Definition of Domestic Waste & Examples of Domestic Waste

Definition of Domestic Waste & Examples of Domestic Waste – Waste has become one of the long-lasting problems and is quite difficult to overcome because it will continue to exist following the development of human life. Humans will produce waste from their various activities. Starting from industrial activities, agricultural activities, to daily activities that humans do will produce waste. The waste that is currently the most produced by humans is domestic waste. Domestic waste is part of the waste or waste produced from various human activities. Domestic waste can come from households, schools, accommodation, restaurants, offices, markets, malls, and other similar facilities.

Types and Examples of Domestic Waste

Domestic waste is classified into two types, namely liquid waste and solid waste. Here is the explanation.

1. Domestic Liquid Waste

Domestic liquid waste comes from various human activities or daily needs, such as water used for bathing, water used for washing clothes, water used for washing tableware, liquid food waste, and human excrement. The disposal of domestic liquid waste needs to be well managed because not a few of these types of waste contain chemicals, such as detergents, bath soap, and oil, so they can cause damage to the environment.

2. Domestic Solid Waste

Domestic solid waste comes from various materials or items that are left over and are no longer needed. Solid waste that is disposed of carelessly will cause pollution and damage to the environment. Domestic solid waste is divided into two types, namely organic waste and inorganic waste.

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1) Domestic Organic Waste

Organic waste is waste that comes from garbage or food waste, such as fruit, vegetables, chicken, and rice. Discarded organic waste will undergo decay and decompose by itself.

2) Domestic Inorganic Waste

Inorganic waste is waste that comes from materials or goods that are difficult or even cannot be decomposed through biological processes, such as iron, bottles, plastic, glass, household appliances, and electronic equipment. Inorganic waste that is piled up and disposed of carelessly will have a bad impact by polluting and disturbing the scenery and comfort of the environment.

Impact of Domestic Waste

If domestic waste is disposed of without prior management, it can cause various adverse effects on the environment and surrounding communities. Here are some of the negative impacts that can be caused by domestic waste disposal.

1. Impact of Domestic Waste on health

Disposing of domestic waste without prior management can have a negative impact on human health. Solid waste that is thrown carelessly on the surface of the ground will undergo decay. Waste that undergoes decay can produce poisonous gases, such as methane, sulfuric acid, and ammonia. This type of waste can also cause pollution to water and the environment if it is dumped in waters, such as rivers or seas. This type of domestic waste can cause various health disorders, such as diarrhea, itching, to kidney and liver disorders.

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In addition, domestic waste water originating from toilets can also cause various diseases, such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhus, because it contains E. Coli bacteria. This toilet waste water needs to be managed well. The distance between the well and the septic tank must be far enough because otherwise, waste water can absorb into the well. Well water contaminated by waste water will contain bacteria that can spread if used for bathing, brushing teeth, washing dishes, and other activities that use well water without going through the cooking process.

2. The Impact of Domestic Waste on the Environment

Disposing of domestic waste without prior management can cause pollution and damage to the environment. The disposal of domestic waste containing chemicals, such as detergents, on the soil surface can affect the level of acidity/pH of the soil which will affect the absorption of nutrients and plant growth. Waste with chemical content dumped in the river will damage or even kill the plants and animals that live in the river. This happens because the wastewater that contains domestic chemicals will reduce the amount of oxygen in the river water, thus damaging the quality of the river water. This situation will affect the damage to the ecosystem in the river in the long term.

3. The impact of Domestic Waste on aesthetics

The disposal of domestic waste without prior management can cause unpleasant odors or foul odors that will disturb the sense of smell. Indiscriminate disposal of waste will also cause the environment to become shabby and dirty so that it is not pleasant to look at.

How to Reduce Domestic Waste

Domestic waste has various adverse effects on the environment and human life. Therefore, there is a need for efforts to reduce the amount of domestic waste. Here are some ways that can be done to reduce the amount of domestic waste.

1. Reduce Electricity Consumption

Reducing the use or saving electricity can reduce the amount of domestic waste produced by electronic goods. Ways to save electricity can be done by always turning off electronic items that are not in use, turning off lights during the day by taking advantage of sunlight, and using more energy-efficient electronic items, such as LED lights.

