The Understanding of Dynamic Electricity Up to Its Types

Definition of dynamic electricity – Human activities mostly depend on electricity. A variety of household furniture mostly requires electricity to be used. Electricity is something charged due to the presence or absence of electrons. It happened as a result of things rubbing against each other.

While dynamic electricity is one of the classifications in electrical energy. Electricity can be interpreted as a condition of certain subatomic particles, such as protons and electrons that cause attraction and repulsion between the two.

In general, electricity can be understood as a source of energy channeled through cables. Electric current arises because the electric charge flows from the positive end of the channel or cable to the negative end. Electricity is divided into two types, namely static electricity and dynamic electricity.

Human needs in terms of electricity show that dynamic electricity is very necessary in our lives. This shows that the phenomenon of dynamic electricity plays an important role in our lives. Equipment such as televisions, refrigerators, rice cookers , computers, radios cannot turn on by themselves without being connected to electricity.

Other examples can be found in flashlights, wall clocks, or toy cars that use batteries. The energy in the battery is the driving force of the dynamo (electric motor) in cars. While the battery in the flashlight creates a flow of electrons that work to light the lamp inside.

Dynamic electricity is electrical charges that flow or move. Reported from Circuit Globe , dynamic electricity is electrons that move in one direction or back and forth in a conductor or what is commonly referred to as electric current. Dynamic electricity is a group of electrons that continuously flow from one point to another. The flow of electricity is similar to the flow of a flowing river, so dynamic electricity is called electric current.

Electric current is the flow of positively charged particles that pass through a conductor or transmitter from a high potential to a low potential. Electric current can be analogized to the flow of water that occurs due to the difference in height. Water can flow from high places to low places. Likewise with dynamic electric currents that can move with potential energy differences.

Dynamic electricity is electricity that moves or is called electric current. In dynamic electricity, the flow of charged particles in the form of electric current can produce electrical energy. Electric current flows from a point of higher potential to a point of lower potential, when the two points are connected in a closed circuit. This explanation is included in the IPA Class IX Electricity book .

The formula for electric current is I = Q/t where I is the electric current, Q is the electric charge, and t is time. The largest and smallest unit of electric current is the Ampere (A).

Quoting from the Automotive Basic Technology book , dynamic electricity can be said to be the state of free electron flow that comes from electrons that have separated from their respective atoms. Electrons will move through an object that has the properties of a conductor.

When free electrons move in a fixed direction, then this dynamic electricity is called direct current (DC) electricity. When the direction of movement of the amount of current is periodic over time, then this dynamic electricity is called alternating current (AC). Dynamic electricity is electricity that can move or flow in an electrical network. The electric current is the flow of electrical charge that passes through the transmission wire every unit of time.

Dynamic electricity can also be explained in detail as follows:

  1. Dynamic electricity is the flow of electric charge through a conductor (electric current).
  2. Dynamic electricity is electricity that moves or flows in an electrical network.
  3. Dynamic electricity is produced from a power source or power plant.
  4. Dynamic electricity occurs because of direct current and alternating current.
  5. Electric current can only turn on in a closed electrical circuit.

Electric Current

Based on the book Learning Concepts of Electricity and Magnets, electric current is divided into two, namely:

1. Direct Current (DC)

Direct current or direct current (DC) is a current whose current is always fixed and constant all the time and has only one direction, which is positive to negative. DC electricity generating sources are divided into two, namely:

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a. Primary Elements

A primary element is an element that cannot be reloaded when its load is exhausted. When the electrical voltage of the element runs out, it can no longer be used. An example of a primary element is a dry battery.

b. Secondary Elements

A secondary element is an element that can be reloaded if its load is exhausted. This causes the electric current to flow back to the element. Examples of secondary elements are accumulators and rechargeable batteries.

2. Alternating Current (AC)

Alternating current or alternating current (AC) is a current that in its management moves back and forth, both in direction and magnitude. The source of AC electric current cannot be determined as positive and negative poles even though the electricity also has two ends of the transmitter or two ends of the channel.

This is because the AC electric current will flow alternately between the two ends, sometimes being in a positive or negative position. Meanwhile, the number of back-and-forth flows traveled in each second is called frequency.

An example of an AC electric current source is PLN electricity which has a frequency of 60 Hz. That is, in every second, the current has flowed back and forth 60 times. The electricity in the house also includes AC electricity. Other examples of AC power sources are dynamo and electric generator.

Ohm’s Law

As explained in the book Things you need to know about Electricity, electric current can flow in an electrical circuit if there is a potential difference in the closed circuit. The relationship between electric current strength and electric potential difference was first studied by Georg Simon Ohm. The results of his research are now known as Ohm’s Law.

Ohm’s law explains that the connection between the potential difference or voltage of a current source, the strength of the electric current, and the resistance of a network. Ohm’s law states that if the voltage in a circuit is increased, then the current will increase, and vice versa. For example, when the voltage is doubled, the current will also double.

That is, the current is proportional to the voltage. If the voltage remains constant, then a smaller conductor resistance will produce a larger current because the strength of the current is inversely proportional to the electrical resistance. Based on Ohm’s Law, the formula for electric current strength is I = V/R . I is the current, V is the voltage, and R is the resistance.

V is the symbol of the potential difference with the unit of Volts, R is the resistance with the unit of Ohm (Ω), and I is the current strength with the unit of Ampere.

Types of Dynamic Electric Currents

As reported by Solar Energy , electric current is divided into two, namely direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC).

