Concave Mirror: Definition, Properties of Shadows, Characteristics, Formulas and Uses

The nature of the image of a concave mirror – Almost everyone, especially women, definitely needs a mirror. This is because the existence of a mirror is often used as a medium to tidy up appearance to make it look like make-up even better.

Simply put, a mirror is an object that can produce an image. In addition, a mirror can also be interpreted as an object that has a flat surface that functions to reflect the image perfectly.

Until now, there are three types of mirrors, namely concave mirrors, flat mirrors and convex mirrors. Each type of mirror has its own meaning and function. However, this article will explain more about concave mirrors.

Starting from the definition, the nature of the image of a concave mirror and various things related to concave mirrors, we will discuss together in this article.

Definition of Mirror

Previously discussed briefly related to the meaning of the mirror. However, this point will explain more broadly what a mirror is.

The mirror is an object that is easiest for us to find in the area in the house. In addition, mirrors are also often used for various purposes such as media for different purposes. This is none other than because basically the existence of a mirror is indeed used as a tool to tidy up appearance, see intersections, and can also be used to see the rear area as in the mirror function of motorized vehicles or cars.

The existence of the mirror itself is very useful for humans and can make various kinds of activities related to mirrors easier.

If seen from the explanation of the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI , a mirror can be interpreted as clear glass in which one side of the face will be painted with mercury or other materials. This is done so that the mirror is able to show the image of the object in the front area. Most mirrors are used for dressing up and other activities.

In addition, a mirror can also be interpreted as an object that has a smooth surface which is able to create a perfect reflection of an object’s image. The reflection of the shadow can be created by light reflecting vision.

Definition of Concave Mirror

In the initial explanation, it was explained that the mirror itself is divided into three types. One type of mirror is a concave mirror. Well, in this point we will explain the meaning of a concave mirror in general.

A concave mirror is a mirror that has a curved shape. Later, a concave mirror will be able to reflect light curved backwards. Thousands of years ago, mirrors were already known, but they still used sparkling stone material.

A concave mirror can also be interpreted as a mirror whose surface has a spherical-like part on the inside. A concave mirror also has the property of being able to gather light or converge which is also referred to as a positive mirror.

The converging nature of a concave mirror also makes it different from a convex mirror which has diverging properties or is capable of scattering light. Judging from the name, we can also imagine how the shape of a concave mirror.

The shape of a concave mirror is concave or curved inward. In addition, a concave mirror also has another name Concave.

The nature of the image of a concave mirror

Each type of mirror always has its own characteristics, which also applies to concave mirrors which have their own image characteristics.

The nature of the image of a concave mirror can be formed depending on the position of the object. To be able to know the nature of the image of a concave mirror, we also have to pay attention to several things as explained below.

  • The total space where the object is located and also the location of the image is always = 5.
  • The amount of space where the object is located and where the image is located is always +5
  • If the shadow space is larger (>) than the object, it will produce an enlarged image.
  • If the image space is smaller (<) than the object space, then the resulting image properties are reduced.
  • Only when the image in space 4 can have virtual image properties and also be upright.
  • The rest will have real and inverted properties.

The nature of the image of a concave mirror when the object distance is smaller than the focal length of the concave mirror (s < f)

  • Maya, which can be interpreted as the former light, will not pass through the shadows.
  • The image is neither inverted nor upright.
  • The farther the object is from the concave mirror, the larger the image size will be.
  • The farther the object is from the concave mirror, the farther the image will be from the concave mirror.
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The nature of the image of a concave mirror if the object is located at the focal point of the concave mirror or s=f

  • Maya will be formed which can be interpreted as the beam of light does not pass through the shadow.
  • The shadow will be upright and not inverted.
  • The shadow will be at infinity.

The nature of the image of a concave mirror when the object is between the focus point and the center point of the curvature of the concave mirror or can be written as f < s < R.

  • This condition will also provide several things as explained below.
  • Backwards.
  • When the object is further away from the concave mirror, the size of the image will also be smaller.
  • Real or the beam of light does not pass through the shadows.
  • When the object is farther away from the concave mirror, the image from the concave mirror is closer.

The nature of the image of a concave mirror when the object is at the center of the curvature of the concave mirror or can be written as s=R. Where this can cause several conditions as below.

  • Real, where the light beam passes through an inverted image.
  • The size of the object will be the same as the size of the image.
  • The distance from the object will be equal to the image distance.

The nature of the image of a concave mirror when the object distance is greater than the radius of curvature of the concave mirror or can be written as s>R.

In this case, it will give some conditions like those below.

  • Real means the light beam through the shadow
  • Real or light beam will pass through the shadow.
  • Reverse condition.
  • The farther the object is from the concave mirror, the smaller the image size will be.
  • The farther the object is from the concave mirror, the closer the image is from the concave mirror.

Characteristics of a Concave Mirror

Concave mirrors do not only have image properties. However, a concave mirror also has characteristics that distinguish it from other types of mirrors. Some of the characteristics possessed by a concave mirror are as follows.

  • Has convergent properties or is able to collect light.
  • Has a positive focal point or is in front of the reflecting surface.
  • There are five spaces for the location of objects and shadows.
  • A concave mirror has the property of an image.

It should also be noted that the nature of the image possessed by a concave mirror is not always the same. This is none other than because the nature of the image also depends on the location of the original object on the concave mirror. The nature of the image can change if the object is placed far enough from the concave mirror.