2. Reducing the Use of Air Conditioning

Reducing the use of air conditioning or AC can reduce the amount of domestic waste because this device can produce waste in the form of freon or CFC substances, which can cause environmental pollution and result in the depletion of the ozone layer. The use of air conditioning can be reduced by taking advantage of natural air from windows and air ventilation in the house.

4. Quit Using Plastic Bags

Plastic is one of the most common domestic wastes. Plastic waste, as inorganic waste that is very difficult to decompose, can cause environmental damage. Therefore, replacing the use of plastic bags with shopping bags that are more environmentally friendly, such as shopping bags made of cloth and canvas, is very necessary to reduce the amount of domestic plastic waste.

Domestic Waste Management

Efforts to manage domestic waste accurately are very necessary to overcome the impact of pollution and environmental damage. Domestic waste management can be done according to each type. The following is an explanation of domestic waste management.

1. Domestic Liquid Waste Management

One form of management that can be done to reduce pollution from domestic liquid waste is to use a Bio Septic Tank . Bio septic tanks can be used to accommodate domestic liquid waste so that it can reduce environmental pollution. Bio Septic Tank has a large enough capacity and is equipped with a filtering device that can reduce the smell of dirt and avoid soil pollution. Bio septic tank is made of thick fiber so that it is able to prevent leakage from the waste stored in it.

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Another way that can be done to manage domestic liquid waste is to manage greywater. Greywater is a domestic liquid waste that comes from several liquid wastes, other than toilet waste. Greywater can be produced from used shower water, used water for washing clothes, used water for washing equipment, and others. Greywater Processingcan be done by making an organic filter tank so that domestic liquid waste is not wasted directly on the ground or waterways. The filter tank can be filled with sand, soil, and filtering plants, such as water hyacinth, kangkung, and marigold, which will purify and reduce water pollution. The channeling of water used for bathing and washing to the filter tank is done gradually. The water used to wash the tableware will go into the grease trap first. Greywater can reduce environmental pollution and can be used as an alternative water source to overcome the problem of the amount of water that continues to decrease in urban areas. Water produced by management greywater managementcan be used for needs other than eating and drinking, such as cleaning toilets, washing toilets, and watering plants.

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2. Domestic Solid Waste Management

Domestic solid waste management can be done with the following processes.

1) Sorting

Sorting is one of the most common methods of solid waste management. This method is done by sorting or separating organic waste (wet waste) and inorganic waste (dry waste). Organic waste (wet waste) can be processed into organic fertilizer or compost. Meanwhile, inorganic waste (dry waste) can be sorted back to be given to scavengers or recycled to produce valuable goods.

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2) Container

Containerization is a temporary waste storage activity independently before being transported or transferred to a Temporary Storage Site (TPS) or a Final Processing Site (TPA). Containment is done by providing a container to separate inorganic waste based on its type or material,

3) Collection

The process of collecting solid waste is carried out by sanitation workers who come to each place to transport or transfer waste to the Temporary Storage Place (TPS). The solid waste collection process can also be done in another way, namely through direct communal. Direct communal is the process of collecting solid waste at each communal point to be directly transported to the Final Processing Site (TPA) without being moved first.

4) Transportation

The process of transporting solid waste in direct communal collection is done by using transport vehicles such as compactor trucks and arm roll trucks . Each vehicle has a capacity of 6 m3 and 4 m3. Compactor trucks have the advantage of compressing solid waste so that it can increase its carrying capacity. These two solid waste transport vehicles are equipped with hydraulic pull arms so that the loading or unloading of solid waste can be done more easily without direct contact with the waste.

5) Temporary Shelter (TPS)

Solid waste that has previously been collected and transported will be taken to the Temporary Storage Site (TPS). TPS is a storage place before the waste is moved back to the processing and recycling site or Final Processing Site (TPA).

6) Final Processing Site (TLP)

Solid waste that has reached the Final Processing Site (TPA) will be isolated or safely piled up so as not to cause disturbance to the environment. In addition to isolating or accumulating waste, TPA will also process waste by sorting waste, recycling inorganic waste, and composting organic waste.