Direct Current

Direct current (DC) is a type of electric current when electrons flow in only one direction. An example of the type of dynamic electric current is the current produced by photovoltaic panels.

Alternating Electric Current

Alternating current (AC) is when electrons change direction repeatedly, starting from positive to negative. Alternating current or AC is a type of electricity that is often used in the homes we live in.

Dynamic Electrical Characteristics

  1. Dynamic electricity consists of electric charge that moves to produce an electric current.
  2. To keep the load flowing, agents are needed to do the work needed to keep the load moving.
  3. In the International System of Units, charge is measured in coulombs (C) and current in coulombs/second, a unit called ampere (A). A current of 1 A means that the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor flows 1 C every second.
  4. Electric current needs a closed path to maintain its flow. This strip is called a circuit and must be closed, if the current flowing through the strip is open, it will stop.
  5. All moving charges produce a magnetic field, including current-carrying wires.
  6. In principle, the direction of the current is the movement followed by the electrons in the conductor leaving the negative pole of the battery and going towards the positive.

Example of Dynamic Electricity Application

Every electrical energy, be it dynamic electricity or static electricity has a role in our daily life. Here are some examples of the application of dynamic electricity according to the Read Physics website , among which are:

1. Electrical Network

Dynamic electricity is present in the current that circulates in any electrical circuit, for example in things around us, such as flashlights, electric stoves, telephones, and all types of equipment that we use.

2. Electric Transmission System

The electrical energy transmission system uses dynamic electrical energy in the form of alternating current, because it is easier to conduct over long distances.

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3. Atmospheric Electricity

Electric current is produced in the earth’s atmosphere, especially in the ionosphere, ultraviolet radiation from the sun comes from charged particles that flow in large circuits of electric current at high altitudes.

4. Terrestrial Electricity

Electric current also circulates in the earth’s crust as a result of chemical reactions that occur in the soil layer. Earth has its own magnetic field.

One of them is that the flow of molten iron in the core of the planet produces an electric current, and this is responsible for creating the earth’s magnetic field.

5. Aurora in the Polar Regions

The polar aurora is a region of the night sky with bright and beautiful colors, which appears near the poles. This phenomenon is caused by dynamic electricity, because the flow of charged particles continuously comes from the sun, which is known as the solar wind.

When these particles approach the Earth, this magnetic field deflects them, thus emitting light and creating a luminous effect called an aurora.

6. Functions of the Nervous System

The electric current in our body can process stimulation from the outside so that it can be received by the five senses and then transformed into information through the nervous system and travels to the brain with electrical impulses.

In this case, a small electric current in our body is needed to carry information. In the same way, muscle movement depends on electrical impulses that run from the brain that carry movement orders to our body.

7. Defibrillator

Dynamic electricity can be very damaging to the human body, a current of 1 A can be fatal. But if used correctly, electric current helps save lives, as in the case of defibrillators.

A defibrillator is a device that passes through a large capacitor, then conducts dynamic electricity to the heart, to help restore rhythm after a heart attack.

8. Battery Use on Laptops

A laptop can turn on and work because there is a battery inside the laptop. The flow of electrons from the battery moves to the laptop, this flow of electrons will stop flowing until the laptop battery is used up and finally the laptop dies and does not work.

9. Use of Batteries to Light a Flashlight

A lamp connected to a battery with a conductor wire. This causes the flow of electrons from the battery to move to the lamp through the conductor wire and cause the lamp to light up brightly.

10. Use of Electric Bells

An electric bell that is connected to the battery also with a conductor wire. The appearance of the flow of electrons from the battery moving to the bell through the transmission wire can cause the electric bell to ring. Batteries have a positive pole and a negative pole.

The positive pole is the end of the battery with a small protrusion. The negative pole is the flat end of the battery. When the two poles are connected with a cable, it will produce electrons flowing from the positive pole to the negative pole.

11. Use of Power Bank

The phenomenon of dynamic electricity can actually be found in a power bank. Through the power storage device, electricity will flow to the cell phone battery. At that moment, there was an electric current.

12. Use of Batteries to Move Cars

Another example of dynamic electricity is the use of batteries to move cars. Similar to the working principle of batteries in other types of goods, electricity will flow when the switch on cars is turned on. Both ends of the battery that contains electricity will be connected to the electric motor, so that the cars can move.

Benefits of Dynamic Electricity

Dynamic electricity is a type of electricity that is often found in everyday life. However, not a few question the use of dynamic electricity to support various activities. Collected from the same source, here are four benefits of dynamic electricity for everyday life.

1. As a source of energy

Electricity is known as a source of energy. Because electricity is an energy producer. Therefore, electricity is often used as an energy source for various types of household appliances that use electricity.

2. Light Producer

Electricity through lamps can function as a light producer. Because, there is a change in electrical energy into light.

3. Heat Producer

Adapted from the book Getting to Know Electrical Safety by Andi Tiara, dynamic electricity can also be used as a heat generator and applied to devices that use heating elements. As for how it works, electric current flows through the nickel to produce heat.

4. Motion Generator

Electricity in general is also useful for producing motion on some specific types of things. The way it works is the flow of electricity is directed to the driving motor that produces movement.

Basically, the electricity we use today has many benefits. In fact, it can be said that almost all life in this world depends on electricity. Thus the discussion about the meaning of dynamic electricity , hopefully all the discussions that have been explained above can provide benefits for Reader.