Special Rays of Concave Mirrors

A concave mirror is a type of spherical mirror that has a reflecting surface that is curved inward. In a concave mirror there are also five spaces for objects and images, a point of curvature or R and also a focal point or F. In addition, a concave mirror also has a positive focal point. That means, the focal point on a concave mirror will be in front of the reflecting surface.

The concave mirror has three special rays, which when the special rays are owned by a concave mirror, we will discuss together in the explanation below.

Special Light 1

The first special ray that is owned by a concave mirror is when the incident light is parallel to the main axis or the optical axis which will later be reflected to the focal point of the concave mirror.

Special Light 2

The second special ray that is owned by a concave mirror is when the light that comes through the focal point of the concave mirror will eventually be reflected parallel to the main axis or the optical axis.

Special Light 3

The third special ray that is owned by a concave mirror is when the light comes through the point of curvature or R the concave mirror will be reflected back towards the point of curvature or R.

The Process of Forming Images on a Concave Mirror

Step 1

After we know the three special rays that are owned by a concave mirror. Next we can more easily know the process of image formation on a concave mirror. For example, on an object that is placed in front of a concave mirror that is in space II between the curvature point or R and the focal point or F.

From this we can describe the light entering the concave mirror. First, we describe the rays from an incident object parallel to the principal axis. When viewed from a special beam, the beam will be reflected back to the focal point or F.

Step 2

Then, secondly, we can describe if the light from an object entering the mirror will pass through the focal point. When viewed from a special ray, the ray will be reflected back, but with a position parallel to the main axis.

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At the top of the image of the object that is at the point of intersection of the two reflected rays. In addition, the image also shows if the intersection point is in the third space area with the top of the shadow being down or upside down.

This can guarantee that the object in front of the mirror will be able to produce an image that is real, inverted and magnified. However, the image in a concave mirror is not always real, it is inverted and magnified. Basically, the process of forming an image on a concave mirror will follow the rules of special rays.

Concave Mirror Formula

Each type of mirror always has its own formula. This also applies to concave mirrors which also have a formula. Generally, the concave mirror formula is divided into two types, namely finding the magnification and the relationship between the focal length and the radius. So that you know even more, here is the concave mirror formula.

Magnification that occurs (M)

The relationship between the focal length and the radius is:

So: object distance to mirror
Si: image distance to mirror
F: focal
length R: mirror radius
M: image magnification
Ho: object height
Hi: image height

The Benefits of Concave Mirrors in Everyday Life

As previously explained, the nature of the image produced by a concave mirror varies depending on the layout of the object. This is able to make a concave mirror so useful in human life.

So maybe some of the examples below you’ve encountered around. So what are the benefits of concave mirrors in everyday life? Here is a full explanation.

1. Flashlight Or On Spotlights

In a flashlight or spotlight, a concave mirror is used to align the beam of light coming from the lamp. Apart from that, we can also find these uses on film projectors. Not only that, because car spotlights also use concave mirrors to get parallel beams.

2. Decorative Mirrors

An example of the use of a second concave mirror is used in decorative mirrors. Where a concave mirror can produce an enlarged virtual image. This will make it easier for humans to dress up.

3. Dentist Tools

A concave mirror is also used as a tool used by dentists in the process of examining a patient’s teeth. With the help of a concave mirror, it will be easier for the dentist to see areas in the mouth that are difficult to reach with naked eye vision.

4. Radio telescope

A radio telescope is a tool in the form of a concave mirror for the purposes of radio waves. The use of a concave mirror in a telescope in this case is used to produce a wide variety of clear images of the presence of dim objects in outer space.

5. Power Station

Concave mirrors are also commonly used in power plants. In power plants, concave mirrors are usually used as a medium for collecting solar energy.

6. Parabola

A concave mirror is also usually used as a medium for concentrating micro signals on satellite dish receiving stations. This is done with the aim that the resulting image or impression can be more specific and also clearer.

The difference between a concave mirror and a convex mirror

Both concave and convex mirrors have their respective functions. Of course, there are many things that can make a concave mirror different from a convex mirror. So below are some of the differences between a concave mirror and a convex mirror.

1. Understanding

Judging from the understanding, a concave mirror with a convex mirror has a fairly prominent difference. Where a concave mirror is a spherical mirror whose surface can become a climber and the center of curvature is on the same side of the mirror. Meanwhile, a convex mirror is a lunar mirror whose surface can act as a reflector with the center of curvature on the opposite side of the mirror.

2. Generated Image

The image produced by a concave mirror will form a real image with inverted conditions. Meanwhile, a convex mirror will produce an upright virtual image.

3. Nature of Shadows

The nature of the image possessed by a concave mirror is the best real magnified. As for the nature of the image that is owned by a convex mirror is virtual, upright and diminished.

4. Focal point

Next is from the focal point. The focal point of a concave mirror is in front of the mirror and the focal point of a convex mirror is behind the mirror.

5. Beam Effect

Finally, it will be seen from the effect of the beam which for a concave mirror is able to collect light or converge. Meanwhile, convex mirrors can scatter light or diverge.

Well, that’s a complete summary of all things related to concave mirrors . Hopefully all the discussion in this article can add insight as well as be useful for Sinaumed’s.

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Author: Hendrik Nuryanto

