al-Adzkar, [Damascus: Darul Mallah, 1971 M/1391 H], page 114).

In addition to asking for healing of people who are sick. We can also pray for forgiveness, religious and physical protection for those who are sick.

Meaning, “O (mention the name of the person who is sick), may Allah heal you, forgive your sins, and benefit you in terms of religion and your physique throughout your age,”

The prayer above was recited by Rasulullah SAW when he visited his friend Salman Al-Farisi RA as reported by Ibn Sunni. (See Imam An-Nawawi, Al-Adzkar, [Damascus: Darul Mallah, 1971 M/1391 H], page 115).

7. Prophet Ayub’s Prayer When Tested Sick By Allah SWT

There is a history enshrined in the Qur’an which tells the story of the Prophet Ayub AS. The Prophet Ayub AS was tested by Allah SWT to suffer from a disease that could not be cured for many years.

However, the Prophet Ayub never gave up and continued to ask for healing by always reciting prayer readings so that he would be healed.

Prophet Ayub’s prayer to be given healing is immortalized in the Qur’an Surah Al Anbiya verse 83. The following prayer is recited to raise sickness:

“Robbi inni massani yad durru wa anta arhamar roohimiin.”

Meaning: “O my Lord, verily I have been struck by a disease and You are the Most Merciful God among all the merciful.”

Next, there is a prayer reading for sickness and other healing:

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“Bismillah, bismillah, bismillah. A’udzu bi izzatillahi wa qudratihi min syarri ma ajidu wa uhadziru. As’alullahal ‘azima rabbal ‘arsyil ‘adhim an yasyfiyaka.”

Meaning: “In the name of Allah, in the name of Allah, in the name of Allah, I protect you thanks to the glory of Allah and His qudrah from the evil things that I feel and that I am worried about. I ask Allah the Greatest, the Lord of the great Throne to heal you.”

Dhikr Healing Diseases

There are a number of dhikr cures for all diseases that are important for every Muslim to know and practice. Certain dhikr practices can be a means of endeavoring to hope for healing so that Allah SWT will lift a disease.

Literally, dhikr means mentioning, telling, remembering, or understanding every good deed. According to the terms, dhikr is an oral utterance, physical movement or vibration of the heart in accordance with the ways taught by religion to get closer to Allah SWT.

Dhikr can be interpreted as praise that a believer does to Allah and recites it repeatedly. Not only saying praises, remembrance can also be done by reciting prayers or verses from Allah.

Dhikr can be a means of endeavor to hope for healing to be lifted from illness. Rasulullah SAW once said that for all diseases there must be an antidote or medicine. This reminds us that as a believer we should always be steadfast and never stop hoping in Allah when we are being tested in the form of illness.

There is no doubt about the truth of the letters in the Quran. There are several letters in the Al-Quran which are believed to cure diseases.

Practicing Surah Al Mu’awwidzat (Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas)

In Islam, where the Al-Quran is a way of life, it is believed that some of its letters can be read to provide healing for ailments that are being suffered. As for the Al-Quran surahs in question, namely Surah Al Muawwidzat, including Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas. These three letters are the closing letters of the Koran and have great virtues and fadhilah.

This letter can be used as protection from the temptations of Satan, magic, and even to avoid human evil. Launching from the Tafsir Al-Quran page, these two surahs can be used as protection as well as medicine. This was explained by Wahbah Az Zuhaili in Tafsir al-Munir.

This view is based on the hadith from Aisha about the Prophet’s habit of reading surah al-Ikhlas, surah al-Falaq and surah an-Nas before going to bed.

Remembrance of the Prayer of the Prophet Ayyub AS

In surah Al-Anbiya Verse 83 explains the prayer of the Prophet Ayyub ‘alaihissalam when he was subjected to a severe test of many years of illness. Prophet Ayyub AS then munajat to Allah and enshrined in the Qur’an:

The prayer recited by the Prophet Ayyub AS as a means of munajat asking God for healing is as follows.

Meaning: “O Allah, my Lord, indeed, I have been afflicted with a disease, but You are the Lord, the Most Merciful of all the merciful.”

That is the dhikr that heals all diseases that can be practiced in order to get healing. Dhikr hoping for healing should be done sincerely solely to get closer to Allah so that the disease will be immediately removed. Wallahualam bisawab.


It has become everyone that health is something that is very desirable. Therefore, when you are sick, Muslims will read a prayer for healing so that the disease can disappear, so that the body becomes healthier and easier to move. Thus the discussion about prayer for healing, I hope the discussion in this article can be useful for Sinaumed’s.

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