difference between discrimination and prejudice

The Difference Between Discrimination and Prejudice

Discrimination and prejudice often go hand in hand, but they have distinct differences. Prejudice refers to preconceived opinions or attitudes formed without proper knowledge or reasoning, often based on stereotypes. Discrimination, on the other hand, is the act of treating someone unfairly or differently based on their characteristics or beliefs. Let’s take a closer look at the differences between these two terms.


Prejudice is a negative attitude towards someone based on their perceived characteristics, such as their race, culture, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. It can be overt or subtle and can manifest as biases, stereotypes, or misconceptions. Prejudice is often based on misinformation or lack of education and can lead to ignorance, intolerance, and social exclusion. Prejudice can also take the form of microaggressions, which are seemingly harmless comments or actions that have negative underlying meanings. Examples of prejudice include assuming that all Muslims are terrorists, or that all women are emotional and incapable of logical decision-making.


Discrimination occurs when someone is treated unfairly or negatively based on their characteristics or beliefs. It can take many different forms, such as denying someone a job, housing, or education opportunities, bullying, harassment, or violence. Discrimination can be intentional or unintentional, and can occur on an individual or institutional level. Discrimination often reinforces and perpetuates prejudice, and it can have severe and long-lasting effects on individuals and communities. Examples of discrimination include refusing to hire someone because of their age, refusing to rent an apartment to someone because of their race, or denying someone medical care because of their sexual orientation.

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The Difference Between the Two

Prejudice and discrimination are interconnected but different concepts. Prejudice refers to the negative attitudes, beliefs, or opinions that one has towards a particular group, while discrimination involves the action of treating someone poorly or unfairly based on their membership in that group. Prejudice is often the root cause of discrimination, but it is possible to be prejudiced without engaging in discriminatory behavior. Discrimination is a more overt and harmful expression of prejudice, and it has a more significant impact on people’s lives.

In conclusion, discrimination and prejudice are complex issues that require education and understanding to overcome. We must recognize the harmful effects of both prejudice and discrimination and actively work to eradicate them from our society. Only by working together can we create a world where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their characteristics or beliefs.

Table difference between discrimination and prejudice

I’m sorry, as an AI language model, I don’t have the visuals to create an HTML table. However, I can provide you with the content to create one. Here’s the Difference Between Discrimination and Prejudice:

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| Discrimination | Prejudice |
| — | — |
| Discrimination is a behavior that involves treating a person or group unfairly or unequally based on their characteristics such as race, gender, religion, etc. | Prejudice is a negative attitude or belief about a person, group, or thing without having any prior knowledge or experience with them |
| Discrimination involves actions such as exclusion, mistreatment, and abuse | Prejudice is solely based on thoughts or feelings |
| Discrimination can lead to unequal treatment, inequality, and violation of human rights | Prejudice can lead to biases and stereotypes that contribute to negative attitudes and behaviors |
| Discrimination can manifest in the form of power imbalances where one group has more privilege than the other | Prejudice does not necessarily involve power dynamics |
| Discrimination can be institutional or systemic, where unequal treatment is embedded in laws, policies, or practices | Prejudice is specific to individuals and their opinions or beliefs |

I hope this helps.